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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Extremely disappointed that KomaKathy is getting a THIRD season as an official housewife. UGH. WTF. So glad to see my girl Teresa back in action. Hopefully all the friends Tre are official friend of girls auditioning for spots in Season 6 like they do on Beverly Hills.


The only one that matters wub.png


Edited by Eric83
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I'm confused about why OC and NJ have such cheap cast shots. Miami, Beverly Hills, New York and Atlanta all has such stylized shots and high production values. This is like a step back for them. I'm also disappointed that there aren't any official new housewives, when we know there were several women heavily filming with them. Jennifer Dalton in particular, is going to basically be a housewife. I don't understand why they don't just put a sixth woman to shake things up.

I guess Bravo is going to use Married to Medicine as the second housewives series and then New Jersey will premiere on the back of that. Then we'll have New Jersey and OC going until Miami is ready. Then they'll have New York replace New Jersey in the fall.

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Shocked that they didn't update their opening! All the other series did. OC not doing it makes it look really outdated. I have no hope for NJ now, which DESPERATELY needs to get rid of that cheap ass looking thing they call an opening

Vickie does still look like herself but her face is very stiff and I notice she has problems moving her mouth. Yay to her breaking up with Brooks

I hate Alexis' haircut. And whats with her no style. She looks like a Leave it to Beaver mother in the opening with that wardrobe. Ugh! Too much of her in the premiere. I thought she was brought into the series later in the season so I wasn't expecting to see much of her this early. Im guessing these were filmed later and spliced in to make it seem as if she was around from jump. For her to say she was bullied had me rolling my eyes, especially when she was thowing shade at Heather's career. I just cant with her stupidity and apparently neither can....

Heather! wub.png "Im inviting all the ladies over my house for a clam bake, but I decided not to include Alexis. Alexis and I do not have a friendship. She is someone that I absolutely do not want in my life." If I didn't like her already, that line would have made me a fan. Heather had a very slow start last season so Im glad she is fully integrated now since they are done introducing her. She's bringing it in episode 1 and Im loving it

Tamra: "Last year, I would have been Vickie's first call. Bitch" "I want to tell her listen, bitch" LMAO. I love how Tamra kept calling her a bitch

"Slade went out and got a job. Now what am I gonna say about him?" laugh.png

"The only thing I can think is the guy (Brooks) was like conceived anally bc he's the biggest assholes I know". She was on fire with her lines!

Gretchen had to call Slade on how to make coffee? Girl, you look as dumb as Porsha right now

ETA: Ugh to the preview and seeing Brooks in there

Yay! Now you know why Jeana was so beloved and why many of us here keep wanting her to return. I also loved her kids, especially Kara. She had such a fun personality Edited by Cheap21
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Just finished watching the reunion. The Queen, Princess, and Duchess held it down as usual. What I want to know is why was Kim shitting in a pillow? :mellow:

LMAO she shut that motherf-cker down. That's why I love her. She gives no f-cks.

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OC s5 Finale-

WOW! I did not expect to seriously see the end of Tamra and Simons marriage on film. That limo rise was intense and it was clearly the end. So much was said there was no coming back from. He was very hostile with her due to her going to "events" that we all know is actually work for the show since he isnt working that they need. Right after she got his name tattooed on her finger too - never do that. He does use her kids against her though and makes her feel guilty, but she also did become very dismissive of him after he stopped being the money maker so both

Vicki and Donn just feel so fake and forced at this point. That vow renewal a few episodes back was... just.. i dont know, i didnt feel it. The most enjoyable part of them is their wonderful kids. That backless yellow dress Vicki was in was terrible on her. She causes so much drama too in her not speaking to Simon.

I miss Jeanna as a fulltime wife. I love her kids too. Shane is ALWAYS welcome on my screen. It was nice to see Lauri too even though i dont like her. Did Jeanna and Lauir quit? Cuz they pop a lot so it doesnt feel like they were fired.

Gretchen showing up looking like a bride was AMAZING. All of these bitches are so jealous of her it is so funny. Is Lauri trying for her spot back in coming at gretchen trying to cause drama? Someone should tell Lori slutting it up with Slade does not equal dating.

Lynnes drunken teenage girls are awful. No wonder they didnt bring her back - her kids are always trashed and Bravo cant have that. Lynn is in total denial about it too. I love Kara, Jeannas daughter, and how she controlled the whole situation in moments.

Who is Fernanda?

Brianna really should become a housewife.

Gretchen is so on point in her commentary. She knows Tamras marriage is [!@#$%^&*] and she is faking that it is ok. Its actually deserved on Tamra after all the [!@#$%^&*] she talked on gretchen calling her a fake, a liar, a golddigger that now she is faking an ok marriage, lying about being happy, and unhappy with Simon because he isnt bringing home the money anymore.

Seriously why is there not a Geana, Shane, kara and Colton spinoff?

I do view Vicki differently know that i know about all her brain issues and how much brain matter has been taken out of her, seriously.

How the hell as Alexis lasted this long?

Watching the reunion... Gretchen is READY to read Tamara, as she should! Tamara talked to an ex boyfriend and possible had a relationship with him during her marriage? Well, isnt that interesting considering Tamara accused Gretchen of cheating on jeff with an ex.

Jesus Juggs has been obsessed with being bullied from the reunion on, hasnt she?

Lynn is seriously an atrocious mother and in denial. Gretchen knows there are issues and can see it, she reached out to Lynn to reach out to her child and Lynn said yes, so she did. Her daughters were a freakin trainwreck and needed someone to try and reachout. And Vicki claiming that anyone, even a trained psychologist, with no kids has no right to comment on parenting is infuckingsane.

Seriously why does Vicki hate Slade so much? Is it because he may know about her swinging, cheating lifestyle or what? Because she is terrified to even be on stage at this reunion with him. This is why I dont mind his trashing her because she attacks him constantly and seems to always have. And no, just because he had sex with lauri doesnt mean they were in a serious relationship.

Alexis actually made Vicki come off terrible at this reunion. What happened?

I am DYING at Vicki being called out and getting up to walk out because she cant handle it.

Edited by JackPeyton
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