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Howso? If you don't mind me asking. What do you see?


Yeah as far as OC Housewives heading for a fall, I would think it is Kelly's turn since she's been nothing but nasty since CoVid started. But they do like their Brandi of the OC. 





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Thanks for giving me the heads up. My schedule totally had a new episode flagged for tonight and even subtitled it Season 15.


Yeah, i like her chemistry with Diko. IA it was an unusual, transitional season and therefore it felt off. But still a pretty easy watch.

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I could do without OC, NJ, and BH (even though the latter drives so much pop culture chatter). Dallas never registered for me. To be honest, only Potomac and, on a much lower level, NYC feel essential. I’m still somewhat invested in the dynamics of ATL, and we shall see if SLC lights a spark. Curious where these franchises will stand five years from now.

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The usual targeting of somebody (Vicki, Lydia, Peggy) whereby she makes herself the victim so that she can hold a grudge against them. I suspect this is how she has dealt with conflict all her life. It will be interesting to see how she stands on her own this season without being highly co-dependent on Tamra.


Melbourne just has this naughty, no Fs to give, sense of humor. Love it.


Same. Those comments about 'we need to thin the herd' were so awful. She is the kind of person who seems to rejoice in other people getting punished and penalised -- which perhaps explains why she is supportive of the WH's current miserable squatter.


I guess if I hadn't started watching S12, I probably wouldn't be into this new series of OC. A few HWs on that show felt played out last season,  though i enjoyedthe season as a whole. As someone else on this thread mentioned a few weeks ago, the current cast feels like the B team. Still, I'm ready to give them a go. 

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I’m happy to see y’all praising season 12 of RHOC, their last good season! Replacing Lydia and Peggy with Emily and Gina killed the franchise imo. I’m so thankful Salt Lake City is coming because I will not be watching this upcoming season. 

Speaking of, we have a super trailer for Salt Lake City. This looks *amazing* and much better than I anticipated. I also love the graphics for the opening with the snowflakes. 



I feel like this could be another Potomac in terms of coming out of nowhere and just being amazing. This has a style of its own and these women seem very open to showing their lives if these trailers are anything to go by. I was stunned to see them openly say Mary is sleeping with her grandpa lol. I can’t wait!


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@Chris B It really does feel like the last good season in some ways. OC seemed to be trying to become something else, something it is not, in S13. I can't explain or put my finger on how, it just felt.... different.


The trailer does look kind of juicy. There was a moment there that it gave me a sort of Vancouver vibe. I know people are uncertain about the role religion(s) play in these women's lives, or the fact that Utah isn't that well-known as a state, but i'm looking forward to this rather unique vibe. I've been to both SLC and Park City, the locales are stunning. Also, it's a heartland state, not a coastal one, and that's different from some of the other franchises. Also the cast is truly mixed in terms of background, religion and race, which hasn't really been Bravo's M.O. up until now.

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OOOOooooooooooo...this is sOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better. I liked the first one and liked I said before (and agree with @Cat), it gives Vancouver vibes. The trailer so reminds me of the Season 1 trailer. Now...who is the Christina? lol.


Jen looks like she will be THAT chick. I love Mary's 'Don't Get Ghetto.' And some of guys were not ugly. It appears to be organic and if they were friends beforehand, I really think it has to the potential to be juicy fun. 


And you all are making me curious. Okay...and so is Twitter. So let me ask...


I know I've mentioned that I'm curious enough to watch OC to see how they deal with Co-Vid in general, Shannon's journey with it, and then a season without Tamra/Vicki because like a few of the other shows this year...they are so going to be signs of their time since they either happened pre, during, post-lockdown Co-Vid (even SOUTHERN CHARM will be dealing with it...and white prelivege...and diversity after a boring last season that makes me want to look in), but...


...is anyone else going to be watching OC this season? 

It has been such a looong time. I remember Shannon targeting Vicki. Lydia just happened to see right through her...which I liked, but did Shannon keep going in on her? I agree...like I said above...I actually want to see how Shannon deals with Co-Vid and also want to see her without Tam or Vick.


#preach Re: Melbourne

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@Taoboi For me OC is a for sure no. The new housewife and Kelly have turned me off by going full on MAGA and I feel like the only A Team Housewives left are Kelly (who is no longer likable) and Shannon. Braunwyn is still new and Gina and Emily are flops. I don’t mind Vicki and Tamra leaving, but it’s the wrong cast to follow up their exit IMO. I’ll likely wait until a few episodes have aired and see what people say. 

I also noticed on Twitter that people with screeners of the first episode are saying it wasn’t good and they’ll need Tamra back. Typically the people who get screeners always hype it regardless of content. That tells me it really ain’t good. 

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I'm another one who thinks Peggy was unfairly axed. I thought it was great how she stood up to Shannon. I've never liked Shannon and Lydia/Peggy coming for her was great. I felt the season took a nosedive around the trip because it felt oddly edited as if they we were leaving out the context of so many of the scenes. We now know the editors and Bravo were protecting Kelly so I'm wondering if there was more ISIS type comments made and that's why the editing was so choppy. Compare the Ireland trip to Iceland and the editing is vastly different. I'm not Lydia fan, but she got to Shannon so it was fun to watch. Like Carlton/Joyce in season four of RHOBH, Peggy and Lydia were blamed for the show's problems when it was the other women. 


I'm not in the mood for MAGA housewives. The new housewife and her "we need to respect all opinions" b.s. already has me checked out. Racism is not like debating the difference between rocky road and mint chocolate chop ice cream. While I do like Emily and I think she was a hidden gem of the last season, I don't want political talk of the MAGA kind on a hw show. I don't think it was Vicki being phased out/fired that ruined the show. I don't think the show ever recovered from the Detective MEghan finds out Brooks doesn't have cancer season. Vicki and Brooks were so disgusting that it cast a pall over future seasons. Since Vicki was never honest, there was no way she could ever really come back to be the main focus she used to be. I know a lot of people wanted Tamara gone, but I still feel it should have been Shannon. She was horrific the last few years. She only looks in comparison to her ex and Vicki. Tamara (for all of her faults) knew how to play the game, but she overplayed her hand at a time when Bravo was looking to cut costs. I think they'll regret it.

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Agree with so much of this. I liked both Peggy and Lydia (both in S8 *AND* S12). The problem with Peggy was her inability to verbalise her side of things and pin the other women down. Part of it was the fact that she is probably speaking Armenian half the time and so English is a sort of second language. Part of it was the fact that she was traumatised by her double mastectomy and the loss of her parents, and was on Xanax. And Kelly, Tamra, Shannon and Meghan played on that and gaslit Peggy all through reunion so that she could barely get a word in. I include Detective Meghan amongst the OCoven. According to Peggy, Meghan was ki-ki-ki-ing alongside Shannon and Tamra to Kelly's ISIS remark. Meghan has always been one of the most irritating RHs IMO. To see her lecture Lydia about the Bible and homophobia at reunion, and then learn she was a total Karen when it came to Peggy's culture kind of justifies my bias against her! LOL.


I also agree about Emily being a hidden gem last season. She brought the authentic SL, the pathos and even a few laughs. I honestly would rather have Lydia there than Gina TBH. Emily can stay.


I am not sure Tamra should have been fired either. It's not that I need to see her being a mean b*tch -- it's that I need to see her getting called out on it and held to account! I enjoyed last season, and a lot of the pot-stirring she did was fairly inconsequential and gave some impetus to the season. Without her there, I feel like the show is lopsided. 


We know there are a bunch of Trumpers on the RH shows, but up until now, I've been ok with all those hoes keeping their political opinions largely to themselves. I am not interested in seeing a party political broadcast on behalf of the MAGA Party, especially not this close to the election.



Got to say, Kenya looks absolutely flawless here.

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Rumor is that we are in for a soft reboot of BH next season with Denise gone, Teddi fired and Erika allegedly demoted.


If true I am laughing at Confessional Thug's failed attempt at securing her spot at the reunion.


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