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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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ITA. That's what's different about this season. Everyone had something to contribute, fabulous or hot mess, in the original cast. Lisa was the witty Brit. Now with half the original ladies gone, friendships divided, and new people brought on and immediately choosing sides... It's not as enjoyable to watch, and yeah it makes Lisa come off as more judgmental and two-faced than just being witty and cheeky. Not to throw out the basic cop out, but I blame strategic editing setting the tone. And I'm still Team Lisa all the way, even if she's standing proudly on her own.

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There was a humorous tone to it before. RHOBH was usually just stupid fun despite the drama ... until this season. It's like nobody really took the crap all that seriously before.

This year things are so pronounced and there's jagged edges everywhere.

I'm not sure if it's the casting changes, editing or the Season 4 curse.

Brandi - a filthy drunk with racist tendancies

Yolanda - a snob who acts like a mean girl

Lisa - so over (and above) everybody

It's a kind of sad season when the Richards sisters are coming off the softest on a season. I always did get the impression that Andy wants to let Kyle get top dog position if she can get it. He goes in on Lisa on reunion shows.

RHOA is bouncing back this year, on the other hand. It has a lighter feel to it than it's had in years and I appreciate that.

I have to watch the second airing tonight as I was interrupted by phone calls during the 8 o'clock airing.

Kenya and Porsha getting along so well this episode was interesting. Nene making everybody cry and not really giving a poop was very Nene, haha.

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Why wouldn't Lisa stand on her own? She is The Queen, someone who has lived life, been there, done that, bought the t-shirt and is unimpressed with other people's nonsense. If it appears she is above the rest of the women, it's simply because she is superior to them. And yes, she is absolutely over them, they're petty women who bring nothing to her life. Lisa is in her mid 50s and has been at the game called 'life' long enough to know that it isn't worth it.

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Meh. It's an ensemble show and Lisa isn't the second coming of anything as much as I do like her and as much as I do think she is a better pedigree than most of these other bitches. It's not so much about what any of these women are or aren't. With me, at least, it's about not really liking any of their current "characters" all that much.

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This was a great episode.

I loved Kenya and Porsha getting along and I hope it sticks.

Cynthia was all kinds of extra. I didn't like Phaedra trying to shade Nene but I am still loving her this season.

Nene was in perfect form this episode. Kenya's drag queen comments were funny, coming from the bitch who looks like the before in a Proactive ad.

Kandi continues to be the MVP of season 6.

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Kandi is great this season but she did diddly squat last night. Im not getting the MVP comment from that episode alone. It was all about the other women. Kandi's importance comes into play when Mama Joyce is involved and she was MIA so her storyline has been taking a backseat

After getting read last week My'nique was nonexistent this week.

In terms of cam sex via Skype, Porsha says you never need to come face to face with a vagina like that. Huh? Its a webcam. She's never been eaten out before? The guys get a lot closer. Oh wait, my bad, she's been married to Kordell the past few years

I cant stand shady fake Phae-Phae. Kenya once again tried to apologize and clear the air between them bc there obviously is still tension and Phaedra was rude and unresponsive. Kenya at least tried but this bitch wasn't even trying to mend anything

Kenya and Porsha bonding was quite unexpected. I can see where the cracks that cause a rift between Nene and Cynthia come into play with Nene judging her parenting and Kenya being there to support her. Nene owed her an apology and Im upset she didn't give her one. Instead she came into the room all jokes as if nothing happened. Nene needs to STFU in her blog. I did not read Cynthia's comment about a grandbaby as her throwing Nene shade. Having your teenage daughter pregnant is a fear ALL mothers face and raising girls IS different than boys. Nene cant fully understand bc she has no girls.

I felt bad for Porsha when she talked about losing her family bc she did have stepchildren that she loved that she's now cut off from. She took major steps backwards when she admitted to texting Kordell. What is wrong with her? That marriage is over and she shouldn't even be entertaining the thought of a reconciliation bc he does not want her. LMAO at Nene reading her for being a one sided friend.


Cynthia's new talking head was hot! She continues to slay them all with her beauty


Nene also debuted a new one which looked great and much better than that longer hair Alexis Bellino knockoff she's been sporting

Edited by Cheap21
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I watched the past two episodes tonight so I might have mixed up which one I was referring to Kandi in. I thought she was great in the interaction with Mynique...I have to say though, Mynique is boring and I don't need her to get a peach.

These past two episodes I was finally starting to like Kenya, but her unnecessary and rude drag queen comments reminded me just how ugly she is inside & often out.

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RHOA - Team Kenya all the way baby. The bitch is psychotic and I love it. Nene disappoints me all this season. I can't even recognize her and she used to be MY girl.

RHOBH - Team Brandy all the way baby. Jacaline is so dum and plain, I'm embarrassed for her.

RHONY - Can't wait for this season.TEAM RAMONA AND SONJA TILL DEATH! I don't even remember the rest of these bitches, just that crazy one with one leg and that greasy disgusting woman that was married to a count. I miss Jill like I would miss my mother.

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Marlo said she's back in 3 weeks! I can't wait for her big return. This episode was great and I think the beginning of the second part of this season. Mynique will be officially integrated after the Savannah trip and we're starting to see the tension develop between the other girls and Nene. So funny how we were just hearing the rumors of Cynthia and Nene fighting and Nene was shading the hell out of Cynthia in that blog. Kenya is looking REALLY good to me. I feel like Nene might lose this fight. Kenya's reads of Nene were SPOT ON this week. Her Hello Kitty is as bald as she is?!?! Kenya did that. I hope Kenya and Marlo beat Nene's ass.

Marlo said she's back in 3 weeks! I can't wait for her big return. This episode was great and I think the beginning of the second part of this season. Mynique will be officially integrated after the Savannah trip and we're starting to see the tension develop between the other girls and Nene. So funny how we were just hearing the rumors of Cynthia and Nene fighting and Nene was shading the hell out of Cynthia in that blog. Kenya is looking REALLY good to me. I feel like Nene might lose this fight. Kenya's reads of Nene were SPOT ON this week. Her Hello Kitty is as bald as she is?!?! Kenya did that. I hope Kenya and Marlo beat Nene's ass.

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You said it so much better than I could, Cheap.

It was just so apparent given that the two of them have been friends for a while and have always been able to talk without it looking like how it looked last night. And she didn't even apologize. I was just...WOW.

YAY FOR THE RETURN OF MARLO!!!! I wonder if she will get a 'Look Who's Back' promo that week.

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What was alarming about Nene's behavior is that she saw that her comments were making Cynthia visibly upset, and she went in HARDER, in a way that seemed sadistic. I've been a Nene fan, but she can be mean-spirited and narcissistic in a way that makes me root for her downfall. And it's clear that the ladies are less intimidated by her "Queen Bee" status.

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I do think NeNe's can be narcissistic. Like I've said before she was hating on Kim back in Season 3. As much as I don't like Shady Phae-Phae she was dead wrong to say she hopes that Phaedra's kids don't end up in prison for 6 years. She doesn't need to talk about anyone's parenting. Her son may have been an adult when the show started but you don't turn into a bum overnight.

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