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GH: January 2010 Discussion Thread

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The PPD story was so horrible, I generally try to put it out of my mind. Patrick did suggest to Robin that she might have PPD early on and then went into denial. I do give Patrick credit for supporting Robin though I'm not convinced as he wanted to save the marriage given how he bitched constantly, but I'll let that go. I have never been able to get past Patrick leaving his mentally ill wife alone in a hotel in a strange town. Who does something like that? If he didn't want to confront her, he should have called Mac who should have been the person to go and find her in the first place. The more I think about it, the more I think that I'm not giving Patrick credit for squat. The story was crap, period. Robin was made to look like a irrational nut job and bad mother, while Patrick acted like it was the 1950s and taking care of his daughter was a chore from hell.

I don't agree that it was the most support that Robin ever received in her life. She has been on GH since she was 6 years old and I can think of quite a few times where people she was not biologically related to supported and took care of her with no reservations. She is the definition of a child who was loved and raised by a village through some rough times and none of those people said that they had had given up so much to be there for Robin.

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No disagreement Ann. The PPD storyline only made me happy when it ended. It was complete crap and the writers blew the chance to make it a beautiful story of Robin's reconciliation of her own childhood issues, her fears about becoming a mother after having so little time with her own, and who she is as a woman, now - maybe show her fearful of not being around to watch Emma grow up because of HIV ... so much they could have done with it.

For the record, I did say that Patrick has given her more support than anyone else (she wasn't related to). I think Mac has been Robin's greatest support system. Filomena and Mac became her greatest and most reliable support systems. They were her constants. Robert and Anna loved her, but they were never really there for her - sometimes by circumstances, sometimes by choice.

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I just don't see Patrick as supporting Robin in their relationship more than "anyone else (she wasn't related to)." IMO, she is the one who does most of the supporting and carries the water. It always feels like he is leaning on her more than she is leaning on him. The PPD was his shot to support Robin, but the story was a nightmare.

Robert and Anna were for Robin during a huge chunk of her life though not always. However, Olin, Filomena, Frisco, Felicia, Sean, Tiffany, Bobbie, and Tom were major constants in Robin's life for many years. Mac has definitely been the most constant, but when Stone got sick, the whole of PC rallied around Robin. Alan, AJ, Jason, Keesha, Kevin, Lucy, Luke, Sonny, Brenda, etc. stood with her and she was never alone. These relationships and their special moments were so well written and had so much more depth that Robin's relationship with Patrick feels less meaningful.

Ultimately, it is the writing at fault. GH has all these couples who are supposed to be in love and have lots of fans, but their relationships don't resonate.

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The more that I think about it, the more that I realize that me not liking Patrick is really very recent. When he first came on, I agree that it was a nice balance:

Patrick: Robin you're a control freak.

Robin: You're an egotistcal jerk.

etc, etc,

But when that ended, and they were getting married, somehow he just wasnt likeable to me anymore. I think his ego is still raging and more obnoxious than ever, but they have mellowed her so much that half the time I think KMcC wants to fall asleep while reading her lines. I think somewhere in their storylines Robin lost the zest that made her such a fun re-addition to PC in 2005.

And I just dont get this with Lisa? Why would Robin repeatedly leave this once (and probably still) womanizing man alone with his clearly whorey ex girlfriend in the diviest bar in town? I know people on soaps are naive at times (only so that we can have good storylines, of course), but that is just plain stupid. Robin isnt stupid...She even called Lisa out for her flirtation with Patrick on Friday's episode, but when she gets paged to the hospital and Patrick asks if he should go with her, she says "No stay here with Lisa." She might as well scream "PLEASE HAVE SEX WITH MY HUSBAND".

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Hahah, yes I know what you mean. And I think in a way it will always have to be like that, because if soap characters werent somewhat naive then marriages and affairs would never happen (like you said). But I mean, come on! Lisa is about as subtle in flirting with Patrick as a freight train would be, and she does it right in front of RObin, but instead of Robin being like "Back up that's my husband!" she's like "Let's go get drinks and then I'll leave you and my drunk husband together while I go run around like a good little housewife!"

It's really not something that bugs me, I suppose, I just find it entertaining.

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Robin is usually perceptive so her sudden blindness to Lisa is a plot device. When Leyla and Patrick were flirting and Robin confronted him, he called her jealous, irrational, and insecure although she was right so I don't mind Robin acting clueless to Lisa. This way whatever happens between Patrick and Lisa it is all on him as it should be. I am hoping that Guza lets Robin and Steven develop feelings for each other. I think this is where the real threat to their marriage should come from.

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I see where youre going with that, and the more I think about it i totally agree. I had forgotten about the Leyla storyline. I hope that happens too. Patrick cheating with Lisa, and Robin and Steven falling in love. Could be a good old soap opera-forbidden-love-affair.

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I've never been "cRaZY" about Scott Reeves, but I REALLY like him as Steven Lars Webber. I am surprised how much I like him, because I don't remember being crazy about him the times I saw him as Ryan on Y&R. He's such a breath of fresh air from all the mob drama on GH.

I know he's recurring, but I hope they sign him to a contract and keep him. I could go for a Steven/Robin relationship, but I'd also like to see him doing something else in addition to that. Give him a hospital storyline where he's torn between what the hospital figureheads want vs. what he knows, in his heart, is the right thing to do. Not that the story should consume the entire show, but I think it would be great to see something like this.

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I think that there is a good soap story that can be told here. I hope that Guza writes it, but I doubt it. I had hoped that Carly sleeping with Sonny would have send Jax towards Kate, instead he ended back up in that tedious marriage with Carly. Nothing new or interesting ever happens on GH.

Like you, I wasn't a huge Scott Reeves fan when he was on Y&R, but I like him as Steven Lars. I would like for something to happen between him and Robin. However, the hospital isn't getting more than 10 minutes per week and it is impossible to tell more than one story in that time so I don't see much else for him to do on GH other than prop up Liz and fight with Patrick.

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I hate Carly and Jox together...It is such a snooze. I was rooting for a divorce when she was pissed at Jax over Claudia, but that was completely dropped and she completely forgave him. :(

And I really hope Steven gets a storyline...He will be good on the show. Steven/Robin seems really promising

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I see no balance whatsoever. If she is the earth, he is merely the moon. He exists solely to give Robin something to react to or to talk to. From the day he appeared his purpose was to be there for Robin to eventually neuter and train into being a stepford husband who wants whatever she wants, thinks whatever she thinks, and when he does not think what she thinks there will be three weeks of bickering until he eventually sees the wisdom of her words.

2005 they were like this


2010 they are now like this


Robin does not budge an inch because the narrative of the show is Robin must eventually always be right. So if she thinks the idea of Patrick having a friend who wants to go to Vegas together is juvenile, Patrick will whine for a day but then he will see she is correct. Same goes for their choices in furnishings, whether to have a baby, whether he is allowed to have a race car collection, anything really. Even their occasional mini spats at the hospital are microcosms of their entire relationship. He says surgery, she says medicine, and lo and behold medicine is the correct answer. If he was real I would feel very sorry for this guy with the wife from hell.

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Elizabeth is such a greedy pig. Nik decides to leave town and leave her aloine so what does she do? She hunts him down on his plane and pleads for him to stay bc she cant be without him. WTF? I thought she couldnt be without Lucky? She wants both men and its disgusting how she's lying and playing them. She wants to have her cake and eat it too

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