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I remember Lucas and Felicia...and I felt sorry for Iris playing second fiddle because I think she truly cared for Lucas.  And I liked that the show remembered iris and Lucas dating when Iris arranged for his former girls to come to the wake.


When watching the soap, I always observed the show seemed happier to write for Vicki than for Marley...which is a shame since Marley had a lot of potential from a psychological point of view.  Unlike Vicki, Marley grew up around Donna..but believed she was her sister and not her mother.  Donna had to hold herself back from being a mother to Marley, so I could have seen Donna being motherly to Vicki, but unable to truly be close to Marley in that way...causing resentment from Marley.  They always played up Vicki's resentment at not being raised by donna..but I always thought Marley had it worse.  If Harding lemay had been rehired in the mid 80s...I think he would have explored all that...instead of doing the good twin/bad twin thing.

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Agreed, because no matter what timeline exists, Donna left Marley in European boarding schools long after Reginald was gone from Bay City, and kept her there while she was a mother figure to Perry during her time with Carl in Paris.


To me, Vicky and Marley were more like split personalities than twins.  Like Viki and Nikki on OLTL, Vicky was the bolder, angrier side of Marley.  By the end of the series, after her time as a damsel in distress, they merged so that Vicky became very Marley-esque.  If we just ignore that Marley came back, burnt her face, and became a horror, then my interpretation works.


Also, @Xanthe does John being in the picture that made Donna go mad fit with his entry into Bay City?  I recall Rhonda Lewin's Vicky was there when he was introduced and she was inappropriately flirtatious until she found out that he was her uncle when Donna confronted them on John's boat.  While, John may not have recognized his now grown niece, wouldn't he know that they were twins if he posed with them in a picture?  I know its a kerfuffle but, I would be eager to hear anyone's remembrance of if these two events fit into the cannon once the triplets were re-written into twins and their uncle.


Edited by j swift
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Based on what I see in the synopses and character guide on the Another World Home Page, Donna saw the photo and went mad in November 1986. She came home from the hospital in February 1987. Donna couldn't remember what had been in the photo but for some reason she and Michael and Nicole knew that a photo had triggered her illness and spent a lot of time trying to find it or help Donna remember what had been in it. (That's why she started seeing Dr Glaser.) In March 1987 we found out that John Michael had had a younger brother, John, who was missing and presumed dead in Vietnam. Someone had sent a photograph to Michael's mother that appeared to be John alive in the present day, so Michael (followed by Donna) and Mitch (who invited Felicia to meet up with them) went looking for John. They found him in April 1987 and around the same time Dr Glaser helped Donna remember that John had raped her and that the mystery photo had been of John and the infants Marley and Victoria.


Rhonda Lewin played Victoria from Jake and Marley's wedding until the end of 1986. There was no Victoria in Bay City when John was brought in in April 1987. Vicky was brought home, played by Anne Heche, in July 1987, and introduced to John in the Love Mansion, so there wasn't really any opportunity for her to flirt with him unknowingly. Peter stoked her suspicion of John and Donna for months and she disliked John for Michael's sake.


The triplets were never canon. The photo was "mysterious" because the audience hadn't seen it and Donna couldn't remember it. I seem to recall reading that they were planning on doing the triplet story until they cast Philece Sampler and decided that she seemed too young to be Scott's mother (or indeed Marley and Victoria's mother, which perhaps should have influenced them to cast an actress with a more appropriate age?) and changed it to the John story. Of course Clara and John didn't quite fit with the info Marley found when she had first gone looking for the Garrison family and found out that Michael had changed his name to Hudson.


I have no memory of Nicole wanting to go to medical school. I remember Anne Howard's Nicole being a fashion designer. I don't remember if Lauri Landry's version was supposed to be doing any type of work (either modeling or design) but I have a dim recollection that she sang. Based on the synopses she didn't seem to have any type of storyline of her own -- just support for things either Jamie or Michael were doing. I wonder if she talked about med school with the Doctor version of Jamie Frame (Laurence Lau).


I also don't remember any details of Reginald not being Donna and Nicole's father. There wasn't any follow up to find out who their father really was (unless it was supposed to be Jason?), so it might just have been a mind game (he loved psychologically abusing all of his children) or a way to excuse his infidelity and treatment of their mother. IIRC they showed photos of Elizabeth Love using Anne Howard as a model, but I remember very little of Nicole's relationship with Reginald.

Edited by Xanthe
corrected reference from John to Michael
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So after reading this thread I've been watching a lot of AW clips. Never got a chance to watch this show when it was on.


I'm blown away by Lorna (Alicia Coppola, I haven't seen Robin Christopher yet) and Felicia's relationship. They have amazing chemistry and the story is so well told.


Question, I looked up Felicia's other daughter Jenna and saw that she left in 1993 and never came back. Was she ever mentioned again?


Also when Lorna was revealed Felicia's daughter there were a lot of references to their resemblance, was this brought up again when she was recast? Because RC is a pale redhead and looks nothing like Dano.

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I just read a recap from 2001 about Donna Love agreeing to be a nanny for Vicky's twins.




Not only is Donna one of the worst choices as a nanny in Bay City, but in what universe would Donna Love Hutchins Hudson allow herself to be anyone's household staff?

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She did try to cook John dinner one night shortly after Sharlene "passed away".. and it ended up a disaster.. and one Thanksgiving, she thought the Thanksgiving turkey would cook faster so she put it up to 500 degrees

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  So she did try a few times, and proved to be inept

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I rewatched the start of Jake comes to Oakdale (ATWT)


I forgot that when Vicky agreed to move with him those scenes were still shot on the AW sets (Vicky's house) but Donna got cancer so Vicky stayed with her


Anyone know why Jensen didnt want a contract at ATWT to continue Vicky Full-Time

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@watson71 I watched her scene on YT today.  It was astounding when she spoke off camera how much she sounded so much like Beverly.  The look was off, she came across more like Mac's sister than his daughter, but the voice was on point.  Also, I like this period of complicated-Mac, more than avuncular-Mac; he was a real bear.  We discussed how difficult it is for writers to create intimate stories for older women, Mac was one of the rare cases of a complicated older man who wasn't a villain.


Also, the Cory mansion looked huge.  I don't know if it was lighting or the lack of the perspective into the entry hall in the later years but the house lost some its grandeur when everyone was subjugated to the living room.

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I've been watching clips around this time too again. Felicia's alcoholism should be the gold standard as to how writers in all mediums of TV should address alcoholism with Linda Dano being the teacher for all actors. The relationship between Felicia and Lorna is tested a lot, and I LOVE AC/LD in scenes together. Just magical watching those 2 play off each other.

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Well, they are her grandchildren.  I think we all know people who change after having children or grandchildren.  Yes she was a socialite.  However, her grandchildren mean the world to her so that is so such a believable theory.  

I know many don't like Shelly;s work on AW but I thought she was more convincing as a replacement than Carmen Duncan and as noted she seemed like Macs sister than daughter but the irony was she is younger than Bev Mckinsey .  I remember when Shelly was temping for Mckinsey and thought she looks so old.  Of course I was also in 4th grade.  She tapped into Bev's behavior time to time while playing the role that i give her credit for.  She even used a pencil to on the push phone to make calls like Bev did.  The only clips of Shelly as Iris do not share that video.  I wish they had mentioned Shellys work on AW in her obit

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Thanks for posting.


This was a few months into Margaret DePriest's stint.


Sure, it wasn't perfect but she had set up a good family structure with the Loves and McKinnons. Any older viewers tuning in would probably only recognize Rachel and Ada.

Part of this revamp should have included returning the Matthews to some prominence as they did later on.

Unfortunately, most of these characters were gone in a couplee of years and the show had to rebuild again

Quinn, Maisie, Cheryl, Scott, Nancy, MJ etc all had heaps of story ahead of them but were dropped for other new characters

Not the way to build viewer loyalty.

PS The Cory set looked way more lavish than its replacement.All it needed was some redecorating. I wonder why it was dropped? Maybe took up too much space in the studio?

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