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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Oh thanks and thank god So with just 3 women left, I wonder how many they will add. They better not do 7 total again. 3 new people might be too much to take so suddenly. I say Cat from DC should be a definite as she has alot to add. Throw in a new girl to round out a cast of 5

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I think I've said it before but I think it would be nice to see some of Ramona and Sonja's real friends join. I prefer when the women on any the series are in social situations with their real friends opposed to the forced ones with the ladies they hate but are forced to invite everywhere.

Edited by Antoyne
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NYC: Which is exactly what I'm hearing is happening. The three women they've hired are all friends of Ramona and two are also friends with LuAnn. As much as I LOVE Cat, she's not from NYC, she's already thrown down with LuAnn on WWHL with Andy and it'd be forced to have her join the show.

BH: I don't think Lisa's coming across as a mean bitch. I think she's coming across as a common sense bitch. Lisa sees through ALL the bullshit, including Taylor's, who, I'm sorry, is a piece of garbage, domestic violence or no domestic violence. Taylor has three aliases and was involved in Russell's business scams and was instrumental in his bankruptcy filing. She is about as clean as the driven slush. Kyle isn't a good friend, she's a moron for being suckered in by Taylor. Even Kim, high as a kite, sees through Taylor.

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If Cat joins I'd like Alex to remain since Alex and Cat are friends. In fact, I want Alex to stay regardless. I just think since they're going for money ala Beverly Hills she was let go. I don't think it had anything to do with her. It's a shame because she's grown so much over the years and is one of my favorite housewives.

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Saw NJ yesterday and Im so ready for this season to be over already. It just needs to end already. We have what, 4-5 more total episodes left? Ugh!

When does Atlanta premiere?

No I think more like retool it. If they were cancelling, all women would be fired

Edited by Cheap21
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^Bravo HAD to pay for that wedding for the show... or these two are more delusional and stupid than we thought!

I think I read Atlanta premieres in October, once NJ is finished.

I also just read that Alex might be asked back on NYC... Kelly and Cindy are definitely done, and Jill is fighting to still be on, but Bravo might be more interested in keeping Alex. Still ongoing..

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Wow, I just read an email written by an insider about the NJ ladies... this is JUICY! I wonder how much really is true or biased... Albie is straight up homosexual. Caroline vs. Dina; Caroline vs. Teresa; how Melissa got on the show; Danielle/Melissa connection. The desperateness of these ladies, and all the family secrets. Very juicy! The only one who got off easy was Jac.

"Now for something completely different, I got an email from someone who claims to know a lot of inside information about the cast of The Real Housewives of New Jersey, here’s what that insider had to say… (don’t shoot the messenger):

The views, opinions, conclusions and other information expressed in the following paragraphs are not given or endorsed by the blog owner.

Oh before you read you should know that the Insider calls Caroline “Don C” or just “Don” and Melissa is “Missy”, “Mel” and “MeGo”, Jacqueline is “Jac”, finally Teresa is simply “Tre”:

Missy has said that she got on the show from an initial “surprise” phone call from Bravo when she was driving. In other instances, she has said Bravo contacted her via Facebook. None of this is true. I can confirm: Missy has been trying to get on Housewives for years. She was envious that not only Tre got on, but that Tre was becoming successful off of the show. The Gorga’s (and even tre) act as if there is this major underlying issue during there vague conversations. There is an elephant in the room that, by contract, none of them can blatantly discuss (or couldn’t) as of yet…

There was never a MAJOR issue. That is Bravo trying to make the show interesting, which it is failing at. Missy was at nearly every single family function, especially the ones filmed for Bravo. For years, she sent Bravo “audition” tapes, e-mails, and even spoke with producers and assistants in person. No one was interested in her or her husband, who they mocked behind the scenes. When Melissa gets angry, she gets angry. She was tired of being ignored (sociopath) and decided to get dirty; she contacted Danielle initially two years ago. Ultimately, Melissa exchanged phone calls, e-mails, texts, and all forms of communication with Danielle for months upon months. Like Danielle can confirm, Mel was dying to film scenes with her similar to the ones she does with her sisters and Kathy, where she fabricates lies and bitches about Tre. While it would have made for great television, even Danielle was apprehensive and initially thought she was being set up. She, as you know, declined.

There was so much of what is now relevant information edited out of the reunion last year because, at the time, it was irrelevant. Danielle used Melissa’s name verbatim, and among many other things, discussed Tre “not speaking or associating with her own family” and being a horrible aunt. When Teresa was arguing with Danielle, which was edited down, she CLEARLY told Danielle Staub to not “break up” her family – not “bring up” her family as she tried to assure us. This is why…

The day of the reunion, after the first Danielle confrontation (there were more), Tre got extreme anxiety – and this is when she started to put all of Missy’s motives together: coming to every family event for camera time while behind the scenes contacting producers, Danielle, and pulling the best act which got her on the show – together with Tre’s brother Joey. Teresa always tries to make excuses for her brother because she actually loves him, but he is certainly no Angel. Joey G and Melissa filmed a tape where they, in the style of the Sopranos, promised Bravo execs they would “Expose” and “destroy” Teresa. They also guaranteed to give Tre what she has given them “…there whole life.” The tape was over the top and completely goumba. The REAL elephant in the room, and real reason why Tre and Joey G have issues, is the show itself and how Melissa got on. However, by contract, the housewives can’t reference the show.

Today, Tre can’t stomach Melissa. She actually never liked her before, but there was never an issue as major as this one – the one Missy created. Melissa’s sisters (and family) were all in on it too. Missy has no friends – except acquaintances who, like her, want to be the next “Lady Gorga.” Yes, that is what they all call her too. Many of her “friends” have been stalking Bravo producers in hope of lucking out like she has. They even created tapes similar to Melissa’s – where they [!@#$%^&*] talked Tre and spoke about how she was a “terrible person.” The problem with this is – Tre doesn’t care for, nor even knows, half of them. At Melissa’s single release party, which was filmed at the Hudson Terrace in NYC on Friday August 12th, Melissa actually invited [strangers] supporters from twitter for the sheer purpose of making it look like she knew a bunch of people. In reality, Missy is the bitchiest person (and was ten times more before the show). Her wannabe “friends” who want to be, “The next Lady Gorga!” are even worse. Below are the names of her busted possy who have been, and still are, hardcore stalking and harassing Bravo to become official Housewives:

Ø Andrea Zembillis: Fly-by-night owner of a local online cookie shop. Publicly swears up and down (like Anne) that she is not interested in being a part of the show. Her actions are the exact opposite.

Ø Martha Fava: This woman can be seen running after Teresa when Tre was chasing Staub at the POSCHE show last year trying to calm her down. This year, at the POSCHE show, she was standing next to Melissa looking “concerned” when Tre got loud with Kathy. She is, like the rest, desperate to be cast. She just gave birth to her firstborn last month yet still had an in-home audition [where the cameras come into your home for an interview and tour].

Ø Anne Cahalane: One of the most condescending women around. Rude and needs to be given a “reality check.” No pun intended. Never met Melissa in person until her single release party last month. This is one of her hardcore Twitter supporters.

Ø Heather Robinson. This one is actually more of Kathy’s friend actually. Only befriended her because they live within five minutes of each other and she wants to be on the show desperately. She, like Martha and Andrea, have been stalking the produces for over a year now. Her husband is Cliff Robinson, a former NBA player. The chick is beyond full of herself and will go anywhere as long as there is a camera around. But then again, which of these chicks wouldn’t?

Ø Lysa Simpson: No brainer. Look at how she acts; she is as desperate to get on like the rest. The funny thing is, Bravo actually considered it at one point, then came to there senses. Nevertheless, you will see a lot more of her (as if you already don’t see enough) next season. They filmed a lot of the show for Season 4 at the Jersey shore.

Ø Sheila Giudice: Joe Giudice’s sister-in-law. His brother (who looks identical to him) is very close with JoeG despite the [!@#$%^&*] Sheila has tried to cause. She has not been successful at causing trouble like MeGo has. Her tapes were similar to Mel’s in the sense that she trash-talked Tre in the same way.

Ø Maria H. Chappa: Long-time family friend of the Marco Sisters (which include Melissa). She tried to become a Housewife the same time Melissa had. She supported all of what Melissa parroted in her contact with Bravo. Maria’s hubby’s company has been under a fraud investigation. She is no one to judge, let’s just put it that way. She does a lot of fundraising work for Gov. Christie.

Now onto why Bravo started filming Season 4 in May. They KNEW the premiere would garner huge ratings. They thought the new cast combination of only family-family-family would be hot. They started filming in May and will continue to film until early October. Season 3 was incredibly forced. Everyone was forced to go on that vacation (they did not choose to go) as well as forced to go to Kathy’s house party, on the run, and to the Blackwater premiere party which will air towards the end of the season. Missy sings and the place is mostly packed with Melissa and her family’s possy. In Season 4, you will see Don C and Jac turning on Tre. Jac is puppeted by Don C. Don C is mad that Tre is very close with Dina. Although Tre was always the closest with Dina, and made friends with her first, Don C is beyond big headed. Don C and Dina got into it (like they usually do) but this time Don went too far and they have not spoken for quite some time. Don C is a very venomous individual. Example: Deloris was originally Dina’s friend: go back to Season 1 when they went to AC. Don never knew Deloris before. She actually made a subtle dig at her. However, when they started fighting, Don C picked up Deloris as a friend to spite Dina. This is how Don C works. She planned to humiliate Kim G, who Missy and Bravo TOGETHER invited with Monica Chacon. Don C turned on Tre because she is pissed at Dina and taking it out on Tre. She is angry that Tre does not jump when she speaks ala Jac. Don expects everyone to listen to her, and when they don’t, all hell breaks loose. This is why she likes Missy, who only kisses Don’s ass to spite Tre. The fight takes places, conveniently and scheduled, right before Melissa’s single release party. On camera, Don C and Jac try to cover up the issue and act as thought they are mad at Tre for something else, but the real issue is the aforementioned. What infuriated Don even more, and helped lead to the blowout quicker, was the fact that Tre listened to what Danielle had to say re: Melissa contacting her. Tre was already aware of Missy reaching out to Danielle, but was denial until the WWHL Twitter War. Don C honestly did not want to go through sticking up for Tre because that means she would simultaneously be confirming that Danielle was correct.

Now – let’s remove the others from the situation – did you ever notice how miserable the Manzo family is? Don C is in denial, and refuses to discuss on camera, who her sons REALLY are. Albie, in particular, is straight up homosexual. He also, along with Lauren, have a history of verbally abusing Don C. Don acts like she is so tough and her family is in line, but it is just that, an act. Don takes being treated that way from her children because she can’t deny the truth – she is not the best mother and not the most acceptable. You would think she would be acceptable, as she has two gay brothers, but then again who are they close with? DINA! Dina, in actuality, is the person Don C tries to pretend she is.

Have you noticed how Albie keeps trying to prove he is a “tough guid” since Greg, his former piece of p***y, got on the show? Greg is not only a fame whore, but he is an actual whore. Rewatch Season 2 at the annual POSCHE Fashion Show. He is sitting with Tre. How did he get this close? By [!@#$%^&*] talking Danielle. This season and into Season 4 he is up Melissa’s ass. Why is this? Because he not only [!@#$%^&*] talked Tre to Mel, but promised Mel to do so on camera. Greg has slept with every other dude in the tri-state area. He doesn’t like to work, and over time accumulated money by selling his ass on promiscuous gay hookup sites. He also has a drug habit. Don C must be proud!

Season 4 is pretty much a repeat of season 3. Once they realized RHONJ was going to get old pretty quickly, they started casting for Season 5. They hired a very small casting production company [VPE Talent] to do there work. The real reason why RHONJ may flop completely? Because the head at VPE is more concerned with wanting to be friends with the potential housewives than do his job. And which wannabe housewives are up his ass to get on the show? Missy’s busted possy – you guessed it!

The last thing I will note in this e-mail is that Missy & Joe do not “pay there bills” as they always say. They owe Fabulous Foods $49,500 in Season 4. Joe Gorga never answered any form of communication from Fred, and initially paid Fred $500 then told him he would “take care of the rest” via free construction work. Fred was taken back. He has one of the most beautiful homes in NJ – he needed the salary of a receipt he was owed not $500 + probono work. After months and months of getting nowhere – Fred got angry. He was about to go to the press re: Joey G, but Kim D stopped him. Interestingly, it was at a house party of Kim’s where [!@#$%^&*] hit the fan. Bravo producers knew of what happened and asked Kim to bring it up at the party. Kim, knowing the show is half staged, assumed the other girls knew that this was going to happen and brought it up in front of Melissa. Missy went crazy. So did Joey G. In Season 4 they deny it, even though initially Kim tried to help them by asking Fred to not go to the press. Remember when Joe Gorga said on the WWHL After Show, when Andy asked Melissa if she got her dress at POSCHE, “hell no.” This is why – he was pissed he got exposed. Joey G actually has a history of over twenty lawsuits filed against him. Its evident him and Mel cant handle criticism. Look at what they did to Jay Mohr. Yet, after he mentioned how Mel and her PR asked him to speak negative of Tre – she said she was only “joking” and that Jay can’t handle humor. It was evident, by the language of her and HER POSSY, that none of them were joking. Jay Mohr can’t stand Melissa. Andy Cohen, a p***y, does not want things to get out of hand and begged Jay to please “keep it cool” when he interviews Melissa on WWHL on October 3. """

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Wow, just WOW! If Albie is gay, I wouldnt be surprised. He doesnt seem all that interested in women on the show

Whats all this about Dina though? Unless she's coming back on the show, I dont see a need to even bring it up. I want her back but I doubt she will return. She could have added so much to this

thats what I thought. Definite season 4 material

Edited by Cheap21
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Well, it's official:




I'm SO happy they are axing Kelly and Cindy! Cindy was a miserable waste. Kelly is so frustrating, stupid, and had NOTHING going on in her life worth documenting.

I'm sad to see Alex gone - while not overly entertaining - she was so nice and I'm glad she finally found her voice in Season 4.

I think this serves Jill right for being so mean in Seasons 3-4. I'm surprised Bravo/Andy had the balls to do this, but I'm ok with it.

Can't wait to see who the new 3 housewives will be. I hope they are rich and powerful... while I have a love-hate relationship with LuAnn, I'd love to see a few women easily knock her down a few pegs.

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