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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Don't bother watching. It isn't worth it. 


Yes, Kyle did try squeezing a tear out about Kathy/Kim being mad about her shows. IMO, it displayed perfectly how Kyle is just as sneaky as the rest. It was brought up (too) that Kyle has another show under development that mirrors the situation with Mauricio/Rick Hilton and their real estate beef. Kyle swore she wasn't using that situation for her upcoming show, but the synopsis Andy read fit it perfectly. It didn't help that production flashed back to a scene with Kyle/Mauricio in the earlier seasons discussing him leaving Hilton-Hyland. 


I do think that Kyle v. Kathy stems from the fact that I believe Kyle was shielded by Big Kathy while Kim & Kathy were pimped out (allegedly) by Big Kathy. 


And LVP did plead for Dorit, but I'm sure it fell on deaf ears. Dorit shot herself in the foot too many times for the audience to forgive her. Funny how people were split last year on Erika/Dorit, but now it is a general consensus that the audience loathes both of them now.

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I can see both sides re: the real estate beef. Word On The Street [(c) Gizelle] is that Mauricio was the worker-bee at Hyland-Hilton, but they wouldn't make him partner. When he left, H-H took a hit, and the Hiltons are pissed that Rick now has to hustle. I personally feel that Mauricio cutting ties with the Hiltons was for the best; Kyle is already tied to her toxic family, but she and Maurice should have their independence. OTOH, I can also see why the Hiltons would feel betrayed. They probably feel Mo should have stayed at H-H because he 'owed' them.


Kathy/Kim may have seen it as Big Kathy shielding Kyle from the worst of the industry, but Kyle saw it as Big Kathy giving up on her and focusing on her sisters' careers. Big Kathy used all her daughters for fame and $$$ and if they weren't making $$$, she ignored them.


I worry that we will get the same cast next season. Andy has said that Dorit and Teddi are "not going anywhere." However, the show needs a drastic overhaul. It is like Survivor: HWs making strategic alliances with one another to bring down their enemy. Fearful of getting voted off the island, they refuse to engage directly (Rinna, LVP). And that makes for an icy, contrived borefest.


Back in Season 2, when Kyle turned on LVP and called her Bobby Fischer ("Every move is so calculated"), you could see that it was like a knife to LVP's heart. Maybe that's why she distanced herself emotionally from the women. Nowadays, LVP, Erika, Kyle, Rinna, Dorit are all Bobby Fischers, but with zero emotional investment in any kind of real relationship -- the very thing which made Season 2 so compelling.

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I haven't either. It's been in comments online under recaps and Cheap mentioned on the last page as well.


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I liked that LVP spoke up. That said...BYE, ERIKA. You're cancelled.






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Lisa Vanderpump got exposed at that last part and Im glad bc she's a condescending  bitch who thinks she's better than everyone else. I cant believe she couldnt just own that she knew Dorit's head was going to get cut off bc she wanted that. All that backpedlling and !@#$%^&*] popping only made her look bad.


Im with Kyle and Im glad she called LVP out. You make a big deal about Kyle not remembering your grandmother's name yet you dont know hers? Hypocrite and self absorbed


Erika is an [!@#$%^&*]. Not much more to add.


I felt for Kyle. Her family issues are deeply rooted in some serious sh-t. Her sisters arent on the show but their prescence were very much felt here

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Kyle is a whiney baby whose sisters have turned on her as she exploited their history for profit. Period. There is no refuting that is what Kyle has done - especially with that ABC pilot 'Glass Houses' - it sounds like Rick vs Mauricio in wigs and gowns! I absolutely loved when LVP casually threw in that she'd spoken to Kathy Hilton the previous day and what Kathy apparently said sounded reasonable to me.


Erika is a worthless bitch. She is totally unnecessary for the show and her contempt at having to be there was palpable. I'm glad LVP stuck up for Teddi. She was right and Erika was dead wrong.


Rinna did absolutely nothing this season and this reunion. Zero. Her easiest paycheque ever. I'm not against her not being involved in drama (NYC, my fave franchise, has the most 'fun' and Rinna could certainly bring fun to the franchise if she cared).


Dorit is awful, but not as awful as Erika. I wish LVP had just owned that she beheaded Dorit's photos and left it at that. She didn't need to cover it. 

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OMG!!! I love Dorinda, but this is embarrassing. And the looks Bethanny's other partners are giving are very telling.


Speaking of Bethanny, I knew she was doing all of this for PR, but watching this is very eye-opening to me. Also interesting...according to TT, she was the first relief there to help versus FEMA. 


I am liking the episode though it is light. Love seeing LuAnn's daughter. Also nice to see LuAnn coping well so far. 

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I have disliked Kyle for many seasons, mostly because she is shady and plays victim. However, I warmed to her recently because of what she's going through with her sisters. Their mom really fucked them up, and Kathy and Kim seem to be continuing the cycle. K/K may not like American Woman, but judging from what we saw on BH, that show looks tame and puts Big Kathy in a completely rosy, sanitised light. So I suspect this fallout may be more about jealousy and throwing their weight around. Kathy was initially the famous sister (because of Paris), but once BH became a hit, Kyle took the spotlight. And when Mauricio left Hilton-Hyland, the Hiltons were no longer in a position to control the Umanskys. Kim and Kathy's 'love' for Kyle seems entirely conditional upon her doing what they tell her to do. As for the Glass Houses project, maybe Kyle shouldn't be fictionalizing (and monetizing) her fight with Kathy and Rick. Perhaps Kathy will join RHOBH to get back at her, lol. She might as well, she is mentioned so often.


I didn't understand why LVP was ducking and diving about the magazine shoot. It was unnecessary: nobody likes Dorit, nobody cares about this SL, and LVP as editor can do what she wants with her photos. Is LVP scared of Dorit? 

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I know some fans feel that anything LVP does regarding Dorit runs through her relationship with PK and that may be why she tempers herself.


It's odd watching the Potomac women (I don't watch any of the shows consistently, I should point out) in comparison to the Beverly Hills women, because other than Erika there isn't anyone I actually dislike on BH these days (the others I mostly just sort of go 'eh' about or like but don't love), whereas there are a few women on Potomac I find incredibly irritating, but Potomac has such an energy and life to it that BH just doesn't and hasn't in a long time. You can see the strings and also see just how tired those involved are. 


I'd say the same is true for Atlanta, but HWs like Cynthia and Kandi are kind of good at giving a gloss to cover the fatigue.

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You should post more often. I enjoy reading your thoughts.


Yes, it is likely to do with PK, and with alliances. With Kyle threatening to turn on LVP on an intermittent basis, LVP needs another ally to back her. They all do, and are all playing that game (except possibly Erika who has started burning alliances with a quickness). The 'SLs' are now a series of scripted tests the HWs must get through with alliances intact -- the 'strings' you talk about. I can see how much of a job this is for the participants involved. No real affection or relationships. Atlanta is the same way, although there are 1-2 solid friendships and someone like Cynthia there. Both BH and ATL need a rest/drastic overhaul. You like most of the women (or rather you do not dislike them). I, OTOH, dislike most of them right now. When I start posting about warming to Kyle, you know something is off!


Potomac has the enjoyment factor. The women I find irritating, I love to hate, rather than just plain dislike. With someone like Gizelle, I like that Karen, Candiace and Monique constantly keep her in check. Karen and Gizelle were friends for a number of years prior to the show; Candiace and Ashley apparently knew each other before RHOP, so the energy you mention derives from relationships and events which are real. Like the loss of a baby, or issues with husbands, with mothers, with money. And the HWs themselves have a freshness and dynamism which has curdled on BH and ATL.

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I was offended by the stuff drunk Dorinda said about Haiti. She needs to get herself off this show and into rehab bc this season is not a good look for her. Oh and Im sick of her talking about her dead husband all the time. She is living in the past which is probably why she drinks all the time. She needs help

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Did anyone else see on Instagram that Dorinda, Tinsley, and Carole recently went to Dubai and vacationed with Caroline Stanbury (Ladies of London)?  They posted so many pics over the last week of the group together.  I wonder if there's anything else going on there, or if it's purely just a friendly vacation they all took.

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Think it's just friends on vacation -- NY is no longer filming, and Caroline Stanbury resides in Dubai now. I wish the cameras HAD been there because it looked like a great vacation! I would love it of it meant Queen Bitch Caroline Stanbury was joining RHONY though.

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