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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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RH of Melbourne

This was a bad episode for Gina because she was exposed. She tried very hard to tap dance around the truth and rely on semantics, but it didn't fly. The video footage just didn't lie. That said, it did not support Andrea's ridiculous behaviour because nothing Gina was exposed for saying had anything to do with Andrea.

Therefore, Andrea remains a totally humourless bitch and an absolute psychopath obsessed with Gina and hatred of her.

Chyka was fab as usual, but far more restrained this episode. Interesting that she acknowledged how she, for certain, the 6th housewife. I really hope she comes back for the next season because she's been a delight to watch.

Jackie was fiery and dramatic this episode, but I do think she was a bit over the top with walking off the set.

Lydia IS an idiot, just because she can fly a plane doesn't make her intelligent. And she's not hot.

Janet remains a firm favourite of mine because she is very straightforward and cops to everything. Sure, she 'gilds the lily'...but she didn't let anyone try and pull a fast one.

Thrilled there will be a season 2, I hope the cast doesn't change one bit.

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I hated how the host kept coming for Gina. He seemed quite biased against her, cutting her off and wanting to expose her. i think there was WAY too much focus on the C word. I hated how they dwelled on it so much.

I HATED the smirk on Andrea's face as they were going in on Gina. She felt very vindicated. She was so fake saying the thing she regrets about this season was losing Gina as a friend. Bullsh-t

I also agree that it was super dramatic of Jackie to walk off the set

So there will be a season 2? Cool. I think there's a good group of ladies although I could stand to lose Lydia, Andrea or both. I also would like to see a new girl added to the mix

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I am with you on the host. He seemed to be gunning for Gina. It's weird to see a host be like that. Andy does that with Lisa every year at the BH reunions and I always wonder why.

Andrea was smirking, but going in on Gina accomplished nothing in terms of Andrea being proven correct. Andrea is still a harpy with bad teeth.

Yes, Season 2 was confirmed this past week by Arena/FoxTel. I'd like to see Lydia dropped over Andrea, because at least Andrea can go toe to toe with Gina (failing hard mind you) while Lydia is just too stupid to comprehend what's going on. I'm not too sure about a new girl, I don't want to see Melbourne go down the road Vancouver did and die a grisly death.

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I don't think it was adding new blood that ruined Vancouver. There was no balance. It was just far too negative. Leaving Jody, Ronnie and Mary as the only remaining originals seemed like a recipe for disaster. Christina was at least fun loving and Reiko was down to earth and helped provide balance. Without them there, it was toxic Jody to reel Ronnie back in and continue on with the war against Mary with the new girls feeling they had to come in and take a side. I could only see this happening with Melbourne if we were left with Andrea/Lydia (Jody/Ronnie) and Gina (Mary) and new blood. I think Jackie, Chyka and Janet all provide much needed balance amongst that toxic feud. As long as at least two of them remain, I think Melbourne is in good shape
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Anyone read or heard anything about Beverly Hills? Aside from Carlton leaving I haven't seen anything and I know she cant the only not being asked back. Kristen from V Rules said Lisa had another spin off coming centered around her new P.U.M.P. Lounge so I've been waiting to for some type of announcement of her leaving the Housewives.

I will be soooooooooo pissed if Kim's boring self is holding a diamond.

Edited by Eric83
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Yeah she's friends with Allison DuBois and she did an interview bashing the show saying Carlton wasn't going to be on it next year. Carlton will not be missed by this viewer. :lol:

Kenya's one on one with Andy was flawless. She read him, got her points across, and kept it cclassy. She also said she was never seriously considering a sperm bank and that she knows the father of her child. So Phaedra's read was not only inaccurate but a fail. :P

Edited by Eric83
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But of course Kenya had plenty of time between the reunion and that interview with Andy to come up with talking points and how she could deflect Phaedra's attack.

Kenya is only effective when she's had time to think and come up with preplanned attacks. Otherwise she's dumber than even Porsha and has no way to defend herself.

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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She was never going to use a sperm bank but yet said repeatedly on the show she was going to and was on the verge of tears when Phaedra said that? So either she's lying now or, like I've always said, fakes and lies about absolutely everything about her life for the show. She has ruined this show. What a disgusting piece of [!@#$%^&*]. Edited by Mr. Vixen
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Its funny how she's both the worst and best thing to happen to this show since Nene came along....I truly dislike her now intensely and yet without her I think the show would be utterly boring...in a weird way she and Nene need each other IMO.

And I do think she was going from bank to bank to get a baby daddy. She's had no man now for how many years? She's old and only getting older as another poster mentioned last season (I think Cheap but if not forgive me). She's getting desperate and it shows. Her face told the entire story throughout Part 3 of the reunion. She was utterly wrecked by Phaedra and Nene continued the destruction throughout beginning with exposing just how broke the dumb attention whore is. Aside from the Apollo mess and this Marlo/Nene situation all Kenya was doing was twerking around her house on that stupid piano and getting evicted. Hardly riveting television....

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This show was ruined WAY before Kenya even got this show. Before Kenya, Kim, Sheree, Phaedra, and even Nene were pulling the same antics as Kenya such as: lying, devising drama, getting physical, etc. Kenya, however, has perfected what these women laid the groundwork for, which is why many of them are pressed. She's too smart.

And I thought that Kenya's one on one was good too. I'm glad that she called production/Bravo out for showing a favorable edit for Whorsha time and time again while pegging Kenya as the culprit. If both parties are acting vile, show it. Don't play one as the victim and one as the culprit. Both women have instigated battles against one another. I was glad too when she called the audience out too. Andy took notice of that and couldn't ignore her response.

Kenya knew what she was doing, which was solidifying her spot for season 7. She realized that there has been a backlash against her, and she realized that Bravo, who may support her somewhat, has began to teeter away as they don't want the backlash either. Kenya went in there guns blazing, called everyone out, and she's most likely gonna get a raise next season. Kenya is smart and no one can deny it.

Kenya came off as elegant, well-spoken, educated, and she looked beautiful, which is why Kenya will keep on winning.

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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Winning at what? She's a 40 something woman who's never been able to get a husband or even hold on to a man long enough to have a baby. Hell, her lying ass can't even get a house or a car in her name. She's vile and fake. And the only place she is so beloved is here at SON. People may be over Nene but it doesn't equate to love for this greasy heifer. She is constantly being dragged on the internet, just as much if not more than Nene. She may be adding to the show right now but her ridiculous act has MINUTES left at best. She has no friends and no storyline. If Nene and Porsha are out, what will she do? Phaedra will not be paying her any mind. She'll once again be relegated to twerking around her house with the ass she probably bought in some third world country cause you know her broke ass couldn't afford it here. She is trash. Goodbye!

Edited by Mr. Vixen
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