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AMC: The Moving/Not Moving Thread

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I hope Alicia Minshew stays as Kendall. From her interview in the latest ABC SID, I think she will. Thorsten Kaye, I predict, goes back to ONE LIFE as Patrick Thornhart. If Minshew stays as Kendall, I look for a major soap vet to be re-cast as Zach. I hope Jill Larson stays as Opal too (and for that matter put back on contract), but I do have a feeling that she may decide to stay in New York since she's known for appearing in plays off and on Broadway. If she does leave, I think AMC will bring back original Opal Dorothy Lyman, who's lived on the West Coast thanks to her other career as a director and during her years on MAMA's FAMILY as Naomi Harper. Lyman also has said that she wouldn't mind going back to AMC as Opal, but only if Jill Larson left.

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I think Alicia will stay too. I remember when she first got this role as Kendall she said in an interview that she struggled for a while to get recognized as an actress so I'm sure she doesn't take this job for granted. I just need a break from her though. Please put her on the back burner for a while.

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I am disappointed to hear that Alisha Minshew is likely to make the move to LA. I can only hope that she has a loooong maternity leave. I really hope that Zach is not re-cast. Kill him off and find Kendall a new love interest.

I would be surprised if TK decides to leave AMC. He must make more money than his wife and he already took a pay cut, can they really afford to lose his extra income. There is no way that OLTL can afford to pay him as much. Its budget is reported to be quite small. OLTL would likely have to fired several supporting actors to make room for him. Also, OLTL's canvas is full of leading men who dominate the airtime. Is there even room for TK there?

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Tell it to Eden "I'm too good to work for $47" Riegel. I would not be surprised if Minshew did take this job for granted. Plenty of them seem to until they're hit in the face with the reality that this is as good as it gets. A full-time job as an actor is nothing to ditch unless you have something promising on the horizon. Also, she'll be on maternity leave when the show relocates, so who knows what she'll do. My mother went on what was intended to be several weeks of maternity leave, but things changed at the last minute. I was 2 weeks early so she wound up leaving earlier than planned and then several weeks in she felt like she really wanted to stay home for that first year. Who knows how she might feel about not only moving her career but also packing up her 2 month old away from what support system I'm sure has already in place awaiting this baby's arrival. This is all speculation, of course. I just know if it were me, I'd be a little hesitant to just hop right into leaving my friends and family with two huge changes in my life, both career and personal.

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Don't hate the player. Hate the game. LOL!

As far as TK and AM, I suspect when all is said and done, they'll both make the move. The West coast is simply the better option for each of them. Hopefully they'll each be able to work out a favorable timetable. AM can get a nice cushy maternity leave and TK can bring his family with him.

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A poster on SoapCentral said that she went to the ABC studios today and met TK and AM. She asked AM if she was making the move to L.A. AM said, "no" and then quickly added, "well I don't know yet." I'm taking the poster's account at face value and it makes me think that AM is not making the move or at least not for awhile. We'll see.

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Maybe she'll eventually make the move, but right now I'm sure her baby is the primary concern. If she continues working on the show, her family will be split apart with her husband and his business in NY, while she and the baby and a nanny in LA. That's a tough situation. Anyway, no offense to her, but I need a break from Kendall.

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I'm expecting AM not to join AMC on the West coast. TK is iffy. I can see him going, and I can see him opting to stay in NY to be with his family. I'm sure the execs at OLTL would welcome Patrick Thornhart back to LLanview (I wouldn't though).

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I agree with R. Sinclair, this really isn't a good time for AM to be commuting, let alone moving cross-country. Even if she hadn't just given birth, I'm sure her husband wants to stay in NY to keep an eye on his business, it's a tough situation and a bi-coastal marriage (complete with newborn) seems particularly impossible when a soap star without the luxury of hiatuses is involved.

Maybe Alicia needs to hop over to Llanview as our new Kelly Cramer. :P

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