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The Lady Gaga Thread


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And as far as this actual song is concerned? Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

I don't even really hear shades of "Express Yourself" in it. I feel like Gaga has turned from being a fun, oddball sensation to someone with a political/social message that she needs to cram down our throats through her public image. I want to hear more infectious tunes like "Beautiful Dirty Rich," "The Fame," "Money Honey," and "Boys Boys Boys." Those four tracks from the CD are clearly the best and ones that kind of flow together. And it harbors no secret agendas or political messages. It's about sex, fun, dicks, you know, all the stuff you're vying for when you're at the club or the bar.

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Except... How many times exactly can you re-record the same songs? Before becoming niche? And then irrelevant?

I find her whole persona completely insane. Almost wretched. The songs could be fun, but the message makes them problematic. Not the political or social one, the bizarre occult references and things like that. Furthermore, her message to troubled teenagers isn't really all right at all. If you're asocial and troubled, you shouldn't be celebrating that, you should be seeking professional help from a licensed psychiatrist. D'oh.

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But everything celebrates the asocial and troubled. LOL. Glee is a perfect example of that. So is alot of what is behind this ridiculous bullying campaign hyped up by the likes of Ellen, etc. It's not to say that bullying is a "good" thing and I'm not endorsing that, but since when has it ever been a good thing to raise a nation of overly sensitive people that just always accuse someone of bullying them and are never taught to stand up for and defend themselves?


As far as that goes, what I meant by "recording more songs" like the ones I mentioned is not so much the same sound or the same style, but she needs to realize that she's not some political figure with a message. She's a pop star. And her lyrics need to be fun and fluffy.

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This is basically how I feel about her. I like her music, I think she has good intentions, but she's sorta going through a bit of identity foreclosure, and it's making her very polarizing. It reminds me of when people would get outright hostile when anyone would say that Avril was "punk rawk."

I'm all for anti-bullying campaigns (hello, future high school teacher here!), ESPECIALLY when it concerns my little LGBT brothers and sisters, but yeah, I gotta agree. More than anything the "message" is that it's okay for you to be a bully to those who bully you, which is counteractive to the millionth degree.

But anyway, like I said, I like the lyrics/message here, but I can personally say that I've felt more empowered by songs that were less blatantly about gay power. I just don't buy the whole "Hey, she put the words gay and bi and lesbian and trans in the song! It's a gay anthem!!" thing. At least she's not as bad as Katheryn.

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Critically, I think you are right... but judging on the initial numbers she is probably poised to have her best selling single worldwide to date. The fact that she is dropping this 3 months prior to the album is probably a smart move commercially because people will be clamouring to hear anything that is Gaga... and this will be the only thing available probably until a week or two before the record drops which is when the 2nd single will probably be released. Not that that trumps the critical reception in anyway, its just kind of a sad commentary on the state of music today I guess....

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Something fails in creative execution with this woman that I can't put my finger on. She just tries so hard to be seen as someone iconic and original and it comes off as the complete opposite. I wouldn't be surprised if most of the new album is concerned with hitting people over the head with messages like the title song is (which I don't necessarily mind message-wise). Gaga seems to think and perpetuates this image that she's more than just your average pop star, but really, she's not.

Added to that, she seems to have very little sense of humor about herself, no matter what Eric claims earlier in this thread. Everything seems so serious with her, like she thinks all of humanity depends on her sticking up for the gays and misfits for some reason.

Also, god knows she tries, but there is absolutely no sex appeal to this woman at all. Stop trying Gaga, you're pretty fug even without all the makeup and bizarre clothing.

If you have to constantly keeping telling us that this is the song and album of the decade, something is obviously wrong there.

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On "The Fame" I like:

- "Just Dance"

- "LoveGame"

- "Paparazzi"

- "Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)"

- "Poker Face"

- "Brown Eyes"

- "Starstruck"

- "Paper Gangsta"

- "Disco Heaven"

- "Retro, Dance, Freak"

On "The Fame Monster" I like:

- "Bad Romance"

- "Alejandro"

- "Monster"

- "Speechless"

- "Dance in the Dark"

- "Telephone"

- "So Happy I Could Die"

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