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Another World

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Part of the problem was that either the writing or the performing (or both) failed to give Reginald any real depth of emotion. He spent so much time lying to people that when he told Mary and Scott he loved them it felt only like he wanted to control them and when he spent a lot of time with Victoria it seemed to be just to spite Michael.

The only unselfish thing I remember Reginald ever doing was the dramatic moment when the Vince impostor he had hired to pretend to attempt to murder him threw his knife just when Victoria stepped in the way, and Reginald instinctively moved to protect her (and wound up, ironically, being injured himself . . . which suited his dastardly plan to frame Vince anyway). Part of the point was obviously supposed to be that despite it all he actually loved Victoria and didn't want her hurt -- but it just wasn't properly integrated into his character or into his interactions with Michael and Donna. They could have done so much more to show that his feelings for the few people he did supposedly love were real in his way.



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I think I've made this point before, but there was never a time when the audience was able to see what attracted Mary to Reg.  He was so instantly threatening that it never made sense why Mary stayed with him for so long, but there must have been something that kept together for so many years.  In fact, I wonder of Mary was with Reginald longer than she was married to Vince?

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I can't recall if I ever asked this before, but does anyone know the story behind Linda Elstad's writing for AW? Around January 1984, Soap Opera Digest ran an article about Elstad being appointed the new head writer of AW. The article even featured Elstad previewing one of her stories. It was about Donna Love trying to join a men-only club in what seemed to be a story about equality. When the writing team changed that spring, it wasn't Linda Elstad who was head writer but Richard Culliton. And Elstad was part of his writing team. Has anyone ever heard of an explanation for the change?

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I think we were supposed to believe that Reginald was capable of concealing his true self and appeared to Mary as charming and refined. He kept her comfortably in their hacienda in Paraguay and neither she nor Scott knew that he was an international criminal and homewrecker.

I think we have tried to puzzle out the timeline before and it's hazy. If Cheryl was a baby when Mary left then we have to assume it's been at least 15 years. I think Mary and Vince were supposed to have started their family young, but I don't think it was clear how much older Kathleen and MJ were supposed to be (and whichever of the two was supposed to be the eldest at a given point in time). You would have to have a 12-year gap between the oldest and the youngest (not impossible, 29 vs 17 in 1986) or the McKinnons not starting their family right away to match the 15 years with the Vulture. 

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I know right? VW was nominated Twice but never won, what's a real shame, She played the role superbly for entire 27 years, and i can't think of a year i got to check out that she didn't give at least one emmy worthy performance, at least of a Nomination

But Now To Business:

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So 1. Unfortunately Episode #4090 is missing but overall is a great Binge-Watch, Also the quality is pretty good for such old episodes

2. I'm so amused at so many familiar faces in those eps several great actors who found their signature roles i other Soaps

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