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Celebrity Apprentice


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I just caught up. That girl overreacted. Yes Kenya was rude but she immediately apologized and the chick still wasn't satisfied. Was Kenya supposed to sit there and lick her wounds for her? Bye!

Kevin Jonas was stupid to bring Ian back to the boardroom. Then try to backtrack and say Ian deserved to be fired over him.

Keisha also made a mistake not bringing Shawn back. Shawn also did the most with Vivica. She had already said on camera she was going through the time of the month. It really didn't matter that Vivica said it....

Bye Kate! She sucks.

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She possibly did have a bit of an overreaction but Kenya's a bitch and she WAS rude and that apology was not sincere, lol. I'm 50/50 on Kenya. Not a fan of the Housewives franchise but I like that she means business on here but personally, she seems like a rude bitch to be honest. And fake as !@#$%^&*].

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Shawn actually never said anything about her period. She said she was having severe back pain and someone ELSE made mention of it being a "moon cycle" thing, to which Shawn just kind of nodded. And that's a whole hell of a lot different than Vivica saying "SHE GOT HER DAMN PERIOD" which you could tell made even Donald feel awkward. If that were a real scenario and Vivica was actually Shawn's boss, that would be illegal.

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It was obvious it was about the time of the month to anybody with 1/4 of a brain. Shawn put it out their to the world first. Vivica was just more frank about it. Unnecessarily. They hadn't lost the task yet.

Illegal? Most people will never be in the position to be fired during a meeting with all their co-workers on national television. I think one would probably get fired for complaining about their period (to their supervisor) and slagging due to it. If it happened repeatedly.

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Sneak peek of this week's Celebrity Apprentice:


I'm guessing dumb ass Jamie is the project manager and they are shooting a commercial. But instead of using the beauty brand [i.e. Kenya], they'd rather use a basic, generic, malnourished looking b*tch [i.e. Brandi}. :rolleyes:

I guess they are doing it to dig at Kenya, but I hope they lose so Jamie's thirsty ass can be fired.

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Brandi has been a non factor thus far. I'm kind of surprised. Guess she's leaving the trailer at the park til she fulfills a certain amount of episodes. Obviously the non-factor white girls are trying to band together against the evil and beautiful Kenya. It's cool, if I were standing next to her I'd hate as well.

I'm sad Gilbert's gone. He always makes me laugh. And Geraldo is such a dick! But he's great entertainment for a generally boring men's team.

I kind of worship Ivanka. She's everything the Donald's not.

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I hate Geraldo too but I think we're stuck with him for a LONG time. Donald is not going to fire his Faux News buddy. Their views and delusions are too much alike.

And I am glad that I am not alone when it comes to these women. Besides Kate [surprisingly thus far], all of these women are threatened by Kenya. But love and pander to vile ass Brandi and Vivica. :rolleyes:

Plus I've noticed this a lot and haven't said anything, but Vivica grains my nerves acting like a house slave with her constant "Yes, sir, Mr. Trump." Girl, stop. I'd be calling that wig wearing bastard Donald and that's the nicest pleasantry he'd get. Especially after the constant racial remarks this fool makes on the regular.

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Uhhh? If one is going by what is airing and not taping scoops...

Nobody except Jamie (for a segment) has shown any real issue with Kenya, so far, not even Brandi really.

Geraldo's been the most catty about her outside of Jamie.

So far, the boy team is cat fighting more than the girl team this season thanks to Geraldo.

Pandering to Vivica and Brandi? Brandi has been practically non-existent so far this season. If anything she panders to her supervisors. They want her to be the model on a commercial shoot and it's pandering? That's like suggesting that Vivica taking some of Kenya's idea on that last mission was pandering. Pandering to Vivica? Her mission was a mess. I was shocked she won. If these girls listen to anybody in a way that suggests pandering it would be towards Leeza.

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Them women were straight up hating for not choosing Kenya. They do a fitness based shoot and dont pick the model that actually had a fitness DVD? Brandi was complaining about how her body wasnt in good shape, yet she wanted to do this, to get under Kenya's skin no less. I hope Donald calls them out when the women lose bc I cant see them winning

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