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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Bravo now needs to tell Monique and Candiace to knock it off and threaten some firings, like they did with Vicki and her suit against Bravo and Kelly. That lawsuit was retracted in two days.


I hear ratings for RHODallas are low and nobody is watching. That is too bad because I am really enjoying this season, more so than last season even. I like that we see the HWs individual lives. Stephanie in particular is opening up a lot of her life, including her marriage, her struggle with depression, and her friendships. Loved her going to Medieval Times with Travis and the two gingers. Also her opening up to her mom and Kary about Kameron. Her mom is absolutely lovely and wise. Kary is growing on me too. Stephanie delineates very well why the fight with Kameron triggered her. She also has a lot of awareness about D'Andra's drinking and how she gets drunk so that Leeann will look after her. Sadly, I dont think Leeanne will ever want to reconcile with D'Andra.


Kameron doing archery with her husband and daughter was really cute.


They say the producers are already putting out casting calls to change up the Dallas cast. And with the news that a new city might be added to RH, it makes me worried for Dallas's future prospects. 


Thanks! I thought it was strange Kyle wasn't on the BH panel as Bravo promoted her appearance when they first announced BravoCon. I was looking at the wrong schedule. 

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LVP did indeed appear tonight, but left before the RHOBH cast went on stage lol. She got a huge reaction too. As for the future of Dallas, I think it's safe since they're already casting for next season. I just can't imagine how long it can go on with these ratings. It must do really well with delayed viewing.


My biggest question with this upcoming new city is what kind of wealth level it'll have. Also curious if they'll go with the all black or white cast or (gasp!) an integrated cast. I wonder if this might be the untitled HWs spin-off airing on Peacock. Regardless, it would be stunning if they do a full cast reveal at Bravo Con. That would be an iconic end to such a long awaited event. 

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@Cat I think people aren't watching Dallas b/c they committed the same sin of Miami season 3--Bravo f-cked up the already established chemistry by adding Kary and getting rid of Cary, and they focused too heavily on Leeanne's wedding. They should've taken a page from RHOP with Candiace's wedding and only focused on it about 2 episodes max. It's overkill. I think Dollar Tree Kary (nuKary) has to go this season. She sticks out like a sore thumb. I'd re-add Cary Deuber to the show along with Tiffany. To add diversity to the cast, I'd add Claudia Jordan (previously of RHOA) as she's friends with some of the Dallas girls and a Latina woman to mix. Dare I say it but this is one of the many shows that needs to stack the cast. They need about 9-10 interesting housewives on a show to make this show pop and never provide us with a filler episode. Dallas can't afford it at this point. 


Moving on to Salt Lake City being announced as the new city, I don't see it fitting the Housewives mold. I don't think this is gonna read well on TV. 

Bravo should've seriously just revived DC and Miami. They should've given them a "where are they now" type season with 10 episodes and if the ratings popped, they could've officially revived the shows.


I hope I am proven wrong and this show pops. I just don't see it. 


In regard to BravoCon, I am glad that LVP got the loudest pop by the crowd it was well deserved. ET asked Kyle if she saw LVP this weekend would she speak and she said she would. She said they were seated at a restaurant recently and Kyle tried to speak but LVP ignored her. 

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I’m actually really excited about this new city. It isn’t what I expected, like a Chicago or New Orleans, which makes me think it must be a pretty good group of ladies they found. SLC can either be judgy, chruchy, republican type that will embarrass themselves and their city, or sister wives type where it’ll expose weird crap that will draw me in. Either way would make me happy. 

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Did you see the video where Kyle was on a panel for reunion fashions? She apparently got the least amount of applause. Hell, even TamRat got more applause than her. It was embarrassing. 

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I did find it odd and smart on Bravo's part that they didn't do a BH panel. Given that LVP fans were rampant, those women would've gotten torn to shreds and rightfully so. 


Scratch that. I stand corrected. The BH panel is tomorrow. 


Oh it is gonna be so juicy when those LVP Stans get to these women. 

Edited by NothinButAttitude
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@NothinButAttitude As I said, I am a real fan of this season. I feel a lot of fondness for the core group. And Kary has grown on me as a cast member, especially her interaction with Stephanie, Kameron and her nemesis Leeanne. But ITA with you that sidelining Cary Deuber was a mistake, especially with her lifestyle and horrendous husband. Kary should have been Karolina and an addition, not a replacement. I see your point about recruiting potential new HWs (Big Rich Texas anyone?), filming them, and seeing who meshed well. And while Leeanne's wedding buildup was not nearly as bad as S3 Miami (which was a total drag), they should have limited it to 4 or 5 episodes max, not 10. Sigh. I just hope Dallas manages to hang on with most of its core group intact but I have a feeling big changes are a-coming.


Thrilled to hear about the big cheers LVP got after The Betrayal. I cannot believe Kyle whined about being at the same restaurant as LVP and LVP ignoring her. What did she expect?? Kyle had been plotting to get LVP off BH for years! 


I hope we get some interesting tea from today's BH panel audience. Will Rinna and Erika even deign to show?


@alwaysAMC I personally hope RHOSLC does not go the Sister Wives route as TLC has that market covered! Having visited Salt Lake, I am somewhat surprised it was picked as I thought Bravo would choose a more glitzy coastal city. SL is very Mormon, traditional, white. However, because it is quite religious, there is also plenty of repression, secrets, judgemental HWs and gossip (I went to a wedding and it was crazy the amount of gossip! Female divorcees especially were the subject of much talk). I heard the RH franchises are very popular there -- ironic in such a family-oriented environment. There may not be as much drinking, though, lol. Like @Chris B I am very curious to see an extended trailer and the HWs featured.

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