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Wow she said that? See this is one thing I dont like about Brandi. She gets so upset and hateful when it comes to cheating bc of what went down in her marriage yet she consistently is inappropriate and disrespectful with other women's husbands. It would sicken me when she would joke about wanting to f--k Ken. We saw her getting on David's lap and acting too feely and she was openly flirting with Babyface in front of his wife. Now this with Eileen's man. She is so disrespectful to the wives and she has no care when she should be a bit ore cautious with how she acts. I dont care if its just "for fun" bc there's no actual screwing but she crosses the boundaries when it comes to marriage and then not only gets distraught when thinking about what happened in her marriage but also when she hears about it happening in others. Considering how she acted towards Eileen when she found out she got her husband through cheating, I think its low of her to talk like that about Eileen's husband.

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She made some off hand remark and Eileen LITERALLY turns her head and was like "how about NOT" to her face. And you know Eileen has been purposely giving Brandi wide berth when it comes to her comments, etc but this was a bridge too far.

The whole latter half of the episode which I watched was just crazy and dark. I could feel Rinna's complete ambivalence on Kim throughout the event. And she is like me in this one regard..when I'm face with something I can't comprehend or seems very off I get mad real quick.

"I'm still confused if part of it was an acting exercise, or if production needed to be on standby just in case something scary went down. All I can say was that I was very afraid for Lisa R. during that car ride and you need to see it to believe it. Very gripping and it let the audience know that we were now seeing Ms. Hyde instead of Jekyll."


Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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Yeah that was the most awkward limo ride ever! Like Lisa Rinna, I was horrified and wouldn't know whether to take it as a joke or notify production that I want nothing to do with what was going on. I don't buy that Kim only took 1 pain pill. She was way to aggressive and mean. Then you have Brandi "Pour me another glass" Glandville trying her hardest for camera time err I mean to help Kim? Right... Basically if there's ever a game night and Kim, Kyle and Blandi are attending then you know it's going to be a sh*t show!

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This is why I am loving Lisa Rinna on this show. She says what the audience is thinking (and what the other housewives are thinking, but don't say). You could tell right off the bat she knew something was off with Kim, and as the car ride progressed, Lisa got more worried and more uncomfortable. She looked like she wanted to jump out of the crazy bus at the next stop light!

She honestly reminds me of Bethenny Frankel in a way, the way Bethenny was the Greek chorus as the have-not amongst all "the haves" in the NYC clique, explaining New York society ways to the audience. Lisa comes in to all the crazy as an outsider who is very aware of the situation she's getting herself into, but is now seeing the crazy firsthand and doesn't hold back on her reactions.

On one hand, I don't think Kyle handled the situation in a way that benefitted herself. She went with Kim into the bathroom and she tried her hardest to have a conversation through whispers in hopes that the microphones wouldn't pick up what they were saying. Kyle whispered; Kim talked, in her usual drugged stupor. On the other hand, Kyle has been down this road before. She should have picked up on the cues right away. Her reaction was a tad bit delayed.

How nice of Brandi to continue shouting and being loudly obnoxious during the poker game, even after Eileen mentioned that their younger son was upstairs sleeping.

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I don't know when it was that Brandi Glanville signed her own death warrant from the RHoBH series but at some point this season -- mixed in with the most awkward set of WWHL interviews ever -- Brandi stopped being a Tamra-esque [!@#$%^&*] stirrer and started being somebody many viewers actively want kicked off the show.

I loved her in S2 and S3, she was treated abominably by the Richards Sisters at that Game Night, and she def creates drama. But that drama is now increasingly contrived (heck it was contrived last season) and very, very desperate and ugly.

Kim has somewhere along the line fallen off the wagon a bit. And while Brandi is supportive of her (and on the ball when she pointed out that Kyle has always been jealous of Kim), I feel like her support is toxic. Like, even if Kim was just zoned out on an anti-depressant, her new BFF is fifty shades drunk 70% of the time.

Not sure whether it was the editing, but the way Brandi pulled Kim to the side and didn't want her to say goodbye was a little creepy. At the same time, given that Kim gets emotional everytime Kyle gives her the Judgey Staredown, I can see why. Where is Kathy Hilton when you need her?? And why won't somebody come out and say that Big Kathy Richards was a [!@#$%^&*] terrible mom?? Hiding and enabling her eldest daughter's alcohol addiction?? wtf

Lisa Rinna had a moment where she immediately spotted that Kim was drunk or high and kind of looked at the camera and broke the fourth wall. It really made me wonder if this was not scripted at all but a totally real curveball that Kim threw in. Lisa looked like she was actually scared at one point. She really has been the Voice of the Audience this season. I feel she was reflecting what we were all thinking watching this. Can't wait to see her reaction next week!

Kyle... sigh. It's so fucked up that she has to use her sister's struggles with addiction as her SL. I never know if she is genuinely upset about her sister or fake-crying for the cameras in order to burnish her own image. On the upside, I do feel more sympathetic regarding the way she blurted out her sister's addictionon camera in S1. I really felt she did that in order to force her sister to get help.

Edited by Cat
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I think the producers will decide ahead of time who rides in cars together but they don't control how the women react.

So far this season, Brandi has said out there things to lisa v, Eileen and Kyle. Lisa V basically doesn't take the bait, Eileen looks at her as a super fan while.Kyle just takes the bait. What interests me more is how.a person reacts to a crazy..not the crazy themselves.

There is a brief preview scene on.bravo for next week where Lisa r tries to broach the subject of Kim with Kyle...but Kyle won't go into it. Lisa r says in a talking head that both of harry Hamlin's.brothers died of alcoholism within six months of each other....which explains why Lisa R quickly picked up on kim 's state..and is being so.honest about it. In that respect, I think Lisa r is serving the same role that Adrienne had in season 1 in regards to Kim and Kyle...imho

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IA, the way Lisa looked at Kim when she got in the car, immediately something clicked in her head that things were not right. And she came right out and asked her if she was drunk or on drugs. She didn't pressurize her during the car ride, and at the game when Kim suddenly went aggressive, she calmed the situation down without backing down. But she clearly has seen and handled something like this before.

In a lot of ways, Lisa and Eileen's sane way of looking at things and calling out the crazy but in a gracious way was such a relief from earlier seasons when everybody sat there embarrassed but too scared to say anything.

It is also interesting that Kim didn't care or really react to Lisa as much as she reacted to Kyle spotting that something wasn't right. Kim became an emotional, angry wreck at that point.

Edited by Cat
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RHOC news:

Reality Tea is confirming that Jeana is back. They also confirm that Meghan, the newest housewife, was brought on as a friend of Pleather's. Pleather supposedly threatened to quit after the 'villain' edit she got last season, so they are bringing on Meghan to help Pleather's image I guess. rolleyes.gif

They also claim to have heard rumors that my Lizzie might be coming back. happy.png


RHOBH news:

Joanna has officially slapped Brandi with a defamation and slanderous lawsuit. Despite thinking this is stupid, I hope Joanna drags her ass. Brandi can barely stay afloat so legal fees will swamp her buzzard ass. Maybe now she'll learn to close her damn mouth.


Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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