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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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They're baaaaack at last.


Eileen: "So thanks for that...bitch." Sad for Eileen and Vince to lose his dad. 


Lips: I love that she's made her daughter get a job, at a deli no less, and then laughs and admits that the golddiggers who have it all are likely totally happy. "I almost feel like I don't deserve it...but I do!" Hilarious. She's still herself, thank goodness.


Kyle's legs are too dumpy to wear shorts like that. Of course she's doing a show about her childhood in the 70s. No reason to come up with an original idea when you can mine your own history. For someone who claims to have grown up keeping things in the family she's done a good job at putting her business out in the street for everyone to observe. 


Lisa was brave to whip off that blouse, revealing a very imperfect tummy. But not bad for 55. I know people are going to say Lisa and Ken were harsh about how Lemon Lyme looks, but they were being honest. She looks so sick and everyone else is bullsh*tting them except Lisa and Ken and their blunt Britishness. 


Lemon Lyme looks like hell. There is no denying she's ill. Whether that's Lyme Disease, who knows. She very well may be totally mentally ill and it's manifested itself physically. When she says she has 'no brain function' that's just bizarre. She'd be dead if that was true. Is anyone surprised that her marriage to King David is over? Of course not. He's a jerk and she's an arrogant bitch. It was never going to work out. All of those illness selfies are bizarre, quite frankly. She should cut out all these alternative bullsh*t treatments, check in with a psychiatrist and get a full physical and start over. 



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I agree but Lisa just needs to ease up. I know that honesty is everything on these shows but some matters need to be left unsaid. Lisa needs to chill out b/c the audience is already starting to act leery towards her. She knows it can take one episode, one moment for the audience to flip. She better look at Nene, Teresa, Vicki, Jill, etc. All of them were very popular but eventually took a turn for the worst. 

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Not much of a surprise. Everything about her behavior reminded me of the actress Kaley Cuoco, who went on for ages "proving" to the public how much she loved her husband and how he was her world, and so on. And very quickly I began to feel she was "proving" it to herself, because deep down she knew it wasn't working. 


I guess at least Yolanda got more years, and plenty of PR and a TV gig, out of it. Personally I never felt like David Foster (whom I've always disliked ever since he used to smarm on American Idol) had much love for her any time I saw them onscreen together. He looked bored. Not that I can blame him...

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Kyle got her lips done and they are distracting


Yolanda: "My poor husband". Dang, this season is going to be about egg dropping on her face. Everyone is going to be looking at every interaction and word she has in regards to him. Speaking of which, Im so over her Lyme Disease story. I know people react to different things differently but it almost comes across like she's exaggerating. My sister was diagnosed with this last year and she doesnt walk around like she's on death's door. I wonder if Yolanda plays it up more to get sympathy from the audience and to get David to pay more attention to her


LMAO at Kristen, um I mean Eileen saying to Brandi: "Thanks.....bitch"


Lisa's getting heat but IA with her. If Yo is as sick as she is acting, then she really shouldnt be at the party. I think the no makeup was another manipulative piece on her part to make herself look worse and garner sympathy.


Harry Hamlin looks good as f--k at his age. Those glasses look even hotter

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Harry Hamlin looks better now than he did when he was young tbh.


I hope to watch this episode later but I worry Lisa V will get flack for her comments. She is pretty much an equal opportunity offender when it comes to her asides -- everybody is a target, including herself. She does question stuff and most of the time her line of questioning is not actually wrong. However, the other ladies enjoy playing victim *cough*YolKyle*cough* so they pounce on that to make themselves look 'maligned.' Or they have something to hide *cough*Kim*cough* 

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Wait that gif of Yolanda...did she actually say that?!? Or are you guys just messing with her lol. I can't imagine her saying that...

They are still popular...just because you turned on them doesn't mean that omg they're hated by everyone. 


Tre in particular still has the legion behind and I won't even speak on Nene whos an icon on her. 

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Them? First off, I always loathed Teresa since DAY ONE. She was too much of a flunky for the Manzos for my taste. I was team Danielle seasons 1 & 2, and team Kathy seasons 3-5. 


Both of the may have a loyal legion of fans but they are just as much hated. Much more than what they were from their earlier seasons and even you and your blind love for them can deny that. 

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She did say that. She was talking about how in Hollywood some women will throw themselves at any guy they think will buy them Chanel bags and stuff. No lies detected tbh.


I am hearing conflicting reports that the Malibu home was what Mohammed gave to Yolanda in the divorce -- so why is Yolanda holed up in an ugly ass condo while David (by some reports) is still in the Malibu house?? That makes no sense.


What is sad is how Yolanda has had to downsize so quickly and from so far. It must be a huge hit to her pride and self esteem. It reminds me of what she said at last year's Reunion about how she didn't want to throw Brandi away "like a piece of trash." I wonder if deep down she identified with Brandi because she sensed she would be treated similarly by her 'King.' And all this when she is clearly struggling with some kind of debilitating ailment. Somebody on RealityTea wondered if Yolanda was also trying to keep her husband close with this illness. Apparently on social media, everytime he posted a selfie in some glamorous corner of the world, she would post a pic of herself in hospital or with an IV by her. Maybe to beg/guilt him to come back. If that condo is the best he can do for her, then he clearly is a stingy bastard. Camille never signed a pre-nup with Kelsey so she was able to demand a lot in the divorce, but I wonder if Yolanda did.

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Camille was smart to not sign that pre-nup. Despite all the trouble and pain at least she walked away with some decent assets and now can have a peaceful life. 


Looks like Yolanda was either dumb or really believed this fantasy in the beginning. I never trusted David and from Day 1, I never believed their marriage was genuine. Someone who tries THAT hard to project this image of everything lovey dovey is clearly hiding the ugly deep beneath. 

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Looks like Apollo may be getting an early release. Phaedra must be somewhere sweating bullets. :lol:




He's being transferred to the same prison where Joe Guidice will be going in the matter of weeks. Oh, Andy! I smell a reality show.... Real Husbands of Prison! :P

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