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Guiding Light discussion thread

Paul Raven

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I was looking at some of the monthly summaries French Fan posted of those months leading up to the Spauldings arrival.

It looks as if Justin came in mid 1976 as a new doctor at Cedars, who was the former fiance of Dr. Sara Mcintrye.  He had broken up with Sara to marry Jackie, so Sara was not receptive to him for awhile.  He was not popular with the doctors due to his attitude though he did help to treat Sara's husband Joe.

Once Joe passed away, Sara started to warm up to Justin and they were starting to date again.  Around November/December 1976, Jackie arrives because her father is ill and Cedars is where they plan to go from Chicago.  Jackie tries to entice Justin to get back together, but he refuses so she makes a play for Mike Bauer in the first months of her time in Springfield.


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LOL. Outlandish for sure but I thought it was fun. Obviously having so many recasts (Alex, Billy, Mindy x2) in an important storyline hurt it overall but at the time and still do I enjoyed the Who Shot Roger story complete with Roger being alive in Holly’s basement (the bullet was still in him?) and stalking the town in secret. The biggest disappointments of course for me was wasting Bess Lowell and of course lame Geoffrey Scott’s Billy, who of course ended up being the shooter. Maybe if JC had still been around it would have been better, but the conclusion ended up on a whimper and when Billy returned to town in 96/97 we had both Parlato’s Roger shrug it off. 

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I do remember the who.shot Roger story..with Blake.handing the police the Springfield phone book when asked if he had any enemies who wanted him dead.

And I recall that we didn't know Roger was in Holly's basement..neither did Holly.  She thought it was Eve stalking her (and in her defense, eve did break the front door window to unlock the front door when confronting Holly about accusing her of stalking her.).

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The "Who Shot Roger?" story obviously came together once it was clear Billy had to be written out, and Jordan Clarke's absence diminished Billy's part in it.  But watching/rewatching 1991-93 a few years ago, knowing that he eventually would shoot Roger didn't not make sense.  Billy had come close to killing Roger once or twice before, and most of the town shrugged it off.  And Holly was momentarily appalled at the callousness on one of those previous occasions, up until Roger did something else to hurt her.

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Very true, and Billy beat the [!@#$%^&*] out of Roger triggered their early 90’s rivalry mixed in with Billy’s marriage to Nadine and of course raising Peter. Probably the best twist was Roger was busy trying to frame Billy for the deed and was a bit shocked to realize that Billy was indeed the one who shot him. 

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I know many love this scene, and the story, but for me it really is just another version of the DAYS scene, maybe even more ridiculous, because this was not a show that had demonic possessions and flying carpets of love. I always feel embarrassed, and sad, along with trying hard not to laugh, especially the sight of "faux Billy" clambering onto the table. 

If Roger had whooped sanctimonious Nick's ass, I would be more of a cheerleader for the whole thing...

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It's hilarious to me. In large part due to the blocking in which virtually everyone impotently howls up at Roger from the ground floor beneath the stairs, just heckling him. It's like an episode of Jerry Springer when the audience yells back and forth with the latest guest. And then anyone who tries to occasionally get up there gets beat, and then a baby shows up....

Edited by Vee
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The main failing of the scene is the recasts - Roger had no real history with this Mindy or Alex, so when he essentially calls Mindy a good roll in the hay, you don't remember his history with her, as you can't see California Doll in the role. The same for Alex, even if Beverlee probably would have been very loud and out of control as well by that point.

The baby was his grandson (I can't remember if he knew), which was probably the most interesting part. 

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Pretty much the same thing I summed up as well about the recasts. If Bev and JC were around and if we had a stronger Mindy be it Krista or Kimberly (but definitely not Ann Hamilton) the scene would have been a lot more powerful. Plus wasn’t Mindy on a date with the ill fated Patrick Cutter (and not Nick) anyways? 

I can’t recall when Roger learned about Peter but it definitely wasn’t until 1994 and he stayed out of the custody battle between Vanessa and Bridget before theta agreed to share custody.

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I just can't see anyone coming off well in that setpiece, no matter which actors were in play. (Though I'll admit I can't see Beverlee McKinsey standing down there screaming up at him ineffectually.) They all howl and shriek at Roger from below a small set of stairs they could easily walk up and it turns into a complete rager. It's some of Marj's worst work but everyone acts a fool. Right down to Roger yelling about preferring 'a toothless street whore!' to Alex. It's just hysterical.

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You said it earlier, Vee, and now I can't not see it -- the sequence really does play like a fancy dress episode of The Jerry Springer Show. I keep expecting Roger to shout out "You don't know me!" or "How do ya like me now?!" or "Whateva, whateva, I do what I want!"

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What’s interesting is Y&R had done something similar with Victor earlier that year that year leading up to Victor’s “death” but unlike the GL scene it was all private affairs i.e. Jack and Victor’s fight, Victor’s final confrontations with Nikki, Ashley, and Victoria. 

A lot of soaps made an effort to make a splashy effort for big public reveals and scandals, but sometimes it became so cliched that it becomes embarrassing. @Vee @DRW50 Those 1993 scenes do still remind me of the hilariously over the top 1995 trial of Janet from Another Planet on AMC.

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