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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I thought tonight would be the finale! IMO they could have condensed this episode into half of next week's.


I was thinking I would miss Carole after she's gone -- but then she brought up Tinsley's abusive relationship to explain her reaction on the boat.

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 Carole is that girl, who reminds her BFFs of their failures in order to slap them with her superiority. She and Bethenny are made for each other. 


I like what Ramona has done to her Hamptons home (namely update the kitchen). Bethenny's new apartment looks identical to her past 5 apartments: like a sterile executive suite at the Marriott.


The #Countess seems to have found her old confidence and bitchiness this episode! I'm not sure how I feel about it. 


Ugh, I thought we could avoid seeing Adam this season, but no, Mouth-Breather has returned. And in his time away, he still hasn't learned to enunciate his words. 


Sonja as usual is the gift that keeps on giving. The detailing of bodily functions is embarrassingly relatable, lol. And using Ramona's party to canvas her show line?  Sonja is saving on her marketing budget.




Oh Heather, how I missed your common sense.  



RHOC does cover families a little more than the other shows, but since Season 6 the show has focused more on the womens' relationships with each other. Tamra brought a Survivor dynamic to the show (alliances, targeting the weak link, etc) and it brought in viewers, for better or worse. 


I feel you re: Vicki. She is such a central figure, but I understand that her unwillingness to discuss all the details of Brooks' scam coherently has weighed on the show. This season does feel like make-or-break.



Yeah Gretch + Alexis are part of RHOC's less aspirational (but imo golden) middle seasons. When I wrote about that dumbbell Alexis earlier, I LOLed thinking about her forays into local morning TV. S13 would have been great to have her, if only so we could understand why The Deepest Love didn't survive. 



I'd entertain it, too, but Kenya is an acquired taste [(c) Ramona] and she could either gel with this group or be a square peg in a round hole.


On the plus side, she has humor. She is a drama queen (move over, Bethenny). In fact, the possibility of her and Bethenny butting heads is glorious. Plus the Dalys lives (very comfortably) in Brooklyn. Cue Ramona clutching her pearls.


On the minus side, she wouldn't be able to troll the NY women as comprehensively as she did on ATL her first two seasons. This isn't shooting fish in a barrel like it was with Kim Zolciak! That Apollo mess she instigated would not fly either.


The other 'minus' is Kenya's shade. It is never not improvised. A lot of those reads -- at reunions, in her VTs -- are contrived. Not saying the NYC ladies don't pre-plan their putdowns, but both Dorinda and Bethenny also think fast on their feet. Moreover, they + Ramona are like dogs with a bone in terms of getting the last word in. So is Kenya, and consequently, a face-off like that could be GOLD -- or it could leave Kenya badly exposed. 

Edited by Cat
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I found myself agreeing with Luann - Ramona's "updates" to her Hamptons house were dreadful and disappointing!  It was cold and not very charming.  Sonja then said on WWHL that she thinks Ramona plans to sell it, so she was just updating it and staging it vs. putting her personality in it.


Good seeing Heather last night!


I can't believe Bethenny didn't acknowledge Ramona's skincare event at all.  Bethenny is all about girl power and lifting women in business, and she always expects the ladies to go to her Skinnygirl events, yet B can't bother to call Ramona to RSVP no???

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I saw that on Twitter yesterday, too.

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 I just find it surprising since the reunion hasn't even started to air yet.

LOVE. Ever since I saw B coming for Carole about this, I wondered if Heather would speak up. AND SHE DID. I knew she would back her friend.

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@Cat I kind of feel bad for the new housewife Gina on the OC....her husband so Kelsey'd her.  I like that she is unfiltered and caused Vicki to be speechless for once.  Also, two stroller moms being added has made a few of my female friends that are moms watch..... and I think Shannon is the consistent MVP...she's quirky, reacts dramatically, and has the home life as well.  I cant wait to meet Tamras son Spencer since hes now 18 and will be appearing rumor has it.  I noticed once she got married, became a grandma, opened the studio, etc...Tamra became a somewhat less pot stirring because she had other stuff to offer.    


I'm wondering if Beverly Hills could hire someone from New York...because while the OC doesnt care about their image...BH cares too much about their image...I'd love a straight shooter to come on...not crass/drunk like Brandi..but someone that doesnt care about their image.  That franchise needs a shake up.

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You're right. 

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 In any case, it's all moot. S9 RHOBH has already started filming, and it is now officially confirmed that Denise Richards will be joining the Walking Dead Kyle, LVP, Erika, Rinna, Dorito and Teddi.


Image result for deep sigh of disappointment gif


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+1 for both.  Their teasing with Camille's "friend of" appearances last year were not enough. 


It is too bad that Faye felt the wrath of fans and it scared her off, because she's a great blend of trash-turned-class, successful, bitchy, not afraid to tell the truth pot stirrer this show so desperately needs right now. 

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Totally - plus Faye, as a decorator, could provide the peak into luxury that the rest of them, aside from LVP - can’t or don’t. 


BH is in big trouble - it’s been reheated leftovers for several seasons in a row - just like OC has been. OC is trying to turn things around but I am not yet convinced (though I greatly enjoyed the Mexico episode). 


NYC had its first filler episode last night - and it was superior to anything BH did the last few seasons. Clearly Ramona wanted some PR for her skincare line - I just wonder how her normal plastic surgeon, Dr. Sharon Geise, felt about her partnering with a different doctor. I don’t mind bitchy Lu - she was right about Ramona’s renovations - they had zero soul. Bethenny’s apartment is sterile and ready to sell, like all of her sleek former abodes - but she clearly views real estate as an investment. Carole - UGH, don’t let the door hit you on the way out. She is insufferable.


However, a big no to Kenya’s contrived ass coming to NYC. She is as fake as Ramona’s eyelashes. 


Her low rentness is why I would cast her. She’d be like Taylor and Dana/Pam was. Hers is a story made for the RH franchise - the daughter of Aaron Spelling living in the Valley...it is tragicomic - it’s perfect for Bravo. 

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Earlier in the season Ramona told us that she rents out the house.  All of the furniture looked suitable for that purpose.  The dining room was especially a downgrade, she went from a dated (but probably expensive at the time) pine dining room set to a cheap looking modern aluminum set.  The kitchen reminded me of a superfluous piece of advice someone one gave me that one should put low end appliances in the kitchen so that the catering staff knows how it works (snobby, but practical). Everything seemed build to withstand multiple users.


Bethanny continues to irritate me.  She was so proud of her marinara analogy but having to explain yourself to that degree is a sign of a poor communicator.  My take on the Carole issue is that she was there for Bethanny during her many emotional interludes and then when Carole is going through a breakup with Adam, Bethanny did not know how to be supportive and her constant derision of the cast became tiresome.  She complains about Ramona and then as she enters the jean factory she shouts to the first person she sees, "Are we doing acid?"  I think that she abuses her privilege and it is gross considering that she became privileged two seconds ago.


Carole entering the Greek lunch with Dorinda made me laugh and laugh.  First, they show the meat on a stick and we know instantly that Carole will have nothing to eat at this place.  Then, she says to the hostess that she is meeting a woman "with short blond hair" as if Dorinda isn't the only one miked and lit for filming.  Then, she orders a greek salad but she gets this huge bowl with meat in it and we knew that she was only going to eat the cherry tomato.


I hate to be a Ramona-stan but she handled Sonja with the shoes at the party much better than any other housewife would allow.

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Faye Resnik is low rent and the fact the show considered adding her made me think that the BH franchise was on descent into boredom.  Thank gosh she was afraid of fan backlash, because there is nothing about her life I'd want to know.  I know everyone makes mistakes, but her actions during the Nicole Brown Simpson case just made me think she was gutter trash and no amount of glitz and glamour can ever truly clean the stench coming from her.


I'd like an outsider (and I'm talking an outsider of California) to come and join the show in order to shake it up.  Teddi was a decent addition (though I think she would have been better served on the OC..imho), but we need someone dynamic that can shake up the cast and that isn't trashy (season 1 Camille was such a high level of success.. that understandably is difficult to meet or surpass.).

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FYI -- this is what Bethenny Frankel will be like in Season 11:  totally insufferable!


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Dorinda vs Luann is going to be the rivalry of S11.


Ramona singing along to Money Can't Buy You Class is really sweet considering how far she and Lu have come.



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