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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I think the implosion of the LVP + Ken + PK friendship actually had an impact on Dorit and she saw what the consequences were for standing by Kyle's actions. What Dorit did/didn't do with Doggate could have been fixed, but what she did by standing with Kyle and John Mellancamp's formerly overweight daughter, could not.


Of course, the only thing Kyle lost was her relationship with LVP, which she hadn't given a flying damn about, if ever, for years. PK, on the other hand, in losing Ken and LVP, lost real friends and that had to be something he discussed with Dorit in the off season. I think that's why we are seeing a Dorit who is thinking for herself and not joining the bandwagon as she did in the past.

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I CANT with the false tears and playing victim from Rinna. I liked her on Days but her acting aint that good


I LOVED seeing Garcelle check Kyle (and Dorit) . I bet this is the moment that will solidify her as the target for next season if she returns






Had this Denise mess not been a thing, I bet they'd have taken Garcelle's comment about Rinna's parenting as the recurring topic they beat the horse over in every dinner scene


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Garcelle can gather each and every one of these heffas, and she has Black Twitter as reinforcements. This is an example of “I wish a muthafûcka would.”

If this ever happens, let me know when to tune in, as I refuse to voluntarily watch that show again. (EDIT: unless there are serious changes.)

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Wait. Irrelevant stalker. I...


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But seriously the bold. We might watch for the drama from time to time, but we also want to see the real. Part of the reason that the BELOW DECK franchise is crashing since some of that real was nasty with the Brus on the flagship, Adam and Jenna's toxic relationship on SAILING YACHT, and now the drama on BELOW DECK MED where the captain and nasty cocaine doing (allegedly according to a recently fired cast member for racist tweets) bosun are gaslighting the main star of that show and putting a bad light on mental health at the wrong time to do that in the world. One can be real WITHOUT the manipulation and nasty.


I agree on Garcelle. If everyone was to come back, Erika eventually would have to pick a side. Dorit I like because it appears she has been talked to and thought about how she looks and has really worked hard to work on her image and is coming across as likeable. People rarely mention her with the Coven now, enjoying her delusion, her fashion, and her playful humor. And while Garcelle is the Greek choir, Dorit is coming across as voice of reason. And she gets along with Garcelle and I love Sutton's friendship growing with Garcelle.


THAT'S WHAT IT WAS? I was thinking that Lipsa looked odd in the scene (and in her forthcoming until cut out scene with her and Denise later on when she tells Denise 'ooooh  you are so angry.'), but couldn't put my finger on it. I see now.  Before she came for Garcelle, I would have thought maybe Lipsa could bow back if she left BH. Even with her age, she is known to play colorful characters and I would think someone would love to write one for her on a show. If her bridges aren't already burned.







lol. But thank you. I try my best. Great moments but I think I am ready for the reunion now if it is going to be edit, edit, edit.


Thank God for Sutton and Dorit  (and Garcelle with Denise) for laughs. They are the dream team at this point.



Those scenes were such things of beauty.


I keep watching the Kyle one personally. Hehe.

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Pat the Puss Johnson makes her living because of gay men, but she said nothing about the relentless homophobic attitudes surrounding the big “secret.” Not one word. She sat there looking as if she had been weaned on an expired grapefruit. I know these women have made a pact never to talk about each other’s real-life dramas, but it was disgusting how  “let me perform at gay pride” Erika Jayne never called them out for it.

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Sigh, allegedly Wendy and Karen are still feuding. Wendy needs to stop before I stop liking her. She is coming a bit too hard for me especailly since we havent see anything on air yet to get her this hype 

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I have a theory that watching those S1 reruns of BH a few weeks ago is what has Twitter waking up to Kyle's machinations. Many of us have known since S1 Ep 1 what Kyle was all about, but latecomers to the show finally see it. They've also noticed her way of playing victim to deflect attention from what she is actually trying to do: gaslight Kim, and Camille, take down LVP, and now target Denise. And the Coven use the same victim tactics. 


Rinna squeezing out those dusty tears was exactly that. I've never seen such poor acting. Like @Cheap21 said, I liked her on Days, she was v good in that SL where her stepfather attacked her, but this was poss-poor. The only moment I somewhat believed her was when she said she has become someone she doesn't recognise. Because in trying to be the big bad baller pitting people againsteach other, she has thrown longtime real friends under the bus for fame and this show. Her RL friends must be watching this and wondering if she is in any way trustworthy. Not sure her daughters 100% trust her either.


And then we get Farmer John in that misshapen hat borrowed from Kyle. Teddi has been attacked on social media so I don't want to pile on, but God she is a sanctimonious little wannabe. The Trauma of being called a Mean Girl! *clutches pearls*


No wonder Denise and Garcelle got the hell out of that restaurant. It was toxic and nasty, with smug Vyle giggling behind her napkin.


The victim game has ruined BH and has gone on for too long.


And that preview of Brandi. First, she's starting to look like Adrienne, who is 20 years her senior. Secondly, and im no prude, but she reduces everything to the pornagraphic. This hookup may have happened, who cares, but she's playing it salicious and tacky.


100% agree with @chrisml about Erika. It occurs to me that her playing up to Denise last year about her and Aaron being her favourite porn was an attempt to trap Denise even back them in revealing salacious details and then using it against her.

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Exactly. It's like a gynaecological exam. This woman has kids. Why is she selling herself for crumbs? This is the same woman who went on one of those boot camp shows to have her father call her a prostitute. It's depressing but at least her outside matches the inside. 



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Missed your post the first time around. Great analysis as always. (BTW, I am watching High Society, the Tinsley/Gossip Girl offshoot you recommended. What a crazy ride!)


ITA re: your comments about the last dinner. Denise nearly broke the fourth wall, like she wanted to openly reference the show and how it requires someone to be the target. When she told Kyle "you drag in Brandi," it was such a lowkey yet significant moment. It really clarified how Kyle orchestrated so much of this.  


(Also Kyle walking into the pizza parlor with her hand glued to her pocket like she was Dorit making a big entrance. 

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 Kyle is so cringe).


I don't think the facelift looks that bad on Rinna? It gives her a refined jawline which looks great made up and with her hair slicked back, but perhaps less so bare.


I am curious to know @DaytimeFan what you made of Denise-Rinna's convo one-on-one and what she said in the car after to Sutton and Garcelle about needing church more than anyone (lol)  and not having been herself for a long time. The requirements of reality TV wearing on her? There is something so guarded and predatory about her these days. I don't know what is going on with her. She is throwing ALL her chips in with RHOBH. Surely she has a couple of Lifetime/cable movies left in her!


We have not seen any QVC this season. She has no other enterprise to promote, apart from Far East slave factory overstock fronted by her joyless daughters.

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I found it totally empty and depressing. There was nothing hot about it -- she screamed it for shock value, so that everybody would go "EW GROSS" and be horrified and titillated.


Brandi looks worn down, a shell of herself. Her eyes look very sad and there is no life or fire in them. Her connection with BH is toxic for her, but she is obsessed and cannot let it go. 



No way Candiace wants to talk to Ashley privately! She just cannot take accountability for the things she has said and done.


That throwback Karen read was so fantastic, omg.


"Now I want you to understand me clearly when I say this. You talked about the fact that you and Michael do the pull-out method? I suggest you let him stay in. Ejaculate. Procreate. And get a baby of your own. Move off of mine.

Don't you ever

Don't you ever bring my children

Until you become a woman, a real woman, a mother, DO NOT EVER EVER put my child's name in your mouth again."

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That Karen rant is why I can never fully get behind her. A real woman is only a woman who has children? Come on now! If Gizelle said that, Karen would be all over her for being sexist and dismissive.


I see Rinna's daughter is trying to milk Garcelle's comment for all it's worth. Rinna must have told her that her allowance was at stake. We're seeing a lot more family photos these days. Hmmm..wonder why.

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YW good sir.



Hmmm...another interesting cut scene from the episode when everyone was at Kyle's house...a hint of the Denise claws as well...



I think this is definitely the year that if they have a LOST EPISODE episode I will be watching to see what juicy things were left out. Same as with RHOA this year, I suspect there will be some important scenes that should have stayed in the normal episodes...


Meanwhile, I was curious per Cat's comment to see what was going on online (besides Lipsa melting down) and heard that SammiJo and her family was getting death threats. For the record, I feel I should say that I have sympathy for the family...especially her kids given what just happened with the baby she just had. I have however fell out of liking her as a person or even respecting her. So much so that I am not sure I fully believe her. Not helped by people over her recent video mentioning that no one had seen what she is saying online and/or answering questions to the effect of 'how true is this?'. Just the feeling of doubt is worrying. So...I'm going to be a grownup...especially in light of some personal things going on in my own life...and give her that benefit of the doubt. .Just it is just too scary that fans cannot separate her from her family and would even attempt to harm them. That is just wrong. 



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Personally I think Teddi is lying about the attacks. Every thing she posts on twitter gets ratioed and she knows that and purposely posts things to get a response. I’m sure some people said bad things (every celeb gets that), but I highly doubt everybody was talking about her family. I think she’s using it for sympathy and to maintain her diamond. 

Teddi and Kyle were on WWHL and Andy let both of them have it. He called Kyle out on her previous comments about Brandi being a liar, called Teddi out on her lies last season, accused them of being bi-phobic. It was a bad night and you could tell Andy wasn’t feeling them. Contrast that with the love fest for Garcelle and Sutton the previous week and him tweeting how their episode was the highest rated in 3 years. 

I think Kyle and Teddi are simply doing damage control because they aren’t well liked right now. I’m really curious how a season 11 will look if Denise, Garcelle and Sutton return as fan faves. Will Kyle and others play nice?

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