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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Not really liking Dorit so far this season. Yes, she has amazing hair. Yes, she had an incredible David-and-Goliath moment in Hong Kong last year. But PK is still a pig. That rented McMansion is ugly. This whole Kemsley situation is a house of cards about to crumble imo. And showing off not just the Hermes packaging of your dinner service but also the SALES RECEIPT is tacky as f. I think I disliked Dorit this episode more than Rinna, which is saying something.


I enjoyed Rinna and LVP's banter together at the horse show, especially the bit about Rinna needing to go to church. Rinna and LVP could make a great pair but they won't. Because LVP does not trust Rinna (I don't think anybody on this show trusts Rinna with anything), and Rinna cannot stand LVP judging by her oh-so-spontaneous 'first time' viewing of S1 RHOBH on her Instagram stories.


I am surprised how traditional Teddi is coming across regarding women & babies. I like Teddi for being upfront and making up her own mind about things and having her own views which run counter to some of the 'oh so cool' pronouncements made by the other women. But I think she may have difficulty empathising with people outside her own realm of experience. Like when Erika had to apologise for making Teddi uncomfortable for mentioning the father she never knew?? Did I hear that right? That was an odd moment.


I can't believe Kyle went to Croatia and all we saw of it was her Face-Timing Rinna? Couldn't she have provided some footage of her vacation? So weird seeing her house renovations and knowing she didn't want to leave her BH home in light of the massive robbery that happened on their new Encino property. Apparently the Umanskys forgot to set the alarm on their place and now all her jewellery and bags are gone as well as his watches. I wonder if they will sell off the Encino manse once renovations there are complete and just stay in their now-redone BH home.


Next week: Tokyo! The city that made me fall in love with all things Asian. I hope they do it justice but I fear we will get lots of loud "EW RAW FISH" jokes while polite Japanese folk look on, appalled.



lol Yep! Even Rinner! 

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 Actually I would never wish bad things on her, or any of the HWs. Even Witchy-Poo Carleton, who apparently is being sued by an assistant/nanny who I think is Elizy, her sex dungeon participant from S5. Looks like Carleton has been on a downward spiral with booze, and her hubby is now divorcing her. Now she's turning physically on her 'assistant.' Talk about a bad year for many HWs. Next thing you know, we are going to have Bethenny unable to fit in her 6 yr old's pajamas, and it will be a full-scale meltdown.



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I loved this episode...


Janet's fat jabs at Lydia made me laugh. I just really dislike Lydia as a person and there's no convincing me that she's redeemable. She goes on and on about not wanting to be blamed for conflict between Janet and Jackie, and then she tries to start a bunch of crap with some vague accusations, flops because she can't keep her story straight, pisses Jackie off immensely, and then gets called the C-word not once, but twice (!), by Janet. 


Venus remains a lying liar who lies. For a lawyer, she's awfully bad at handling facts. 


I am loving Gina this season. She seems so much happier and relaxed than last season.


Gamble's story about her hearing is tragic and it's touching that Rick takes such good care of her and bought her those hearing aids. He is a good one. His reaction next week to Gamble's outburst looks hilarious. 


Sally's reading with Jackie was compelling. I think Jackie does have a gift. And Sally seems like she's up and has a go. 

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Knowing Siggy is actually gone already did not change in the least how damn annoying she is. The girls came to an understanding yet again and yet here she is once again obviously avoiding Margaret when you just text her about her party. This woman is nuts.


Teresa is the least eloquent speaker on the planet, but it was a nice gesture to speak with Danielle’s daughter.

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Agreed - Siggy was so annoying this last episode. Her interaction with her father was slightly bizarre - he’s clearly accustomed to her lunacy. 


Marge Sr. could have laid the smack down on Siggy, so while she was rude to ignore her I can understand why she did it. 

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Remember when housewives went on individual vacations and they were featured?  I miss those days since realistically...i don't always vacation eith my friends or co workers.


I cant put my finger in it..but there is something kind of superior and judge about Teddi.

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I watched the last two episodes with my friend, Erin. She's watched from day one.


Through the whole time she didn't understand why I don't care for Dorit.  Then, in the middle of their dinner Dorit and Pig K. started in on Rinna---after Dorit "forgave " her to Teddi.  I gave the same stink-eye as Teddi. 


I've always liked Rinna, but I also know her m.o., and she's usually either putting her foot in her mouth, or just blatantly lying. I don't think she deserved shade thrown in Teddi's direction.  I think Teddi seems like the type to make her own decisions, so the crap thrown by Pig K and Dorito will only cause  Teddi to change her opinion about them. 

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NJ isn't over yet? Siggy is still talking about Hitluh?


Image result for real housewives sigh gif



That's what I felt too. I wonder if she cannot empathise with people outside her own realm of experience. Like she seemed unable to empathise with Erika for never having known her father, for the simple reason that Teddi's dad was more or less in her life. I don't believe you necessarily need to have lived something to be able to empathise, you know? I felt she was a little judgey of Erika because of that. 


She was also judgey of Dorit & PK but that is understandable. They were showing their ass this episode and are clearly frauds.

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My god, how did Dorit and PK think that scene with Teddi and her husband would go? It’s like they literally forgot Teddi was RIGHT there when Dorit just made up with Rinna. I was telling my partner that I think I essentially only enjoyed Dorit because she had balls and didn’t mind going against Rinna/Eileen/Erika alone last season, but outside of that she’s still a vapid, vain, phoney.

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It may be too early in the season to call it but I think Dorit may be getting the bitch edit, not Rinna.


Or MAYBE there is no bitch edit and these idiots just do it to themselves? Certainly Dorit has been set up to be the main character this season. She was in almost every scene this episode.


How much money must the Kemsleys be spending. On the ridiculously expensive Hermes china, the 24-hour nannies, the assistants, Dorit's hair and makeup posse, launching her swimwear line, renting that appalling McMansion and Bentley? I feel like any minute now PK and Dorit are going to steal out of the backdoor in the middle of the night while their creditors (+ Boy George) try to break down the front gate, hiding out in the UK or Israel and reinventing themselves again. Dorit & PK = the new TayShanna & Russell.


Image result for rhobh dorit gifs

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The Gorga pizzeria is shutting down, or moving, or not:


“They are in the process of closing down their current location and seeking a larger location. They are seeking different management to run it. Their focus is getting a bigger flagship restaurant in New Jersey and then expanding. I would anticipate the reopening of the restaurant to be a family affair and Teresa would be receptive to taking a more expansive role.”

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Keeping it cute and short, Kenya did a great job with the PSA tonight. I was proud watching her gently handle Shamea and Cynthia's mom as they rehashed their stories. I didn't get why fans (via Twitter) were frazzled that Kenya halted Cynthia from ruining the shot. I (as a former film student) understood why Kenya did it. She didn't want Cynthia to ruin the moment and truthfulness she was trying to convey. By seeing Cynthia's mom speak her truth and convey her pain, the message will strike home more for those currently in the situation. 


Speaking of Shamea, seeing her in this light makes me wish that she was rewarded a peach this year. I feel she is someone that production sleeps on, and she could bring a lot to the show; she seems like she's lived a lot and has an interesting story of tell. 


I can't wait for next week as we see the women get into it. Especially, Kim and Nene.   

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