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Monique already came out earlier and said Wendy is flip-floppy @DaytimeFan


Monique said in an interview that Wendy text and called her after the incident with Candaice and was saying on the phone that back then she was known for being a firecracker too. 


I believe Monique. 


We all saw that side of Wendy when she was calling Ashley all types of b*tches at the table. 


And when Wendy said that verbal and physical abuse aren't the same...

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. Clown. Wendy is a clown. Abuse is abuse no matter how it is done. 


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OMFG!!!!!!!!!! The tea that Monique gave out tonight on WWHL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Apparently Monique has the tea on Gizelle and Mr. Chocolate and plans on exposing ALL OF IT at the reunion. And as backup...she already forwarded to Andy Cohen either tonight or some time within the last year or so. 




And I am going to go ahead and be #TeamPorsha since she will be having Monique's back tonight on her show with Gizelle. Since if anyone knows how Monique would feel...it would be her. 


ETA: There IS  a part of the fight that did not air Monique revealed tonight involving why she ran after Candiace that night (but Twitter mentioned), but Bravo is holding that apparently until the reunion as well allegedly.  So...the reunion is going to be LIT.

I saw that today and felt the same. #TeamMonique


But...what does one expose from Doctor Wendy when she is Candiace's BFF?





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I agree with everyone about one thing: The RHOP episode was fantastic. IT was probably the best single HW ep. I've seen in a long time. It's second season of RHOBH quality.  I don't agree with everyone about anything else. The fact that Monique blacked out is scary, and that she still doesn't really take accountability is troubling to me. I'm sorry. I'm not of the "beat her ass" school when someone acts like a spoiled brat in front of someone. Are we now going to need a referee for the shows? IS it now going to be okay to punch a fellow housewife when they get "mouthy?" I find that such a scary attitude especially where we are at in the world. The world has gone mad, and I don't want to see housewives duking it out.


As the show clearly laid out, Candaice had been trying to deal with Monique in a straightforward way, but Monique was the one causing problems and looking for a fight. I'm sure it had more to do with off-camera stuff because I could not understand Monique's hostility. I also find Monique's running after her to be beyond the pale. I'm not a Candaice fan especially after her homophobic comments were revealed, but Monique needs serious therapy.. 


I'm not a Karen fan, but I thought she was fine. I thought Wendy made the most sense, and she was talking sense that Monique just didn't want to listen to. However, I will take Gizelle over KAren any day. She makes this show: bringing the bodyguard, the notes, connecting Monique's past (so she can help editors), walking off, etc. Gizelle is truly the star of the show. She's what Kyle aspires to be, but will never be.

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Well...let's see how well this goes. HIGH Wine night. lol. Early apologies for the sentence structure.


But after two showings, it has definitely been an absorbing episode. I can see why you all loved it. I agree. There are so many layers to this episode and watching it has been interesting BOTH times. I think for me where my opinion has differ has been that people were willing to listen. I definitely think Monique handled it well, but I felt like Robyn, Dr. Wendy, and Gizelle already had their minds made up before they made it to Karen. They simply wanted to be in on the tea or were looking for their moment. (c) Kenya Moore. Which btw Gizelle...you're not flawless like her. HAHAHAHA!!!! And Karen just said what I said...Gizelle already had her mind made up. 


It's interesting to watch this now in light to the fact this was filmed a year ago. And knowing that the dynamic shift is STILL very much in effect today.


MONIQUE. I felt that Monique kept it completely real. What the other girls appeared to act like they don't remember was that this fight was only DAYS ago. No one has a right to say how long it should take Monique to process that. Even now I feel Monique is explaining herself clearly and as best she can and all Robyn, Wendy, and 'Last Lady' (if you watched WWHL, you get the reference) want to do is drag her down. There's holding her accountable and there's just kicking someone when they are clearly down...that's not what those three were doing. There have been times I have done something and been remorseful and been accused of not being that just because I am I am not a sobbing mess. Embarrassed? Maybe. Remorseful given my ethics? For sure. But I have OWNED that. I felt that unlike Candiace (right now) Monique even now was owning it. And going forward, she wants to do better. Her journey moving forward will be the interesting one for sure just given what we know as viewers and what we know of the world in terms of how black people (and women) are proceeded. I was sad that Monique was willing completely to leave the group to make everyone happy.


KAREN. God, she is going through it. And I could see it. Your two close friends falling out and trying to stay neutral. Understandable. And Candiace is already trying to make her choose. And I love that Karen has enough backbone to be...I am here for both of you, but don't try me. lol.  And as usual, she saw through Gizelle easily. She also got Robyn together quickly when she wanted to shame Karen for having Monique's back. But at the same time, she did hold Monique accountable. And she did it all with grace. She even treated the bodyguard well while making sure he knew he was not part of this conversation whether he was there or not. 


GIZELLE. Four years. You worked on that speech for four years and it STILL fell flat. I liked that Monique saw you for what you were in that speech, saw you were trying for a moment, and dismissed you easily with no fandom. LOL!!! And then she talked about image. You? Image? When you are dating MR. CHOCOLATE???  No wonder Twitter is dragging you. And to add on that...not that you done PO Monique, Monique is about to air you out to dry at the reunion per her revelations on WWHL and I AM HERE FOR THAT. 


ROBYN. You have no horse in this race. NONE given you got in Ashley's face at Oz. You got in front of an umbrella after that. And that does not even begin to touch on what you said at the Season 1 reunion, mini-Nene. There were so many times I said STFU in regards to you, but

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WENDY. In light of Monique's interview today...yeeeeeeah I am kinda over her now. While it was expected that Wendy would have Candiace's back since she is Candiace's BFF, given she was the one taking Candiace's knives away pre-fight, I would think she would see and understand where Candiace was wrong in the fight as well. And mentioning her hs experience should give her some empathy for Monique, but I saw none of that. 


ASHLEY. Barring that promo showing Ashley turning on Karen which hopefully is just misdirection, I continue to love she has Monique's back and was willing to give the benefit of the doubt. And her expressions were EVERYTHING tonight. She knew how crazy Candiace could be and some of those looks were 'yeah...I see why you drag her, girl.'


CANDIACE. I don't like that she didn't own her part in the fight. Even when the therapist was slightly pushing her to see where she was wrong. Heck, she lied a bit. So she loses face in my book during a season where she was making so much redemptive ground after how she was last season as Ashley 2.0. 


Great episode. Great WWHL tonight with Andy thinking he was going to pull a Denise Richards on Monique only to have her turn the tables on him and spill so much tea...which probably means if he tries to control the narrative...she ALSO has proof she can use on him...this year's reunion will be LIT and I expect Monique 1) will own her actions, but 2) will be dragging EVERYONE who does not. 









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I don’t see how Candiace can be crying victim with those stupid squares of tissue that she she uses to dab the tiny amount of tears she manages to conjure up.

She totally brought the fight on by running her big mouth over and over asking Monique to drag her. I see in the previews she calls her mean mommy that she wants freedom from to rescue her. She’s absolutely disgusting. If anything I fault her more than Monique. Monique was reacting. Was she wrong? Yes but.

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Gutter trash. 


POTOMAC: Wow, that was a ride! Definitely one of the all-time best episodes of any franchise. Right up there with Scary Island. 


I *loved* that piping hot tea Monique spilled on WWHL. So direct and matter-of-fact. You know she has ALL those receipts lined up and ready to dish out when the time is right come reunion time. From Gizelle's 8-year affair to the Candaice/Charrisse/Gizelle plan to say her child was the product of an affair with her trainer... it's all coming out and I can't wait to see it play out. Wow. 


Kudos to Karen and Ashley for having Monique's back. 


Side Note:  I can see this being Monique's exit, by her own choice. Set it on fire and walk away as it burns down... 


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If Gizelle, Wendy and Robyn had their minds up, can't we say the same about Ashley and Karen? I thought Robyn and Wendy made excellent points. Blacking out, having to be restrained in a stairwell, and then running to attack the person??? That is some serious stuff, and as I've said, I find it frightening that so many people think it's perfectly acceptable. I was not here for Rinna throwing the glass and trying to strangle Kim (and I can't stand Kim) and I'm not here for Monique until she goes through anger management. 


Tamra must be cackling to herself every day. Kelly is a prime example of why you don't need to raise your hands to someone. In most cases, these housewives ALWAYS reveal themselves. They always stumble when they think they are the HBIC. They always go one step too far, and then the truth comes out.


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And if Monique has shown anything by her IG LIVE...she has ALL THE RECEIPTS.  And has no problem binding her time to get them together for Show and Tell.


So...if he knows what's good for him...Andy better not try to play favorites.


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ETA: Well, Monique has definitely said if she left it will be by choice. She also has said she would stay to spite them Green Eyes. lol. so I guess we will see.


I don't think anyone is making light of how serious it is. And it would be one thing if they were showing some compassion or even true empathy. Emphasis on TRUE.


Karen just brought up what was already there. Gizelle had made up her mind. She had never forgave Monique for 'I have four homes'...or Kendall not that that was Monique's fault cuz it was Charisse...who admitted it to Giz's face. She was about a moment...not what are we going to do with this woman. And Robyn goes where Gizelle goes. The blog talk is irrelevant. We are here about how to help this woman who made a big mistake that she at least was owning. Whether she needs prayer, anger management which she was up for if I remember correctly, therapy like Candiace, or something else, they were determined to be a certain way. A person can be held accountable and still showed compassion. It is not either/or.  Especially when the person explained themselves versus 'I'm going to do what I want, blah, blah, forget you.' Given her history as well, Monique has earned the benefit of the doubt...if not with Wendy, then for sure with Robyn. It's why she has that with Ashley and Karen who both have had their moments on the show.


Not sure about Wendy, but even if (okay when) Monique goes to work on bettering herself, my point is that the Green-Eyed Bandits would STILL find some kind of fault just to dislike her. For me, watching that's why I said they made up their minds. And they should own that for what it is. JEALOUSY. For Wendy, I felt it was more being Candiace's BFF.


Not that bad points weren't made. They were good points. However, they do not appear (especially Gizelle) to be coming from a good place. 


As for Kelly Dodd...well, we here are going on two years now saying all that. She's not an OG, but Bravo wants to tighten their money belt and have had no problem letting Housewives hang themselves in public. And at this point she is just trash and do need to go.


Now if they would do the same with Jax and the rest of those having the 'pregnancy' pact over on VPR...




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Re: Denise F**king Richards gif for Monique's receipts. Yep! And we know Monique's delivery will be eons better than Denise's reunion performance. 


WORD to the part in bold. And as I said last week, my husband has made immense progress in his own therapy for dealing with anger issues. Has hubby lashed out? Absolutely. Does he regret his actions? Absolutely. Does he still have moments where he WANTS to get physical? Absolutely. Does he? Absolutely not. 


HOWEVER... hubby was literally having a trigger moment watching Potomac last night and seeing this narrative of Candiace trying to paint herself as this innocent victim. It is something that my hubby's former friend did in order to make herself look innocent without fault, while making my hubby look like a typical angry black man. I had to quickly diffuse the situation and not let REAL television affect REAL life. No, he didn't pop off, but you could tell he wanted to take a break from watching to let out a mini vent. It hits close to home for him. 


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Hahahaha. Going by what very little tea has been spilled...I love that production knows how to keep so much under wraps like I don't even think you can find the original posts about the Michael vs Chris fight now. They are that good. I told my cousin if we thought the Season 4 reunion was crazy, this upcoming one was going to be LIT. And if Monique is right about how the rest of this season should be showing her recovery from the fight, I bet she will be on better standing by the time the reunion is showed to the audience. And for her, not only will it be about her taking accountability, but also setting the record straight on any inconsistencies (why are you friends with Gizelle again?) shown during the season. Should be fun.

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I am sorry to hear that about your hubby. Trigger moments are the worst. 

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I do think people are making light of what Monique did. I've read endless "I hope she got Candaice good," "Candaice deserved a whipping," "Keep it up Monique! Punch Gizelle!" I found that mindset deeply troubling. I think some people are excusing Monique because of who she attacked. If it had been Karen, would people be so quick to excuse her actions?? I know I'm in a losing battle with this point since most of the people on this board are pro-Monique, but I think what Monique did was horrible. When you are so angry that you black out, have to be restrained, and then run off to kill someone, you need serious help. In real life, I would never feel safe around someone like that. KAren and Ashley were always going to side with Monique and Gizelle and Robin were going to side against Monique. I don't see why one standpoint is more troubling than the other.


I'm not a Candaice fan, so this isn't about her at all. I look sideways at her since the tweets, but if Denise could keep her cool and not punch anyone in the coven, Monique could restrain herself. Am I wrong, or wasn't Monique in a drunk driving incident and it was reported that she had lied about it? Or was it another Potomac housewife? Now we know Monique lied about giving the information to the blogs. I also think anything Monique brings to the reunion about JAmal is going to be redundant. We all know he's scum. Nothing could be as devastating as what Gizelle's father said. 

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On that we are going to have to agree to disagree. While I've seen what you seen in terms of people's opinions on Monique, most of the tweets have gone on to say why whether it's a generational thing of old school of 'don't start none, won't be none', the position of 'who hasn't', or the position of 'it's a show so drama, and yes, I liked it BUT guess what...Monique was still wrong.' Joking as coping mechanism yeah. But not lightly. Given we live in a world of rugby, UFC, and football so these things still happen. People are called out. People sometimes are punished. But people usually are held accountable for it. I feel people would still be the same way if it was Karen. HOWEVER, since I also feel it is a generational thing Monique probably would not go there with Karen due to the old school 'respect your elders' school of thought. Even during the fight...with all that security...Karen was the one who got through to Monique. In her blackout condition she could have easily accidentally attacked any one there. (one of the points brought up last night). But...she didn't. And this is where (the other point) Wendy's point that she was trying to mention last night comes into play...Monique had some kind of coherence to know some of what was going on. A start. To recovery. Now why? Most of us kinda know what started it by this point. So no need to talk there. 


Now a Monique fan does not instantly make one a Candiace hater. I know I've mentioned since the season started that Candiace appeared to be on a redemptive arc this season after being Ashley 2.0 last season. A lot of people here have been very adamant that they were both at fault in the fight. And both appear to be seeking or about to be seeking help for that. Again, I can understand why you personally would not feel safe after that. That is a valid point to bring up. And it was brought up. But again...I feel you are being genuine. I cannot say that for some of Monique's cast members and have expressed why. 


You're not wrong. Monique was in a drunk driving incident. It has been a minute so my memories might be foggy, but that was the source of drama between her and Ashley for a good minute due to Ashley being Ashley if I remember correctly saying she had more to drink than she had. I believe after some back and forth, Monique owned that as well. They didn't get along for a bit and now they do. Progress. 


Perhaps it's not so much about what Mr. Chocolate is but what Gizelle pretends to be.

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