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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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It was on last night...it was...rough. I'm ready for next Sunday with the husbands.

Teresa actually claimed that Melissa wrote "On Display" about her. I was done at that point. And Joe Guidice isn't a very good liar at all..like terrible. He looked hungover as usual.

I'm ready for NYC tonight. Sadly I have a feeling LuAnn will walk all over Carole.

Edited by Antoyne
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Part 2 was boring. I must say Melissa is such a fake ass bitch crying about Antonia being ganged up on by Teresa's daughters was her reason for moving even though its really bc they couldn't afford it. None of these people are likeable it was painful to watch. One more part and this season is OVER.

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Not only could they not afford it but Joe and Melissa Gorga were actually committing fraud by living in that house. Joe Gorga built it with a speculation loan, theses loans specifically forbid the builder from living in the property...which is exactly what they were doing. When the loan expired Joe Gorga transferred the loan into a balloon mortgage...well we know how well they managed that since they put the house on the market, in addition to their ghetto shack on the Jersey Shore.

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Damn jac, dont hold back LOL

Glad Kathy apologized, LOVE Rosie

Cmon now Melissa, tho UI do believe rthe Guidice girls could and would bull your daughter, that aint the reason u changed schools.

Sigh Tre, Wendy is right, Tre is entertaining in a sad way. She looked like a FOOL with her Husband up there lying out his arse LOL! Why does she keep denyiong that she called Missy a stripper when I think she did irt on the show LOL

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What's ironic is how many of them phrase it, "you exposed Melissa being a stripper" etc. and other phrases that basically validate that Melissa was in fact a stripper at one point. Not that it matters, though Melissa keeps denying it, something she must've learned from the sister-in-law she hates so much.

It is sad to see Teresa sitting there with Joe. You can just tell that things aren't all "lollipops and roses," as Caroline would put it.

Funny how Jacqueline was going to take the high road, and then pieces of her own shady past started being mentioned, and she went straight for the jugular. These Jersey ladies are the very definition of hypocrisy.

And I'm sorry Caroline, but Teresa talking to former castmate and real-life friend Dina is NOT the equivalent to Teresa's sister-in-law and cousin going behind her back to get on the show with the promise to producers that they would bring her down.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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Forgot to talk about Melissa saying Teresa calling Antonia ugly. Teres responded and said she loves Antonia and would never call her ugly, saying why would she when Antonia looks just like Teresa did as a child.

While I do believe Teresa, whether or not it was ever said is completely irrelevant. Why the hell would you put that out on a public forum? Just like Teresa said in her response, one day Antonia will google her name and find the story. This is so f-cking sad. All of these people need help.


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Wow - I wonder if he's considering bringing her back... start the buzz early; could bring the ratings up for Season 6.

It's almost not fair (and a bad idea) to air the NYC reunion the same week as the NJ reunion. NYC was so tame, and the promotion is totally overshadowed by NJ.

Heather was awesome though - she stands up for what is right and is usually spot on with her opinions. Poor Carole needs to be able to defend herself in this arena, although I'm sure she doesn't give an F about what Luann thinks. You could tell Luann was making a stand and planned to stay relevant - she wouldn't shut up last night. Ramona was pretty tame, which surprised me.

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Melissa: "IM the Victim!" Finally she admits it. She's been playing it for two seasons

Kathy's kids really didnt realize Rosie was gay? I find that HARD to believe. I still dont buy her coming out to them. Seemed like soemthing manufactured to give Kathy story for an episode.


Finally Melissa went off. Its about time and this was probably the most authentic she was. I had to roll my eyes though when she said she is selling her house and moving bc she doesnt want her kids to go to the same school as Teresa's. Like Teresa said, they dont even go to the same school

NYC Preview


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I will say that Melissa finally letting go of her well practiced easy going demeanor was one of the few good things about NJ part 2. It probably is one of the rare genuine moments we've seen out of her, similar to when she stepped up to Teresa earlier in the season.

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Wait -- Jill Zarin was on NYC Reunion last night?! This I need to see!

I haven't caught NYC Reunion yet but I am looking forward to it. It says something about how toxic RHoNJ has become when I consider two drunks vs. a one-legged tight-ass welcome entertainment.

The saddest thing about RHoNJ is how ALL these women have become dead-eyed hysterics throwing their own aunts, uncles, sisters, brothers and children under the bus for the sake of fame and this show. Melissa seems the strongest and savviest and yet at the same time this chick buys as fiercely into the fantasy of the fabulous life as Teresa. "Joe and I could buy that house 5 times over" -- bitch please.

The show has ruined these women's lives. It has bankrupted them financially, emotionally and morally. None of them can do anything but lie.

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