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Guiding Light discussion thread

Paul Raven

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I have a Douglas Marland question:


In 1983, during his Loving Days he wrote a story about Jack Forbes, a young man who had been adopted by a rich family as a baby, falling for a fragile blonde girl who was being mollested by her father while her mother was too weak to deal with it.


During the same time GL had Phillip in the same story with Beth Raines and her stepfather Bradley while Pamela K. Long was in charge.


Do you think he planned to do GL story before leaving in 1982 and that they next regime liked the idea?


Didn't the Bradley Raines actor also play Angel's father on the same ATWT story when Marland was in charge?

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Yes, he was on both shows. 


I don't know if Marland would have had any input on the Beth and Philip story. He did write Jarod Ross' Philip out so they were obviously planning on aging him, but I think the rest was probably Long's idea.

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My poor Roger! That bastard, Billy Lewis! 


Also, Holly should've punched Eve in her damn throat at the beginning of the clip; however, I never knew why Holly chased after Ed (at least Peter Simon's Ed) for the longest. He was so meek and bland, and she needed a man with fire ... my beloved Roger for instance! 


But watching this clip is so sad b/c it'd be one of the last great years the show would have. About 2 years later, the show would take a dip that they couldn't recover from even though I enjoyed the show till about 2004. 

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All I could ever think about when watching that was Marj Dusay's overacting and the hilarious scene of Dylan walking across a table. This was around the time I'd heavily reduced my viewing as it no longer felt like the GL I loved.

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Who would everyone say was their favorite non Roger love interest for Holly?  And who would everyone say was their favorite non Holly love interest for Roger?


In terms of story...id say Ross and holly were decent together...though in terms of chemistry...i did like Holly with that ex convict...that got cut short.


For me...I liked Roger with sonni...especially since Sonni and Blake were clashing a lot.  It was a shame that got cut short.

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I'd say Jenna was my favorite non Holly pairing. 


I loved the story when Jenna was going after the Spauldings and Chamberlains b/c she believed they stole her father's idea about some machine and supposedly made a fortune with Roger coaching it all. I loved how the 2 grifters in Springfield were paired together to wreak havoc on everyone. I also enjoyed during that time that we saw Jenna gradually become an honorary Chamberlain as she built a bond with Vanessa and Henry. I hate how Vanessa didn't have any ties to Coop when he was brought back seeing how close she was to Jenna. Just shows how Vanessa should've been so central to the show in the last 7-8 years of the show. 


It was also fun watching Roger be with Jenna, but still being unable to get Holly out of his system. Though it was all so wrong, it was so right. They just couldn't escape each other.

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Question, Ed has not slept with Lillian yet has he? If so, I get where Maureen is coming from, but I seriously never got why she was so intimidated by Holly. 


Bridget and Kat are such a joy to watch. Finally, teens that I actually care about and are interested in watching. But Bridget is so hot in the ass (as we say in the South); she is such a little terror but I love it. Much like Kat, I thought she was gonna get vulgar when she started going on about Elvis but was surprised she didn't. I do have to commend Bridget though as she at least owns her trashiness. 


When Gilly ripped into Kat, I hollered. She ate Kat for breakfast and lunch. Amelia Marshall's presence on daytime is so missed. 


I am eager to see the upcoming spar between Roger and Holly as it'll be heated and full of sexual tension. 

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Holly was always the one person that got under Mo's skin. I think that's partly why Mo had that great connection with Roger and could often see the best in him when no one else wanted to - they were both outsiders looking in on the tight (but mostly platonic) bond that Holly and Ed were always going to share. 

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