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I don't think the character was around for very long (he wasn’t involved when Nancy, grieving Perry, started doing drugs) but I remember finding Hunt interesting and wondering if they were setting up a romance with Thomasina. 


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Ironically, as I recall, he was used in the "designer drug" storyline.  The teen group of Nancy, Perry, Thomasina, and Carter were all involved in selling and buying what were referred to as designer drugs, like ecstasy.  It was pretty typical soap drug plotting, an evil syndicate was manufacturing the drugs, an innocent kid was lured into selling the drugs, a smarmy kid was using peer pressure to get others to take the drug, and an ingenue became hooked after a single snort.  The talking points in the soap press at the time was about how it was au currant to discuss designer drugs, which at the time were not yet illegal because they were derived from over the counter medications.  The usual scare tactics were used to frighten the audience into staying away from these party drugs for fear that they, or their children, would fall prey to life a debauchery (apparently, Mr Sedgwick  did not learn that lesson).  Although, to be fair I may have completely confused him with Nancy's boyfriend Greg.

As a coda, I was thinking about how many of us feel that Nancy was a missed story opportunity and her exit was poorly planned.  However, strategically, if you think about that period of the show, because she wasn't SORASed at the same time as Sally, she was younger than her, but older than Marley.  So, once those characters became leads, there was really no peer group for Nancy.  Sally was already playing the reformed rebel teen who transformed into a heroine, and Marley was the innocent virgin, so Nancy becomes redundant, regardless of her potential.

Edited by j swift
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The character of Hunter Bradshaw appeared on AW in the Fall of 1984.   Donna Love thought he was an appropriate suitor for Marley because his family had money.  Donna did not approve of Marley dating Ben McKinnon.  Ben and Carter Todd were Hunter's rivals on the high school football team.  Hunter also had a drinking problem, driving drunk and crashing his car into Mac and Rachel's car.  By 1985, the character was off the show, and Jake McKinnon would appear in February 1985.

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I thought Nancy got involved with drugs after Perry's death and leading up to her relationship with Dr. Chris Chapin. I also suspect she was written out to make room for Amanda as the young ingenue of the Cory family.  Both Sally and Marley were written out in 1986.  Nancy was front and centre until her exit in 1987.

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I don't think AW knew what to do with Nancy. Which was a shame. Since she was an interesting character. She had bits of Ada and Rachel in her personality. While still being very much her own person. Plus a legacy to boot. I wish AW hadn't killed Perry. Or written Chris out. I think those decisions ended up hurting Nancy. And the Sin Stalker constant failed murder attempts got boring after awhile.

Edited by victoria foxton
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You are right, but I can't imagine soap opera writers not knowing what to do with Rachel's two sisters!  Neither Nancy nor Pam ever returned to the show (Nancy just a couple of guest appearances).   Even in later years, when AW was struggling to keep the 50-ish Rachel relevant, the writers did not think to bring back one (or both) of her sisters?  Or Rachel's trouble-making father, Gerald Davis?  And what about Sam and Lahoma??   The idiots in charge seemed to have completely forgotten Rachel's working-class roots, and her relatives who could (and should have) come out of the woodwork to get a little of that Cory money.    

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That's my recollection too -- in the summer of 1985, Nancy started taking Ecstasy after Perry's death and Chris Chapin helped her get off drugs. The synopses on the Another World Home Page discuss Nancy buying and taking drugs, but not selling them. Carter and Thomasina were dealing with the drama of her pregnancy at that time and I believe Carter was involving in unwittingly running drugs for a dealer. Hunter Bradshaw, who was involved with Ben and Marley, was long gone by that time.



But they did plan to bring back Rachel's sister Pammy Davis. It was sometime around 1988. There were reports in Soap Opera Digest at that time about the show casting the role. There were a lot of stories in Soap Opera Digest at that time about characters that never made it to air: for example, Pammy, Jason Frame's two daughters, a model named Bliss.

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