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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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My problem with the RHoA episode is that gay is being used as an attack and an insult, in a sneering way, and by almost everybody. It was used to demean Kim Fields and emasculate Chris. I'm surprised Kenya engaged in it given what happened to her BFF Brandon two seasons ago -- if I recall, some of the cast (including Nene) belittled Brandon and treated him as "not man enough" before Apollo out of nowhere rushed him and beat him up. BTW, everything Brandon wrote on his FB page was on point and powerful. Even though Kenya is/was his friend, he still called her and the other HWs out.


Atlanta has a large gay population. The cast sometimes pays lip service to "mah gays" and appears to have a significant gay fanbase, but this is not a good look. 


No blogs from the RHoA cast yet. Hmmm.


I think it was Kathy from NJ?

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Oh for sure Kim was the intended target, not Chris. But they talked about Chris in such a way that it is clear just in what low esteem they view supposedly 'gay' mannerisms. As a result, he's not a 'real man' in their eyes. He's corresponding to a certain stereotype. It's not even the words so much as the inferences and the little knowing looks and giggling -- kind of reminded me of being in school in the '90s when people used to talk about so-and-so being "like, omg, SO gay." I'm not gay so I guess this isn't my fight, but the episode still made me feel a bit uncomfortable/faintly disgusted.


Maybe I'm over-reacting and some of y'all can correct me and say "Sit down. No need to be so PC about this." ;)

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Well I watched. Kenya is my favorite but I will say that she sucks on this trip. Can't deny that. 


Just my opinion and view on the gay situation, right or wrong, but I don't think the girls were doing anything unusual by discussing his sexuality. It was lighthearted from my perspective.  Those girls were acting just like any other group of girls that I've encountered in this situation. White, black or otherwise.  It was, however, wrong of Sheree to bring it up to Kim in front of everyone at the wrap party.

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I can't help but still like Erika. Yes, she kept silent last week when it was obvious everyone was just waiting for her to speak and 'fess up. But I kinda get her reasoning for not wanting to get into it at that moment. She has sense that the others (coaxed by producers, no doubt) lack. Such as last night when the ladies, again, talked about Kim, and Erika wanted to shut it down nicely by pointing out that it's Kyle's sister. The discussion about Kim was getting shallow, but I liked how Kathryn brought it back down to earth by opening up about her father's suicide. 


Which brings me to another point... I swear, it's like there's a cue card boy off to the side telling the ladies which topics they need to discuss. Last night, the soap stars, Lips and Eileen, were up to the challenge. It's old, it's tired. It's making Lips look like a fool who can't let Dutch drama queens sleeping dogs lie. 


It looks like next week, we're back to making Vanderpump the villain who likes to throw the brick and hide the hand. 


Meanwhile, I like how Beverly Hills is the only franchise that constantly brings back all of their original cast. Adrienne popped in again last night. Camille is always at parties. Boozehound Taylor wobbled around a few episodes back, and sloppy Kim will be rambling again at some point in the future. 


Yolanda can go. Bye. 


Edited by Gray Bunny
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I saw a bit of the confrontation at the table yesterday, and why didn't Rinna just own up to thinking this women had Munchhausen?  If I'm not mistaken, didn't Rinna google it and then put it out in the universe?  I vaguely remember this during a Sunday marathon about a month ago.  Rinna should have copped to it and then apologized.  Saying someone told her?  Even if that were true, why throw that out there?  If anything, it makes her look like a liar and troublemaker.  Yolanda has every right to be pissed that this woman put out there that she faking for attention.  If that is what Y is doing, Rinna needs to own HER words and confront Y.  

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