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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Brandi hurls insult after insult at everyone. If she can't take one little joke from a friend then the bitch needs to stop dishing it out. That whole after show was incredibly weird. They were either joking or serious. Either way it was a major buzzkill but not a surprise coming from the STD ridden filth known as Brandi. I'm just glad Andy had a front row seat since it's been pretty obvious for a while now that he doesn't like Brandi anymore. Enjoy what little time Brandi has left on these shows. I know I won't.

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Next week looks boring, but this week more than makes up for that! Plus the next two episodes are going to be EXPLOSIVE so let them have a quiet week! Hint: That is when Kim's story starts...

This week was amazing! I loved how heavy it was on Eileen and Lisa Rinna! All reports had them as enemies which I knew made little sense. I love how real they are, including Eileen who I've heard many say they feel like she's acting. To me Eileen is clearly being herself and not trying. Compared to the others when it comes to hair, makeup and clothing, I feel like she is who she is off camera as well. Even her scenes it just doesn't feel like she's trying hard to make it interesting--it just is. The only case you could say she turns it on is the talking heads, but everybody does. You're supposed to! I loved how straight forward Lisa Rinna was in her feelings about Brandi. They shouldn't have edited the scene between Lisa/Brandi/Eileen at Yolanda's party. The full video is on Bravo's website and Lisa really laid into Brandi. Why would they edit that? They could've easily removed one of Kyle's scenes or Yolanda's lemon picking.

Lisa Vanderpump was so fierce and fabulous, as always! I LOVED how she served Brandi dust and even after apologizing made it clear she wanted not a damn thing to do with that hoe. Brandi is UNBEARABLE this season! I just re-watched season 2 and I LOVE her! The fact that she makes me side with Kyle, something Kyle's own sisters won't do, says something! It seems like throughout the season she's just going to insult everybody. I can't imagine it being easy for her going into next season, but Bravo won't want to let her go. She better hope her toxic bond with Kim is strong enough to keep her on. Or maybe if they do bring back Carlton that will give her someone else to film with. I could see them bringing Carlton back as a Friend just so she can have someone to film with.

Going back to Eileen, the wine toss was sick. Brandi does give off SuperFan vibes (and I mean that in the worst way possible), but there is no excuse for that. I think that overall came from jealous of Eileen and she used the superfan thing as a cover. Bitch I see you!


The video of Lisa Rinna warning Brandi she will gladly put those hands on her if she has to.

Link: http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/videos/playlist?clip=2838180

Edited by Chris B
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Brandi tells Lisa that they have the same personality. I rolled my eyes and then laughed when Lisa looked at her crazy and was like no we dont

I was so here for the Eileen, Rinna and Yolanda scene but then the trashbox showed up. WTF is wrong with Brandi? Im not a violent person but had she thrown a drink in my face, Id have snatched her. Psyochtic soap stan

Eileen continues to be made of win. I love her more and more with each episode. When was this material filmed bc I want to know how soon after she won that Emmy that she got congratulated for

Im sick of Yolanda and her damn piano parties. And UGH to her still whining about Lisa inviting her to stuff. That was a passive aggressive dig. Why does she need an invitation to Pump? Its a public restaurant, not Lisa's home. Girl, bye

LOL at Yolanda and David chastising Brandi. First Yolanda tells her she is on time out and then David looks at her dirty and tells her that Babyface is married. That was humiliating. What the hell is wrong with her telling his wife that the ring she was bought was too small. Brandi s a drunken mess that needs to be fired. I cant with her anymore. She brings this show down bc she is pure TRASH

Kyle's a sh-t stirrer bringing up Lisa and Brandi's lunch up. Im glad Lisa squashed her obvious attempt at subtely trying to call her out




lol....was this on the show?

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Glad to Lisa Rinna put Brandi's ass on notice by letting her know she'll get gutter too. Betcha Brandi will tread lightly or get Kim to do her dirty work.

ETA: Bravo put up a preview of Phaedra v. Demetria. So glad that Demetria didn't back down when Red Box tried shading her on the sly.


Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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Okay I take back what I said about Demetria. Her points were valid and she clearly eviscerated Phae Phae. How can anybody deny Phaedra was shading her? Why would you bring her her age in regards to the popstar thing, unless you were hating? In R&B you CAN be a little older and succeed if the talent is there. Especially off the back of reality tv. Plus, how the hell you gonna ask somebody if they smoke crack and say you're NOT throwing shade? Phaedra is right when she says somebody got into somebody's ear, but it is Nene into hers and it's NOT a good look.

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I agree. Demetria is three years younger than Tamar who finally started having some form of success a couple years ago. Phaedra was being shady and trying to downplay it. The crack head thing was hella shady and I can't believe she tried to front like it wasn't.
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Well, at least Phaedra is finally doing something. She was quickly becoming the Kim Richards of this show. I wonder what flavor of ramen Nene would be? I'd say beef.

Poorsha resisted arrest and reportedly called the cop an !@#$%^&*]. Keepin' it classy as always.


Edited by MrPrezident
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That was really all in the preview. It also showed Claudia saying "you're rich and that's the hair you chose to buy?" And Nene saying "yes this is the hair I chose to buy" and Claudia in here confessional says it looks like an uncooked pack of ramen noodles and then they show a close up of the back of Nene's neck.
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