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I truly [!@#$%^&*] hate Brandi. That bitch stays thirsty for attention. I am so glad that everyone [minus Leeza] called Brandi out about her toxic ways in the boardroom. She will continue to stay loosing to Kenya b/c she is too focused on trying to create "good TV" instead of focusing on winning for her charity.

And Jamie was stupid for bringing Kenya back into the boardroom. That's why I am glad that Kenya mind-f*cked the hell out of her before they went into the boardroom to plead their case. Straight Jedi mind tricks that worked in Kenya and Kate's favor.

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Kenya: "Going home bc she's (Brandi) intimidated by MY presence means she's a loser" LOL "No is talking to her. No one has even said boo to her.....crazy bitch" laugh.png

Kenya got her to pretty much fire herself. She looked awful like she didnt know why she was there

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Aw :( Joan Rivers is in the boardroom next week. I teared up a bit seeing her, I won't lie.

Jamie was DUMB not bringing Brandi back. Jamie also made a dumb decision to let her personal feelings against Kenya get in the way. Why the !@#$%^&*] was Kenya not the model? Soooo dumb. Jamie is nice and all but probably too nice for a competition like this.

Ugh at Brandi and Kate and Sig still being here. So boring and useless. And speaking of boring and useless, no wonder Johnny Damon hasn't had screentime until they had to show him. Zzzzzzzzzz. I wish he had lost and was fired over Jamie, TBH. They really scraped the bottom of the barrel for a lot of the cast this season.

I missed the switching of teams but why on earth are Kenya and Brandi still on the same team? That just makes no sense because of the drama. Of course it's great for TV but still ...

Can we just give Leeza the win and call it a day? LOL Although Ian and Vivica and Geraldo all look pretty good, too.

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Brandi did come for Kenya without being called. Read: Brandi realized she wasn't doing enough for airtime so started coming for her "rival" Kenya. That said, Kenya gave her some of her own medicine. Both women, at this point, are over-exaggerating about the other. Kenya is not evil and she's not really manipulative either. Brandi has not been any more disruptive than anybody else who has not been that disruptive ... and this episode was really the only episode she went anywhere near hard at Kenya. Kate only agrees about Brandi because Brandi's been targeting her as useless on tasks which has, for the most part, been somewhat accurate (until Episode Five). I do think Kenya continues to be one of the more intelligent of this CA cast. She needs to work on not getting sucked in though.

Jamie, Jamie, Jamie. She reminds me of my oldest niece in her teenage years. Too distracted thinking about "lala, fill in the blank, lala" to give a real chit. I was thisclose to calling for a drug test, lol.

The men deserved the win due to the ad by the women lacking cohesiveness. I think Leeza and Kenya could have pointed it out to Jamie in a more pointed way, but money, money, money ... you have to eat your own.

Geraldo in his skivvies? Sigh.

Geraldo inferring that he invented the selfie? Sigh.


Ian was obnoxious this episode. He was more obnoxious than Geraldo. I don't know which time I found him more obnoxious:

- That over-rehearsed heart-warming but actually "cold" mycharity speech.

- The speech he gave to Terrell as if Terrell had just lost a child or his life-long career.

Brandi walking out on the task for a panic attack was a big WTF? but b---h hustled for cash on that time so... Her checking Donald, who was defending her "fragility," though? lol. Did I imagine the camera pulling away to show a beer colored substance in a cup circa Brandi before her panic attack. This show is shameless and I kind of love it for that reason. "Will she come back the next day with a hangover? Dundundun"

Kate came through on this task - with the ideas, energy and money. At the end, she was kinda doing the same thing she did on the first task, but this time the check came through.

I can't feel bad for Terrell. He didn't give a chit. I don't blame him for not giving a chit but not giving a chit gets you fired.

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I don't think Kenya's manipulative, per say, but she clearly knows what she's doing and how to 'play the game'.

I didn't feel bad for Terrell either. Zzzzz and he was checked out from the word go.

I thought Ian came across alright. He seems like someone who means well with what they're saying but it doesn't really come across as genuine even if it probably is. If that makes sense.

This whole cast is fairly boring to be honest. Lorenzo. Zzzz. Shawn. Zzzzz. I mean, I like them a lot. But they make for boring television.

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It makes sense re:Ian. The social awkwardness just came out of nowhere.

I do understand what you're saying about Kenya. I can agree with that. This is true for most of the cast that wants to be there.

They're all rather well behaved, even the worst of them. While I'm not bored, I was definitely expecting more uhm passion. Donald shouldn't have fired Kevin, the Geraldo vs. Kevin hate was golden.

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I agree. Firing Kevin was probably a mistake but Kevin shouldn't have brought in Ian. Lorenzo, as much as I like him, was DOA.

I'm not super bored I guess but I'm just surprised a bit by how nice and bland the cast sort of is. It's not bad at all and on some level I'm glad it's not a trainwreck and that many of them are nice and tolerable. I don't know, I'm just not as 'into it' as I want to be. Hard to explain.

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I agree that firing Kevin was a mistake. But at the same time, dumbass should've brought back anyone but Ian.

It's obvious Trump and Leeza are working their asses off trying to make Blandi more important than she actually is. The girl is useless and unless there's a challenge on drinking and spreading HPV then she will excel at nothing. Yawn... NEXT!

Ian and his speeches... blah blah blah take your shirt off or shut up.

Terrell could get it anywhere, anytime. Boy is fine. But yeah, he's boring so bye.

I'm so over Vivaca. Her intensity level is way too high. Menopause is a bitch.

Kenya continues being the only relevant girl this season. Everyone else is either nice and boring or desperate trash trying to pretend otherwise. Trump clearly hates her which makes her all the more amazing in my book.

Trump: "Do you consider that a compliment what she said?" (In regards to Brandi)

Kenya: "I don't consider anything she says." laugh.pnglaugh.png

Brandi is so out of her league here. That panic attack was bull. Kenya doesn't have to do or say anything to Brandi, she's nothing and she knows it. Suck it sideways bitch, this ain't Beverly Hills!

Oh, and Kate totally wants to hump Geraldo. And he clearly loves the attention. I hate him. And yet I'm oddly attracted. blush.png

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Eww to Geraldo. LOL. To each their own ;) You can have him.

It is interesting how Leeza and Trump seem all pro Brandi here. I don't see her bringing anything really to the table. Sure she brought in some money, but heck I think Kate's done more than her overall.

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