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Dallas was on fire tonight! 


It boggles my mind how this show has not landed the 1million mark in ratings compared to NJ and OC, which I find both to be painfully boring at this point. 


The line of the night has to go to Kameron. When she uttered, "This is why you have plastic," after questioning why Brandi was so cheap to not have glasses at her party, had me rolling. 

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 That line alone earned Kameron another season if they get a season 3, which they better!

I was proud of D'Andra apologizing to Keaton. But I always felt that she was coming from a good place when she went off on him that one time. I am glad that they made amends. That aside, I do find her hubby, Jeremy, to be so damn hot. 


Leeanne breaking the glass on the floor was so dramatic but funny. Leeanne knows how to perfectly straddle the line of crazy without going over it and making me dislike her. While she can be crude at times, she has a good and honest side to her. Speaking of Leeanne, she was also vindicated tonight too. Brandi shockingly verified that Cary went from nanny, to mistress, to wife. This is some soap opera sh-t in true form. Move over, Dixie Cooney! Cary Deuber is in town now. My mouth just dropped over that whole scene. It was so juicy. This is how you unveil a housewife secret!


Dallas >>> OC & NJ. Bravo would be stupid to not keep Dallas. I feel like they need to keep working on this show b/c it has the magic (like Potomac) to explode into something big when the elder shows (OC, NJ, ATL) start to wane. 

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Absolutely agree - I loved tonight's Dallas. This episode should earn the show a third season - it is so superior to OC and NJ this season it isn't even funny how boring those two old bag franchises are in comparison to youthful Dallas. 


LeeAnne is a live wire and I've been waiting for that glass to get thrown all season long and as her diamante belt went flying off her jumpsuit it felt worth the wait. 


I agree that Kameron had the line of the night with that comment about the plastic glasses. I laughed. Hard. 


And yes, the reveal about Cary being the nanny, then the nurse, then the wife, was a thing to behold. I wonder if she'll return for a third season if they land one. That's a pretty heavy revelation. 

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I see her coming back for 2 reason: 1. Her marriage really crumbles and she'll totally play victim while continuing to lie or 2. She and Mark stay together, and Mark (like Terry on OC) will push her to remain on the show b/c it does well for him business-wise. 


I don't see Cary going anywhere unless Bravo gets rid of her, and they'd be stupid if they did. Like Potomac this past season, the chemistry with Dallas is too good to mess with. If they must make any casting choices, it needs to be about adding a new housewife or 2, not taking away. This group has "IT," and they need to ride with it for awhile. 

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Haha ok I feel less out-there then. I do have to agree with @Antoyne and @alwaysAMC about last season. Erika had all her ducks in a row to be everything the BH fans adore in a HW, but she really messed up. I'm not talking about DWTS which nobody cares about. I'm talking her cold, disdainful attitude, especially in Hong Kong. In a weirdly insecure way, Erika looks down on the other women, including her minions Eileen and Rinna. She is like Bethenny in the sense that she treats her 'friends' like paid employees -- which TBF many are. Even the way she talked about her mother was belittling. It may or may not have been justified, but that judgement of her mother's "weakness" as a single mother came across coldly and badly.


I wasn't really a Dorit fan -- until the Junk Boat Massacre. Erika and her two minions were on the attack, but Dorit punched right back, even though she technically did not have a leg to stand on re: PK's comments. Erika should have won that fight easily. When Dorit explained that she tried to be friends but Erika never let her in, Erika basically let her know that she didn't want her friendship and to shut up. Erika made such a meal of the situation that I realised she needed to keep this issue alive, so she could play poor little victim -- just like she did with that stuff with her mother. But she milked it too hard ("YOU...DON'T KNOW... WHAT I GO THROUGH AT NIGHT" was like an audition reel for Y&R). She took herself too seriously. And it backfired.


I know it sounds like I must despise Erika here ^ but in actual fact I find her interesting. I find her weaknesses (lol) and mistakes and failures interesting. I wonder if this season she will have learned from last year or whether she remains disdainful and snotty. She is going to have to loosen up and get over the deep insecurities she hides under a wall of costumes and spackle.

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They know that Vicki was contractually obligated to go on the trip. It was so stupid for them to react like that, but that's why I hate that Bravo still makes them keep this facade they arrange these trips. All the fans know it is production at this point. 


And all my speculations seem to be panning out. Tamra is growing tired of Shannon, and next week we see her gravitate back towards Vicki. Tamra knows she wants to reconcile with Vicki, and she wants Heather back. Tamra wants the band back together, and Shannon isn't part of it. 


I am team Peggy too. I loved how she shut all the women down at that table, but I understood her breaking down after dealing with Shannon. That woman is draining. She is a true succubus. She sucks the energy from all those around her. I couldn't deal with her. 


Production needs to seriously give her the boot. Shannon dwells on sh-t for too long and prevents any progression in the group. We're still stuck on drama from 2 seasons ago b/c Shannon refuses to let anything go, thus causing everyone else to be stuck in that vortex with her. Whether it is her marriage with David or her feud with Vicki, the woman is stuck.

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Yes, I loved Tamra going in on Shannon, too. Someone needed to.




OMG!!!! That was soooo WORTH THE WAIT from the first promo.  I loved that LeeAnne got everyone to confront each other and exposed Cary for the fake she is, but onto the fact that Brandi is two-faced as well.

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Oh hell yes Snark Queen Cary better return for a third season! This nanny revelation is soaptastic fodder. It is a big and embarrassing revelation but speaking for myself, I felt sorry for her at the way Brandi, Stephanie and LeeAnne planned the attack and rounded on her. I wish LeeAnne could see how Brandi uses her to do her dirtiest dirty work and then trashes her behind her back.


Is Cary a homewrecking hussy? Probably. But whether she was a nanny or a nurse, does it matter? Now she's married to that mean little man who demands to be serviced daily and treats her like garbage and openly resents his toddler daughter. So in a way she got karmic revenge thrown back at her. 


Brandi, sigh. I really dislike her. I can't deny that she is great for this show, stirring up all the drama, but she's so jealous of Stephanie confiding in Cary more than her that she threw somebody who was a friend to her under the bus. Twice. Also, I blame her for fobbing that picture of her semi-naked hubby at a Christmas party on us. My eyes!


LeeAnne's glass throw was so LeeAnne that if you watch cat-faced Tiffany, she is literally peeing in her pants with delight.


This was a thrilling episode full of soapy goodness. I must say I loved D'Andra having the wherewithal to apologise to her stepson -- and when she 'showed up' robot-styles at Brandi's White Gala (she better hope Kyle Richards and The Agency doesn't sue her ass).




I just watched the confrontation at the table posted on Bravo's YouTube channel. Shannon is honking bully and has literally emotionally-vampired this show. She has sucked every ounce of blood from it and from the audience. She is still holding onto [!@#$%^&*] that happened 3 years ago. If she can't let it go, she needs to end it: both her marriage and her participation on the show.

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Y'all - that Dallas episode was everything!  They finally cracked the top 10 best housewives episodes ever.  Has Potomac done that yet? 

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 (Not throwing shade to Potomac because their last season was great and I'm excited about Season 3, but I can't remember being this amped up over a single episode before).


We need a meme of Kameron being haughty about drinking out of plastic cups, then Leanne smashing her glass, and then Kameron saying "And this is why you have plastic cups"    Perfection.


Cary sometimes owns her sh!t and sometimes doesn't.  I can't wait to see the reunion and I hope they bring that scumbag Mark with her again.  


This group just works for me.  I really hope they get another season.  Ratings went up - they're matching Flipping Out and Million Dollar Listing, which all usually gets renewed... so we'll see.


Good seeing Tiffani - I wish we had a quick update on her, but oh well.


OC - well, hopefully Iceland brings something.  This season really isn't doing much for me.  I do like Kelly more this season, and Shannon less this season.  Lydia is a supreme $h!t starter, masking that with her "I want everyone to get along" facade.  Bitch please, we know you want the drama.  Her magical fairy land and sparkle city BS totally contradicts her anti-drag and anti-psychic ideals.  



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I forgot to mention this when talking about Dallas.


Even though D'Andra's skincare/vitamin supplements company is, yes, still stuck in the late 80s, you have to appreciate that it remains in business, and that it was early on the wellness scene.


I enjoyed watching this segment (below) with the chemist, talking about the formulation of a new skincare product that D'Andra is spearheading. It's her way of proving to her mother she can dedicate herself to a project and take the company forward.


Honestly, I don't know why I find this clip so satisfying. I think because it has a touch of old Y&R about it! It makes me wish Y&R did more with the skincare/makeup business that was actually somewhat realistic (instead of just a random pretext to show Amelia HeinBore everyday and push Villy, but that's a rant for another thread).


The clip also made me somewhat curious to try this L22 product lol.


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I can’t believe it has taken 15 episodes to get to Iceland. This season has truly been a chore and the Vicki vs. Shannon/Tamra rivalry will go down as one of the most boring in HW history. We’ve all said it before but truly one of those three HAS to go next season for this show to move on and I think it needs to be Shannon.

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