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Miami isnt a fair comparison as the first season never took off. It was for all intents a purposes a rebooted different show for season 2. It was many viewers first introduction to the women so most of the women were new and wouldnt have had the same stigmatism that NYC did

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I agree about the OC.  Lizzie was introduced during the ugly sweater party...and we had three or four of the women having small talk, laughing and having fun.  It felt organic..and not so staged either...since it was an actual party..and not a contrived party for the show.



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The NYC reboot didn't work because it was poorly executed. They should've never fired Alex for one and their idea was to act like the new wives were always there so they didn't introduce them. It was very jarring to watch. That will forever be a bizarre choice. 

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What is bizarre is that out of the three newbie women that Carole emerged as the mainstay out of them. Never would've saw it. I always felt that after her second season she was gonna leave. Especially, after the incident with Aviva questioning her credibility as a writer. 


Heather and Aviva always added more than Carole did. Carole didn't truly show up to the party till s7 with her feud with Luann.

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I've always found Carole to be enjoyable. I think her and Heather were the strong additions. Aviva wasn't really watchable until she revealed herself as a self-obsorbed idiot and after that she was too "on" for the cameras to be engaging. Heather I found a little boring at times, but I liked her strength, wealth and family interactions. She was the full package. 

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Okay, so I'm finally caught up on my darling NYC ladies... (P.S. the Cabernet was a'flowin' tonight....glug, glug) 


Firstly, I'm kinda tired of Sonja. Her whole sad Grey Gardens situation, her bitchy attitude towards Tinsley, her sad complicated romantic life. I'm exhausted with her messiness. I just don't get the warm fuzzies with her anymore. It's just like watching a sad, sorry soap opera (i.e. Days of Our Lives) that used to be enjoyable but is now a chore to watch. How old is her daughter? She must be mortified... 


Bethenny... here we are, getting set up for a quasi spinoff with Tag Eriksson Fredrik Eklund. Meh. Meanwhile, I have to admit, I much much prefer Bethenny as frenemies with Ramona. They clicked perfectly in her return season (Season 7), plus I loved how they came to a great understanding/semi-friendship in Season 3, and Ramona even attended her doomed wedding to Jason. They're the Queen Bees of this series, but they don't have the same type of chemistry as such foes as, say, Kim vs. NeNe, or even Bethenny vs. Jill.  Despite Ramona's political stance or her obviously induced behavior during this season, she's gotta heart when it all comes down to it, and Bethenny is better off having this crazy off-kilter 60-year-old in her corner. At least if she wishes to continue next year on the show. Whatever suits her business needs after all... 


Tinsley. I like her mom. I wanna see more of her football-helmet-hair mother. She'd be a great frenemy for Romana. Meanwhile, with Tinsley, she comes off as an entitled late-twentysomething, and then I realize she's 41, and it's just like, damn, she needs to get her life together. Lucky for her she comes from money, so she can screw up all she wants and still bounce back with a 9K/month apartment in NYC. Bitch. 


LuAnn. God bless her. Whatever situation she's got with Tom, I hope it works out. He didn't say very fantastic things "off-camera" (but fully mic'ed, goofball!) but I'm sure LuAnn & Tom have an understanding they know about that we don't know about. Who are we to judge, especially when she's already been through the drama of marriage, children, and divorce. She's a strong woman with balls who can kick ass when she needs to. Don't diminish her capabilities. And she can plaster a smile on her face in public when you know she's gonna give hell to the hubby when they get home... 


Dorinda. I live for the moments when she gets drunk. The best addition to ever join the NYC cast after the initial golden years. I love her take on life and love, but I love it even more when the booze hits her and all structure and etiquette goes out the window. That flashback last week's episode where she was giving that sloshed toast to LuAnn/Tom had me ROLLING. I re-watched it over & over and laughed so hard. I can't wait for next week's episode when she goes off on Sonja again. EDIEEEE!!! So deliciously nutty. 


Carole. Your couch is nasty but those cats are impressive curtain climbers. I appreciate the footage of her and Dorinda at the Jan. 21st women's march. Makes me mad, for political reasons... 


Ramona. That was a hair-DON'T. Love the apartment though. The set-up with Tom's former date at the Regency Hotel smelled too much like a Bravo set-up (reminiscent of New Jersey's Season 4 finale with Melissa's former stripper boss fully mic'ed up and ready to randomly pop up at the Posche fashion show) so I won't even bother commenting. Meanwhile, she looked FANTASTIC on WWHL. The hair, the makeup, OMG yes yes yes. I don't know if Bravo uses a soft lens when they film WWHL (Lord knows Mariah Carey probably demands one when she appears, tardy, on the show) or if it's just some amazing makeup work, but she looks AMAZING at 60 years old. The hair extensions suit her perfectly. She also composed herself wonderfully. I want to be a champion for her, and the Trump thing is a MAJOR setback, but this whole season smells of producer-coaxing from day one with the Bethenny/Brynn/soft-porn B.S.  She's gonna get annihilated at the reunion, but I'm sure she'll bounce back as usual. As mentioned previously, she and LuAnn know the game and will stick around till Bravo shuts down production. 

Edited by Gray Bunny
I'm a nit-picky bitch
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As always, an impeccable review that I always enjoy and almost always agree with.


The only issue we differ on is Sonja. I still enjoy washed up Sonja because she has a vulnerability to her that reminds me that most of Sonja's problems start with her desire to please others. It drove me crazy watching her with Rocco - a man who *gets* her and is clearly smitten - plus age appropriate and has a few bucks! Sonja - THERE is love, sitting right there and he seems to like you and your international fashion lifestyle brand and Nigerian football team and toaster oven bullshit! I so want Sonja to get an intervention from a financial guru like Gail Vaz Oxlade (my fellow Canadians will know of whom I'm speaking) who could help her restructure her life. That townhouse is her albatross - once she rids herself of that place and buys herself a cute 2 bedroom condo her life will improve enormously. 

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Did anybody catch Xscape on the BET Awards? That's a pretty big deal for them and they were EXCELLENT! They look better now than they did in the 90s. I could see this reunion having legs for Kandi. At the very least they're going to have a hugely successful tour and I wouldn't be surprised if their album does well. Honestly, if Bravo was smart they'd try to get Tiny as a housewife in addition to the spin-off show.

Edited by Chris B
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If anything, I think that if all goes to plan for Kandi, I could actually see Kandi leaving after this upcoming season. I think her image of the show has tarnished thanks to Frick and Frack, and she wants off this show. Kandi seems over it. 


I think the 10th season might mark the end of Kenya's run with the show too. As we've already discussed, there are already rumblings that Kenya's hubby is NY bound and has no interest of moving to ATL or being on the show. I can see Kenya giving her spot up on the show if she truly wants to make this marriage work, and if she ends up pregnant. 


I get this strong feeling that unlike the OC, the 10th season of ATL will mark the end of an era and lead to new beginnings. 

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Daily Mail got an interview with LVP! Nothing shockingly new in the article, but it was a good one all the same, worth reading for fans of la Lisa.





Funny you should say that, I've been feeling a bit nervous because Kandi and Kenya have yet to fully commit to filming. Early filming has already started in Atlanta, apparently focused on Cynthia & Nene getting mani-pedis, and Shamea's wedding shower (which Kandi was obvs a part of). IA that Kandi is done. She is the only one on the show presenting her real life (and dealing with real life nasty rumors spread by Frick and Frack). Meanwhile, Sheree's housewarming, Porsha's faux boyfriend, and Phaedra's 'law practice' were all scripted fakeries last season. Kandi must be wondering why the hell she puts herself out there when the others don't. Kenya may have been an exception, but she certainly didn't parade her new hubby around, and Cynthia's lake house epiphany was cute but hardly putting yourself out there. The less we say about that vagina renewal episode, the better.


As for Kenya, I hope she is back, if only so we can get closure on her and have a sneaky peak at her new life. Everybody's grandmother and her cat knows she is married by now. Porsha and Phaedra must be SEETHING!


Season 11 could be a real game-changer, especially since Cynthia also seems ready to start a new chapter of her life, either in LA or NY. Porsha and Sheree will cling on as long as possible to that Bravo paycheck, but they are not nearly interesting enough upon which to base a reboot. Nene would have to stick around to make the new ATL in any way viable.

Edited by Cat
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Yes but... Sheree and Porsha? Are they interesting enough to carry this show? Sheree is a glorified FOH in my view. And Porsha is awful and shouldn't be rewarded by Production anymore than she already has been. I will always love Cynthia and watching Cynthia because of her quiet progress this last year. But she isn't scintillating. Nene would really have to return full-time and COMMIT to the show to keep its energy high. I cannot see Bravo rebooting Atlanta with 100% new housewives.


ETA: Sorry it must sound like I'm shouting at you lol... I'm not!

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Kandi tarnished her own image.  Phaedra is a proven liar and Kandi has been vindicated.  Kandi's is a passive/aggressive twat who goes thugzilla at the mere mention of Todd or her rancid mother, who's allowed to treat people horribly because she knows Kandi will allow it.  Notice Cynthia's image remains in tact as well as Kim Fields'.


As for Kenya, her marriage isn't real so she's not going anywhere.  


@Cat, Porsha stays!  

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I'll give it to Porsha that she creates drama (and therefore story). She's also made me giggle with her one-liners now and then. But you talk about Kandi tarnishing her own image -- Porsha's image is in damn ruins at this point! The things she said about Kandi last season were unconscionable. Not to mention she's been caught on tape having to be physically dragged off THREE women. The stomp on Cynthia was a personal 'favorite.' And by 'favorite,' I mean she should have been fired then and there.


The only reason for her to stay would be if her side-job as a hooker gets exposed on the show.

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