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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Ken's "for now, my dear" was damn flawless. What venom for Brandi.

Kim slurring her toast that consisted of bland "I love you's" to Brandi was a big pile of whatever. Kim was "shocked" Lisa didn't invite her to the PUMP opening? Give me a break, Lisa has consistently hated Kim, why the hell would she ever welcome her to her restaurant opening?!

Yolanda moaning and bitching about being a single mom: "you didn't invite me here!" once she saw PUMP, "My best friend has ALS!"...what an attention whore. She is so needy and clingy.

Lisa being silent for Brandi's toast, "No, she doesn't love her" and "Why would I want to have lunch with you?" were epic. And best yet, Brandi's parents tried to sell a reconciliation to Lisa and it just plain failed.

Kyle: what a bitch. Portia didn't learn "whose better, Lisa Rinna or Lisa V?" from no one. The minute Lisa left the party she stirs the pot. Congratulations Kyle, you haven't taught your children any useful life skills. What a failure!

Brandi: an awful lot of stress over a house warming party. What a ludicrous baby voice. What a random Leeza Gibbons cameo. And her poor parents pitch hitting for her, why does Lisa make her nervous? BECAUSE LISA SEES HER FOR WHAT SHE IS!

Lisa Rinna is a hustler and I love her positivity.

Eileen's laugh. She's just like Kristen! She is so positive, love her Lisa V love, love her icy disgust at Brandi's conduct.

It was a great episode because ALL of them, except Lisa R and Eileen, are beyond pressed that Lisa has dumped these women like the toxic waste that they are!

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Her obsession with David and desperation to prove how committed he is to their marriage is just hilarious to me. If not for the show Davide would have bounced years ago. Sad but true.

And Brandi lying about Scheana's relationship with Lisa is just her giving Lisa more ammo for the reunion. She's going to look so stupid and I dare And to try and give Lisa a hard time over this fake ass bitches and their obsession with Lisa.

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Rewatxhing the episode..and I liked that brand is housewarming consisted of.tension.but no blow ups. I did think Lisa v showed up to avoid being slammed for not.moving forward. She was cordial to.Brandi and to.everyone else. This is how normal people act.

I think.when a blow up happens will be satisfying because the tensions will.have festered over time.

I did like Eileen.and Lisa r both saying they were confused over the Brandi and lisa v fight. It was like both were the Greek.chrous.

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Lisa, Lisa, Lisa. She, she, and her are vile and have a fake marriage (because she, she and her don't like Lisa). The adoration is pretty intense. Lisa the eternal wronged victim vs. basically everybody STORYLINE really bores the chit out of me. Deep down, Kyle, Kim, Brandi and Yolanda will never really like Lisa how they used to in the same way Lisa won't feel the same about any of them. It's a load of resentment on every side that ain't really going nowhere. Brandi was being sarcastic with the very crass oral sex comment towards Lisa.

Yolanda. I really don't think she cares about this chit with Lisa - meaning having a friendship, invites. She just likes pointing it out to "help" others see Lisa for who she believes she is in the same way she has been trying to do this from nearly the beginning of her time on RHOBH. She started with Kim and Lisa, it was subtle but... But like I said I'm so over the chit.

I'm enjoying Eileen a little more than Lisa Rinna as a personality but I like Lisa more than Eileen as a really chill person (she's honest about who she is minus acting like she didn't watch this show before she was cast - read: going along with Eileen and acting like she needs a Brandi/Lisa recap). Eileen is shady and kind of a chit stirrer - the looks, the straight forwardness. She reminds me of Camille. I like that she's still feeling everybody out and hasn't exactly stuck to anybody. Both ladies are definitely upgrades from what we got last year.

Eileen is definitely sticking the nose up at Brandi - intentionally or unintentionally. I can't say Brandi doesn't call for that with that filthy mouth. The shade is going a tiny bit over Brandi's head so far. It makes for a kind of fun, new dynamic to this set.

Kyle is such a non entity so far this season.

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ATL fans! The moment we've been waiting for is almost here. Episode 10 (which airs a week from Sunday) is the first episode of the Puerto Rico trip which is what gave Claudia the peach over Demetria (the intended new housewife) and of course Porsha. I'm sure we've all read the reports from Tamara Tattles, but this is a trip not to be forgotten. the preview for this sunday's episode shows the beginnings of Nene and Claudia's feud which will obviously fuel the trip. I can't wait.

Episode is called Puerto Read-Co!

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No, what does it say?

I'm glad to see Eileen getting integrated with the rest of the cast, along with Lisa R. Now, of course we know Lisa R knows the dirt already (she watches the show, she's been friends with Kyle for years), but she hasn't seen it play out firsthand, so I'll go along with her inquisitiveness. Eileen doesn't pussyfoot around with these broads, and I love it. She has that frank honesty that is going to drive Brandi bonkers.

I'm hoping a Lisa/Eileen/Lisa triumvirate will form, leaving the former Princess and Duchess iced out and regretting last season's foolish attempt at dethroning the queen. YoLemony was winning me back, but now that we're back to the group scenes, her pathetic whining about "Real friends vs. Hollywood friends" is dull, trite, and obnoxious. Find a new angle, Lemon Pledge.

Brandi... there's just no point to this. Lisa said it best in the previous episode: "I'm still the same horrible person I was last year, so why do you suddenly want to be my friend again?" That just sums it all up right there.

Can we have more visits from Adrienne, Taylor and Camille? Now that everything is water under the bridge, I like seeing Adrienne again.

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I started watching RHOBH for Lips and Eileen this season. I don't really like this show - it's not my cup of tea but I'm quite the Eileen fan so I persist. I find much of this show to be fake, if not at least scripted.

I'd never heard of Lisa Vanderpump before this show so I had to do some internet research about her because I really don't understand why all the other housewives are so desperate for her friendship. I still don't really get it to be honest. Lisa dresses impeccably but her house with its themepark architecture and tacky decor betrays her desire to be seen as classy. Her husband is kinda gross and I don't get their marriage at all. She does seem very shrewd though to use the show as a promotion vehicle for her business. The star unveiling ceremony in Palm Springs was a big lol for me - they credited her "humanitarian" activities - do these C-listers really have their heads so stuck up their arses? That being said, Lisa is probably my "favourite" housewife after Lips and Eileen.

Brandi is vile. She is socially awkward and inappropriate, crass, transparent, insecure and desperate. I also had to google her a lot about her divorce because I also had never heard of her before - she needs to be in serious therapy.

Kim seems like a non-entity second tier housewife - I don't know what she was like in previous seasons, but she really means little in this season. Her daughter seemed like the unhappiest bride I had ever seen in my life while the man she was marrying was the happiest - strange.

Kyle could be nice but she is so insecure about everything and everyone except her husband. Googling her too, the only thing she really should be insecure about is her marriage...

My absolute worst is Yolanda. I cannot stand this woman with her greeting card wisdom that she doles out every chance she can get - she really thinks she is this fountain of insight that makes me want to lose my lunch everytime she opens her mouth. She goes on and on and on about family yet while her mother is dying, she takes time to on holiday in Spain - what a [!@#$%^&*] hypocrite - who does this? I can't believe she is married to the great David Foster, who comes across as Liberace's more flamboyant brother. She is also so insecure and "needs" friendship from these women - these women are not your friends, they are your cast members.

I like Lisa Rinna but she is clearly playing a role here. She plays it well, but I don't think it is the real Lisa Rinna. Eileen is interesting, she is more open than Lisa R. about who she really is, but I want to learn more - I feel like she has hardly been on.

Are the other RH shows as fake as this one?

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Yolanda is indeed a hypocrite with this "Are we real friends or Hollywood friends?" line, when she herself has pulled the same fakery crap with Brandi. On one hand, she acts like Brandi's her sidekick, and next she goes on WWHL and admits that she and Brandi only hang out when they're filming. Even Brandi was taken aback by that comment, as she sloppily declared on Twitter.

I loved Bravo's Throwback Thursday, with the first episodes of all the Housewives franchises. I missed OC and BH, but I saw NYC, NJ, and ATL. I loved how back in the day, they'd do the little chyrons, indicating the average cost of whatever it is they're buying at the time (jewelry, dresses, weekly cost of a personal driver, etc.). I particularly loved the opulence, glamour, and true "New York feeling" of NYC's first episode, showcasing the city in a way that non-New Yorkers (like myself) always envision it.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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Finally all caught up again.


Entertainig and fun to watch nbut kind of boring and not much to say. Loving kandi, as always. Really feeling Claudia. Kenya stays bringing the fun. The others can all go. Poorsha is on way, way to much.


Lisa Rinna! YES! Love, love, love her like i knew I would. The stuff with her parents aging was so hard to watch. her kids are very typical of the area/times, sadly.She is coming off so real, and honest. So happy she is here and cant wait to see more.

Eileen is def improving for me now that shes interacting more.

brandi is always entertaining and fun to watch for me. I am so over her and vanderpumps straight up mutual obsession and acting like they dont care about eachother.

Kyle and Kim do not bother me, like at all, this season. So far.

Yolanda remains flawless. Haters gonna hate.

Edited by JackPeyton
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I dont think this show is scripted. That word has changed to mean alot of thigns with the advent of reality tv. There is intervention by producers as these women are forced to hang out with each other when most probably wouldnt. If you want to say thats scripted, then okay, but they arent told who to like or hate. There is a self awareness among the women as they realize they are on tv and have to generate story in order to be deemed interesting enough to keep on. In that sense, they will exagerate things and bicker about trivial things to give the show material to work with.They are also aware of public perception of them and social media plays a big role in this so, many will alter their behavior accordingly. Kyle is the worse offender of that

Lisa is LOVE! When the show began, I defintely didnt pick her out as being the star but she emerged as the Queen of BH. She is flawless.

You are correct about Brandi. I feel she brings this franchise down bc she's so trashy.

Hate to say this but Kim was only interesting when she was wasted. Ever since becoming sober, she's become this non-entity and Im puzzled she is still a housewife bc most women would have already been downgraded

Kyle tries too hard. I have to say she's done a good job of redeeming herself last season and this

LMAO at you reading Yolanda's ass. I liked her, her first season but then she played dirty last year and exposed her true colors. This season is about redeeming herself but she comes across fake bc we saw how she can be.

I actually do find Lisa Rinna to be genuine. With her, what you see is what you get

I think all the shows follow a similar formula so if you find this to be fake, then yes I guess all are as fake as this

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