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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I agree. I was disappointed by Carole because this seemed to be really her -- or a side to her that had been kept hidden because, you know, her MIL is Lee effing Radziwell and Andy was attracted to the cachet. It was kind of an eye-opener, actually. Heather was really the only one who came across exactly the same as she does on the show.

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No they dont, so Eric mightve laid it out like that for you but not me. Antonia looks like her Mother and if there are any other features tht she may have that look like Tre,has, would be attributed to her Father LOL

Too funny thinking Joe and Melissa's daughter favors a young Tre, that some the dumbarse Tre would think LOL!

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I also read that Tre is now making accusations against her cousin Kathy, saying Kathy was not supportive of her sister Rosie being gay and even would not let her be around the kids. Sometimes I wonder if Tre is soooo into the limelight. fame and fortune that she HAS to make things up or embellish things about those in her life to keep herself in the spotlight. She needs to get some help, because it is obvious she is delusional, Joe is cheating on her and her kids are out of control, especially Milania.

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Oooooooooooo. I love me some Kennedy/Radziwill drama. Real Housewives of Cape Cod... starring Lee Radziwill, Taylor Swift, Carole R and Caroline Kennedy. Make it happen, Andy (And yes, I know it never could).

It's funny because Carole's attitude -- put on a sweet face, bitch about the other ladies behind their back -- brings Jackie O to mind (yes, I know she's an untouchable icon, but she disparaged Martin Luther King privately while still accepting to appear front row at his funeral).

Back to RHoNY -- Cheap once posted a jpeg of Sonja blow-drying her body while Ramona stood there like it was her own personal wind machine. It was when they were in St Barts. I thought of that today and literally LOL. Scene of the season IMO.

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It wasnt as good as her past videos (probably bc she re-recorded this one and it wasnt her original take) but I was LMAO at that comment. DEAD at her saying supporting actress.

LOL...I dont remember that one. Will have to search through this thread or Tumblr..

Found it! Mean this?


and just some more I found





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Actually, she's still been doing them every week, but they haven't been using RHONY in the title, so I just search for Rumor Fix every Tuesday and it's there. I wub.png her recaps too! I wish she had taken the Jenn Gilbert "Friend of the Housewives" job this season though.

Yes to all of this, ESPECIALLY Heather. Talk about a class act- I, too, love her more than any of the others- a housewife I can actually relate to! They always talk about Carole being such a "downtown" type girl but I'd say Heather is. Carole's more Upper East Side or Manhattan, if only because of her pedigree. Had my mom not told me, I'd never have known that Carole was actually quite unattractive when she was younger. I tried finding a picture but all that came up was RHONY era pics.

As for the who does Antonia Gorga look like debate, I agree that she most closely resembles Melissa, not Teresa. I actually think that Milania and Gia both look exactly like Teresa in the face but have Joe Giudice's hair color.

RHONJ needs a serious overhaul- I hope Andy realizes that. This year's reunion makes last year's New York reunion look like THIS: (8:50)

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Finally caught up.

RHoNY: Ramona looked like a damn fool in that hedious thing she had on that even someone 22 would look like they were trying to hard in. WOW. Really none of the women looked stunning tho. Very basic aside from Sonja. Luann trying to go in on Carole was hilarious and she failed miserably, really. I hardly made it through the Avivia vs Ramona part because i truly do not care and think both are just awful. I did love sassy heather though.

RHoNJ: WHERE TO BEGIN ON THIS GLORIOUS PART 2 REUNION? Seriously. Teresa is just awful all around. The way she tried to play innocent and deny the fact that she brough up Kathys parents first and basically trashed their dead father? This is so her though, as later in the episode she would do it again and again. The best part had to be when she said Caroline was a bully all year long but couldnt name one moment where she acually was bullied by her. Caroline is a bitch, and she is not here for Teresas [!@#$%^&*]. Funny how she got on her knees and thanked the lord caroline is out of her life when just a few hours before she was holding her hand and crying on her shoulder. Then there was Melissa who just [!@#$%^&*] served Teresa with realism she cant handle. I was beyond proud of my girl because I did not expect that out of her and it was amazing. And then Jaqui just throwing everything out there on Joe and Tre was perfection. The whole Joe clean up segment was ridiculous and pointless.

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+1. Lol I just watched it yesterday, that was funny.

Um Teresa didn't bring up Kathy's parents first...

And "trashed"? She didn't even go into detail with the "my father was there for you sometimes more than your own father". We don't know what that meant and just bc he's dead doesn't mean it isn't the truth. Kathy is still out of line for calling an elder a liar and a coward since she believes in respect. And don't get me started on that half assed apology that she said with an attitude. F-ck Kathy.

This stuff was filmed over a year ago and how is Teresa supposed to think with lemon face all in her ear "name one time I bullied you" "name one" I can name one. The confrontation on the patio with Jacq/Caroline vs Teresa is bullying. Caroline is a bully, wasn't she the one leading the crusade against Danielle? And now she's doing it again. She manipulates Jacq, we have seen her make sure Kathy was angry about the toast in Napa and she continually feels the need to let Kathy and Melissa know what Teresa said about them when her and Caro were friends. BULLY!

So it's ok for Melissa to blame her moving on Teresa's young daughters when in reality she can't afford it. That is sickening and Melissa is a grade A bitch for that.

Its ok for Jacqueline to put something Teresa told her in confidence on blast? LOL and the fact that Jacq tried to act like she never told Tre that Chris cheated on her was hilarious. Teresa is a lot of things but she wouldn't make that up out of thin air.

I can't with the four of these ladies and their hypocritical asses.

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She did bring them up first, go rewatch it. I only know this cuz I watched both back to back again.

Insuinating that someones dead ather was not there for them is trashing, IMHO. Id go the eff off. I never said Kathy was out of line, she absolutely 100% was - and owned that. Something Teresa could never do. Kathy is basic and we all hate her, so we can bond there eric! Lol.

People who are bullied and want to go around playing victim and calling people bullies better be able to at least name on occasion where such happened. Telling the truth to people isnt a bully. Stating facts isnt a bully. She doesnt need to turn anyone on Tre, tre does that all on her own. Is she supposed to lie and say nothing to people in order to protect Saint Teresa. and really, teresa was as much against Dani as Caroline was, and nither one was wrong for it.

She didnt blame it on the girls, she blamed it on teresa and how she raises her daughters.

Yes, yes it is actually. Its 100% ok. Teresa threw the first fist in this fight on her blog.

Four? So Teresa isnt a hypocrite? Please. They all five are.

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