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AMC: The Moving/Not Moving Thread

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I agree with you on this. It's getting... well, too much, to say the very least.

It's all good, but this thing is getting out of control, in my opinion. I got chewed out in Monday's AMC thread because I commented on how ridiculous it is that now people are reading subtext into the deliveries actors are giving their lines in episodes. Erica's Kenya speech was being turned into a hidden message of Susan Lucci saying goodbye to the viewers since she won't be moving to Los Angeles -- even though the episode was taped before the cast even found out the show was relocating.

I just think that it gets to a point where it's not just rumor or speculation, but some kind of personal willing things to happen. It's rather subversive. People've been predicting the death of AMC without Susan Lucci or David Canary and are hoping they won't move so they can be proven right. It's really... odd!

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Is it your spidey sense or do you have inside info you care not to share? :unsure:

Like someone else pointed out, some of these actors are probably trying to negotiate a few things, such as commuting costs, etc. ABC's going to try to make sure they still come out ahead though otherwise there would be not\ point in moving.

Personally, I can't take all this waiting anymore. I'm predicting some sort of press release on Tuesday. That's what my spidey sense is telling me.

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It's truly my Spidey sense based on past career experience. I have absolutely NO inside info. If I did I would share it with you (privately) because I know how crazymaking this is for you and I've been there. :)

Personally I think the news will come a lot later than Tuesday. JMO, but there are probably quite a few negotiations taking place. ABC would prefer to announce that SuLu, DC and their other big talent (whoever they consider that to be) will be moving west and they won't make an announcement until they have good news to share. Better to wait a month and announce that Susan Lucci is staying with the show than announce she's leaving now.

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I can't believe that Susan Lucci will leave AMC before her 40th anniversary next year. I am sure ABC and La Lucci would want to celebrate that momentous occasion. That is the kind of news that will hit the AP and be in all the major newspapers which will benefit both parties. The NY Times likely do an article on that celebration.

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I found this video on the Access Hollywood site. There's some soundbites from La Lucci and Cameron Mathison regarding the move to LA. Lucci says that she's having multiple discussions. Cameron pretty much dodged the question. If anything, these two are the Queen and King of pc remarks and spin. :lol: Ryanica. :wub:


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I used to live 10 blocks north, a couple of avenues west of the Mathisons. I've seen their home profiled on Martha Stewart (she did a paint color makeover, redoing the walls in a more pleasing shade) and that "One Day With" show with Wally Kurth. I really like the interior. Who knows, they may end up loving CA more than NY, but if AMC should G-d forbid not survive long after this move, I would be REALLY upset to have lost that piece of Manhattan real estate.

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I would be pissed also. I don't think Pasadena is all that special. At least as a resident, he'll get priority ticketing at the Rose Bowl. :lol: But really, being where the studios are located, there aren't a lot of choices of where to live, unless you want to fight mad traffic. I could see some of the actors getting a downtown loft. But downtown LA is a complete 180 from Manhattan.

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Wanna see, what's inside?:


My friend lived in Alhambra, which neighbors Pasadena. Definitely a suburban feel, I spent some time there on their little strip, Cheesecake Factory and whatnot. I really kind of admire the housing/working situation CM had in Manhattan, he could zip down to Lincoln Square in his vintage Mustang, and zip back up to his gorgeous brownstone in Harlem... no bridges to cross, single family home with plenty of space for a kid, nice.

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