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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Taylor was right, Kyle and her Hubby, Adrienne and Lisa kicked out Taylor because her Hubby was sueing them and they want Brando to call her.

Lisa was rigth, no one told Adrienne she was wrong for calling Lisa a lying publicity whore.

Kim, this was not bout you, Brandi was right biout you, she just got the dugs wrong. and u threw out the first shot And LOL at u not knowing what meth is, GMAB!

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Interesting how qiet Kle was when her Hubby was asking why Brandi said what she said.

Lisa, Shane......I mean Taylor and Camille were on Brandi's side Kim still sounds drugged up, and loved how Ken came to Brandi's defense when a man was browbeating her!

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Kenya's song was fierce. She was smart to rap instead of trying to sing and the lyrics were simple, but effective. I like that she doesn't take herself too seriously and can handle criticism.

So annoyed with this show! I've been over Kyle, but Maurico is done for me now as well. Did he forget throwing Taylor out of his party because her husband was suing Camille? But now he wants Brandi to violate her lawyers wishes and talk to Adrienne? Sorry, she didn't lie and didn't really do anything major enough to get a lawyer involved. Adrienne knows Brandi doesn't have lots of money so her way of getting back at her is a BS law suit that she knows Brandi can't afford to fight. She knows and doesn't expect anything to come of it, but she wants to drain Brandi's bank account and cause her stress. I'm sick of Brandi having to apologize for it. Adrienne is just sick to me.

This season of RHOBH has provided the most frank and quote worthy blogs. This episode alone:


"Let's talk about Taylor; she seems to be a walking contradiction. Honestly, how does Taylor tell Lisa to find her a man in one breath and then in the other she starts playing the victim, talking about how she feels guilty dating, etc.? I think it B.S."

"Then whom do we hear from again? You guessed it, none other than Taylor, who is so desperate to get some attention on herself that she starts sticking up for Brandi and starts yelling that they are both are single women and need to stick together, and how her husband is dead and she's left with a mountain of finances, etc. . .yada, yada, yada. Who cares??? So over her!"


"Dinner at the Moroccan restaurant was another public drama. Kim has a knack for bringing up ultra-sensitive issues at inappropriate times."

"Taylor. . .really? Please stop drinking -- it makes you aggressive and it's so unattractive. I am concerned that she has not taken enough time to properly mourn the death of her husband. The alcohol only adds poison to her open wounds. Maybe being home with her beautiful little angel is a better and safer place to get through this tough and unthinkable time of her life."

"We keep going back and forth on this whole lawyer situation, here is the deal; Adrienne is using her money to intimidate Brandi with a lawsuit because she does not have the chops or communication skills to work this out like normal people do. As we have previously discussed, and Mauricio tries to point out, Brandi hit below the belt. She was wrong and an apology is in order to Adrienne -- but if she doesn't acknowledge Brandi's phone calls, and surrounds herself with a barrier of lawyers, then this will never get resolved because Brandi does not have the money to defend herself."

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Aww, I thought we had more OC lovers out there. I can't get enough of Vicki and her drama... I also loved Heather as a new addition to the cast. March seems about right for the premiere - Season 6 started on March 6 I think, and last season started much earlier in February. I guess they filmed longer into the year, and will start probably in April (sort of like NYC), which now sounds like NYC may be delayed even further than last year. Have they even started filming yet? I remember 2 seasons ago they delayed the premiere for Miami Season 1 to April 15th (which pissed off many), and then last season didn't premiere until early June. Sounds like we won't get Season 6 of NYC until maybe this fall now.

Seems like they are spreading out the housewives by either filming longer, or just taking more time to cast and film between seasons.

Anyway - Kenya was hot and fierce on WWHL! Loved the outfit and confidence! Andy also clearly loves her - he has mentioned that several times throughout this season on WWHL. She'll be back next season for sure.

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OC was the one that made me a fan, obviously, but I stopped caring about it when Tamra and Gretchen took over. Throw in Alexis and it just wasn't the same anymore. It took until Heather arrived for them to properly get a housewife who could replace Laurie and Jeana, who both were IMO HUGE for this series. Tamra plays to he cameras far too much and has ruined this franchise and Gretchen and Alexis are alright, but just not good enough IMO. I usually start watching and then get bored.

As for NYC, they really screwed up and now have to deal with it. Kelly and Cindy going is no big deal, but Alex and Jill are the two popular ones and firing both (when they had ample story) was foolish. I understand Jill was toxic and needed to go, but Alex never should've been fired. In terms of keeping Luann, I don't understand that at all. I know their had their foolish idea to make it like BH, but they fired he only people she had a storyline with (Alex, Kelly, Cindy, Jill)! Is it any surprise she was useless?

Now the big problem with NYC is that they can't fire the new HWs because it'll be admitting the reboot is a failure, but that cast just doesn't pop. I still say, invite everybody back and add Alex and see what happens. Hell, maybe even bring back Kelly. More new faces isn't the way to go IMO.

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