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Y&R: Potpourri Thread 5

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The only way Ria Rowell will ever get to play Drucilla or a "Dru"-like character on a soap again is to push Tyler Perry or Oprah into developing a project for syndication or for cable. They have the capital and the means to do it, at least a half hour show focusing on a few characters. Plus, daytime treats their writers like sh*t anyway, right up Tyler Perry's alley. :ph34r:

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But seriously, lol, I believe TV One and/or BET would be fools not to tap into the African-American market w/ original soaps of their own.

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True. Very true. I love Dru, I love Rowell onscreen.. she's awesome. But she kicked her own ass. Dee Dee, you may not think she's appearing desperate, but honey, she's lookin more desperate than Brenda, and that bitch is hanging onto a reed in a tidal wave! I love my Brenda, but I know she's a pain in the ass, I know she's cuckoo for coco-puffs... but I love her anyway. And you can love your girl, too!!! Let go of the shame!!! It's ok that she's jumped the tracks, and it's ok that you still love her.

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Spoofing her controversial exit scenes from Y&R in the video to promote the book might come off as a little desperate for attention.

It thought it was hilarious, but I can see how some would see it as a desperate plea for attention to promote the book and to stir a reminder amongst fans to remember Dru's pathetic exit.

But more desperate than Brenda? Nah...

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It was hilarious, and I love Rowell, but sometimes she just comes on too strong about this. Just because of that those fools at Y&R won't hire her EVER AGAIN.

Oh and about MAB's latest interview: Words can't express how disgusted I am when this woman speaks. She needs to be gagged. :wacko:

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We've been saying that for years (I even rememebr discussing that with a very controversial figure around these parts -_- ), and I'm convinced that these networks have been run by people who don't know what the hell they're doing, or at best, are simply uncreative and cash poor. TVOne is finally starting to get its act together though, I've really enjoyed its Unsung and other special programming, but they are still sorely lacking an original drama. We don't even need an hour, just give us 30 minutes! And Tim Reid is sitting on a huge studio down in Virginia where they could be shooting their basic cable answer to Nip/Tuck or something, but I'm assuming no one has the money, or worse, no one has the vision because you can make a LOT happen on a shoestring.

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So does this mean Chloe and Heather both quit men for about five seconds?

In Chloe's latest scheme...

Chloe: Heather, I have feelings for you...

*begins stroking Heather's hair

Heather: Well...

after commercial break

Heather: Wow that was great

*buttons up a single button on Chloe's blouse

Chloe: Umm yeah I'm gonna take a shower now and have sex with Chance...

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