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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Man, that OC finale was amazing! Best finale ever (I agree!). Between Heather kicking Sarah out, Jim's random arrival and quick exit, Alexis running after Jim's car and leaving the party without being part of the cast photos at the end, to Vicki vs. Tamra. That [!@#$%^&*] was great!

I'm totally team Tamra/Briana - Brooks is so creepy and weird and Vicki is totally brainwashed. I love that both Tamra and Briana stand their ground with Brooks. You could sort of tell that Tamra was scared of Vicki though - she was not screaming back like she would have with Alexis or any other girls. That Vicki can get in your face and be scary!

Congrats to the OC girls though - they brought in a great finale that has me wanting more! That's a sure sign of Season 8 with most likely all the ladies, with perhaps Alexis being cut.

NYC was great too - love Carole - can't say that enough. She looked gorgeous at Sonja's party!

I'm loving the Heather vs. Ramona too --- and y'all are right - Ramona feels like she HAS to go bc of all the potential backstage implications. But Heather is new and powerful/rich, so to her it really means nothing... I wonder if Bravo eventually 'made' her invite Ramona. Should be interesting...

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I think there is more long term potential if Ramona doesn't go to London. She will be in New York stewing and it'll officially be on with Heather. I'm praying for that lol. Poor Aviva being stuck with her. I also can't wait to see the new housewives start to fight. I also want to see somebody have a conflict with Carole so Carole can eat them alive with her common sense and wit.

Did anybody watch the Vancouver reunion yet?

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Chris B's analysis is so on-point, I think he shouldl open up a consultancy and rake in $$$ as chief analyst specialising in the RH franchise.


What to say about this show which has totally turned itsef around? That was the longest cocktail party ever!

First of all -- the clothing. I'm not even going to talk about the wicked-witch cloak that drunken mess Sarah was wearing -- I was too distracted by Slave's (typo, and it stays) amazing turtleneck of Grey Poupon-ness. This was then overshadowed by Jim "Who wears the pants in this family?" Bellino dressed as a casino croupier -- I'm assuming that is his night job when he's not "investing."

Finally, we have Vicki in that mangy dead bear that Brooks shot and skinned in the Bayou. Speaking of Brooks, we finally saw his true, manipulative conman colors. Not that we didn't see them before (remembering the way he talked to Briana when they first met still makes my skin crawl), but this time we know -- this guy is evil, a user and bad news. If Vicki wants to cut off her family and friends in favor of this free-loading loser, so be it.

Speaking of free-loading losers, I was loving Gretchen right up until the end -- she wants to make a baby with Slade? Is she as dumb as Alexis?

Seeing Jim tell his bimbo wife "I wear the pants in the family" made me choke. And she goes scurrying after Jimbo after he leaves her behind at the party, and when she gets to the car, she's all "Thank you, honey." Good grief. Andy Cohen, please pass her the name of a good divorce lawyer. I don't thinnk Jim convinced her to give up the Fox 5 job, though -- I think Fox 5 fired her because she was so dreadful. And now they are opening a "trampoline (which I read as trailer) park"? Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous!

I wonder if Briana will become a Housewife next season?

Can't wait for Reunion!

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This whole thing about loyalty and putting things in the past is making Caroline and Jacqueline look like the biggest hypocrites, because there is such a double standard with this whole DANIELLE debacle.

I really think they need to clean house in Jersey for Season 5. In all honesty, I could see everyone but Teresa going and I wouldn't shed a tear. But that would be a bit too devastating for the identity of this show. But this Teresa vs. Family feud has already run its course and this season isn't even over yet. Meanwhile, I think we've seen enough of the Manzos and Lauritas. Who knows who they'll keep, but I sure do hope they do some major cast pruning.

So, I'm not a big OC'er, but do you think that's why Gretchen and Tamra miraculously decided to become bff's this season? Is it smarter to hitch yer wagon to the Gretchen train instead of Vicki?

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Shes still smart for refusing to marry him and take on his debit. Shes got her own money and wants a baby. Slade is hot, so why not? She clearly isnt expecting him to pay up for the child, and she doesnt need him too either.

Briana has a real career, but i also think with her having a baby maybe she will want to work less and be home more, and real housewives salery sure would help with that. Id love it if they brought her on as a full on housewive.

This reunion better be EPIC. I almost want a reunion for the entire season and then a two part reunion just to the finale!

Also, I really feel Heather set the doubters and haters straight. She fully fits on this series and this season would not have been half as good without her. What an an amazing addition. It was defiantly a risk, but it paid off. Id die to see a crossover special where she and Terry go and dine with Lisa and Ken in Bev Hills.

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I really think she should just ditch Slade and go the in vitro route with a random sperm donor. I think she will resent Slade once this baby comes and she's donig 95% of the work and he doesnt step up. I dont fault her for wanting a baby bc she's in her mid 30s now and the chances of her having a successful pregnancy is starting to decrease as she ages. Even though she doesnt need him to pay, I still think it would be a mistake to have his child. Im glad she isnt marrying him though bc California law would give him half of all she has w/no prenup and even those can be argued in some cases. And then theres the debt and child support you brought up that she'd have to take on

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She's an idiot for attaching herself to Slade and there's no attachment as permanent as a child. Slade's an amoral leech. Gretchen is a fool for allowing herself to support him at all.

Vicki...oh man has she shat the bed courtesy of Brooks. She is so manipulated and unbelievably defensive to everyone. And we know why she's defensive. She knows she's wrong. Would you believe Brooks is only 45?!

I love Heather and Dr Terry. I've met Terry a few times IRL at medical meetings in California. He is just a super guy and in for a good gossip when the time is right, he fit into RHoOC better than Heather did!

And may I just say that I love the guitar music they play each and every finale party when the show explains where the ladies are at now. It would be like Christmas without presents if that music wasn't played on the OC finale.

Edited by DaytimeFan
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I was thinking how much I liked that end music! I didn't realize they play it every OC finale, even though it is a familiar theme. It perfectly fits the theme of "two steps forward/three steps back" we get with what these women are saying and the choices they actually end up making.

Dr. Terry is a break-out Househusband, up there with Chris Laurita as far as I'm concerned. He and Heather seem an especially well-matched couple.

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<div align='center'><a href='http://www.buddytv.com/closedquiz/closed-quiz.aspx?quiz=100000030'>Which Real Housewife of Orange County Are You?<br /><img src='http://web.buddytv.com/closedquiz/images/results/realoc_alex.jpg' /></a><br /> More on <a href="http://www.buddytv.com">Created by BuddyTV</a></div>

Edited by alwaysAMC
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At least you didn't get somebody who was in one season, like I did. I wasn't even sure who she was. Lynne somebody.

Apparently this is making major (tabloid) news - Brooks accused of being a deadbeat father. It's also on ABC (I can never get their site to work).


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