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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Nene just posted a link to her personal blog where she's basically bragging on herself about being the most accomplished black woman that ever lived. I'm over exaggerating BUT so is she. I can't wait until her over inflated head REALLY comes out of kissing that big ole a--.

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It's not about whether they lied. They were talking [!@#$%^&*] and anybody would defend themself in that situation.

Not to mention how laughable it is for a hooker and an "actress", who's credits include a direct to DVD flop and a scene in "I Know Who Killed Me", to be talking [!@#$%^&*] about ANYONE'S career.

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For the record, Porsha said mud SWINGING. Such an adorable idiot.

Nobody mucks up common phrases like The OC ladies. Now that Gretchen and Jesus Jugs are gone, not sure if those slip ups will be as common. :)

BH's Ken is such a superstar. He's not mugging for airtime like Papa Smurf, he's just defending his wife and tired of the B.S. In all honesty, he reminds me of how my hubby would react to defend my honor.

Very different approach to end the season, showing them "Six Months Later" getting glammed up for the reunion. Seemed too forced to create a so-called cliffhanger. It's like, "yeah this season sucked, but the reunion will make up for it!" I think that kind of build up to the reunion would've been perfect for New Jersey season 2 when they all hadn't seen Danielle in a year.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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Kenya's acting career has been much more successful than Nene and I'm sure she's made a lot more money as well (from acting, not reality tv). Kenya has had regular guest starring roles for almost 20 years, plus small film parts and bigger parts in Direct To DVD films. She's also produced films. I don't think she has anything to be ashamed of in terms of her career. I do think it's stupid of her not to pursue acting again now that she has the platform of this show. As for Nene's acting career, so far she has TWO roles given to her by the same person. My guess is that he liked RHOA and Nene and wanted her on the show, period. Until she starts getting other types of acting gigs then I don't think it's fair to say she's a successful actor yet. I think she COULD be, but I don't know that she wants to work as hard as it would take to get there. From Glee and The New Normal it was clear she still needs lots of acting class to carry her natural charisma through.

In other housewives news, I decided to buy season 1 of RHONY, RHODC and RHOA on Amazon Video and I'm starting with RHOA, which I haven't re-watched since it first aired. This is like an entirely new show, but even with DeShawn, this show was perfectly cast. With DeShawn I wouldn't have wanted her long term, but she served her purpose well in season one and at least added the money element to the show. She also had a disasterous charity event, which these shows thrive on.


I just reached Sheree's introduction and she is RIDICULOUS!! When I think of her I think of brokeness so this is just shocking. Her staff with a chef, maid, PR person, assistant AND hairstylist Lawrence (who I didn't realize was an original cast member!)! This stuff is nuts. Re-watching this is reminding me how PERFECT Sheree's arc was from seasons 1-4. This is a true downfall of a tired bitch. I know many say that RHOC showed the recession, but Sheree is just perfection when it comes to the overspending athlete wives.

Edited by Chris B
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Home sick and watching the season 5 marathon of NY today.

The key difference between season 5 of NY and this season of BH was that while there were blow ups on both shows, it seems like the woman on NY enjoyed each other. Plus, there were events and get togethers on NY that didn't have blow ups or rights.

I think season 5 of BH could be a good season with a good producer, better editing, and maybe some cast shuffling.

There is one board that actually has people upset that Gretchen isn't coming back this upcoming season. When someone pointed out that having her meant slade, then people replied with agreement that no Gretchen was better then Gretchen w/Slade. I'm curious about what caused Bravo to toss Gretchen who was basically harmless (if deluded) but won't get rid of Brandi (who has proven to be a liar, racist, and just a toxic presence)?

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I guess they assume Brandi makes good TV. Gretchen no longer seemed to do that, presumably.

I have to wonder why they aren't more alarmed at the flat ratings for BH, which will likely only decline further. This cast is simultaneously boring and toxic, a very bad combination.

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Team Lisa! Yolanda was the worst last night, worse than Brandi. Did anyone else notice how she pulled a Faye? Last season she got all pissed bc Faye inserted herself at the table in a conversation that didnt involve her yet thats exactly what she did on this episode. She needed to STFU. She was doing the most trying to make this about her, looking for an issue where there wasnt one

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Yes!! That was so rude of Yolanda and Brandi to just insert themselves into the conversation going on between Mauricio and Ken/Lisa. She was quite annoying overall last night.

I think Brandi brings a mainstream press to Beverly Hills that Gretchen does not do for O.C. Overall, the OC wives are just Bravolebrities that don't make it to mainstream press like Beverly Hills, Atlanta, Teresa Guidice, and Jill/Bethenny did/do.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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My hated for Yolanda now surpasses my hatred for Faye. At least Faye was a delicious villain who could check a bitch just with a look. Yolanda's a hypocritical wench who is constantly contradicting herself. She has shown what a true snob she really is and no amount of lemon pledge will change that. Her over the top reaction to Ken barely brushing his hand against hers was laughable. Only an idiot would believe that was assault.

Brandi can go !@#$%^&*] herself with something hard and sandpapery!

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