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I’m sure this has been posted before, but Linda and Alicia together were just special. I find myself mesmerized by the scenes I rediscover (or many cases, see for the first time) on YouTube.


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Yes they definitely had mother/ daughter chemistry together.   Below are more scenes from the alcoholism storyline.  Alicia Coppola should have earned a younger actress Emmy nomination for the death of Lucas and the fallout in the alcoholism storyline.  Linda Dano justifiably thanked Stephen Schnetzer, Vicky Wyndham, Alicia Coppola, and Alla Korot in her Emmy speech for helping her win the Emmy.   All of them brought their best to the alcoholism storyline.  Makes me wonder if Vicky Wyndham could have received a supporting actress Emmy nomination and/or win for her work in the alcoholism storyline if they would have placed her in that category?  Her work as Rachel was worthy of recognition during the storyline as well.   The alcoholism storyline was occurring right at the time when Constance Ford became to ill to appear on the show anymore shortly before she passed away.  I imagine TPTB would have included Ada in scenes with Felicia as well confronting her about her drinking.  


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Linda said they placed her on the backburner for a year or so after she won the Emmy. At the time, she credited JFP for "bringing Felicia back to life."


Though the story was HATED by fans, Linda, John, and Anna loved the Felicia/John/Sharlene story (which obviously won Anna the Supporting actress Emmy). 

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The storylines TPTB gave Felicia were definitely mediocre compared to the alcoholism storyline.   First, Felicia shot and killed Lorna's rapist, Kyle Barkley, in self-defense.  It also didn't help that Alicia Coppola left the show during this time and was replaced by Robin Christopher who looked nothing like Coppola.  Coppola looked enough like Linda Dano that they could have been real-life mother and daughter.  Christopher was a good actress, but not suited for the role of Lorna.


Next, TPTB hired Randy Brooks to be Felicia's editor, Marshall Kramer, at Cory Publishing.  I'm not sure who got cold feet on pairing Felicia with Marshall.  Was it P&G, NBC, or both?  Was America not ready to see an African-American man paired with a white woman on TV in 1994?    Dano and Brooks were both likeable and charismatic enough to make storyline work. Once TPTB got cold feet on a romantic pairing, they saddled Felicia and Marshall with the Misery copycat storyline involving Walter Trask.   I would have much rather seen the Felicia/ Marshall storyline play out then watch the Felicia/ John/ Sharlene play out the next year.  I think fans disliked the storyline because Felicia was portrayed as a desperate "other woman" trying to steal John away from Sharlene.  That was so out of character for Felicia.

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While I think all the actors brought their A game to the story, I agree that I didn't like seeing Felicia in "the other woman" role. She was too big of a personality for that. And, then they put John and Felicia together for a millisecond before breaking them up. 

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According to Lemay's book,  (I know that you have to take everything he said with a grain of salt) it appeared there were multiple factors as to why AW declined so much around that time. He, personally, was getting tired of it, his pet project (Lovers and Friends/For Richer or Poorer) was a flop, NBC/P&G kept making more demands for plot and younger characters, which wasn't Lemay's style, and that was also when GH just exploded. On top of all that, his daughter got sick at the same time too.


Some idiot at NBC or P&G thought expanding the show to 90 minutes was a good idea. But even if all of these elements weren't in play, that still would've been a bad idea. And the ratings for AW clearly showed that.


I'm pretty sure that he wasn't supposed to write for Texas though.



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At ninety minutes per episode, that's SEVEN AND A HALF HOURS of drama that you'd have to write, produce and direct every week.  No team could keep up that kind of schedule and survive.

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