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Y&R: Week of April 20, 2009

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Not to mention, scene after pathetic scene w/ Lily "crying" over her loss.

No, I think, we're better off with Cane remaining alive.

Him being a Chancellor, OTOH...? That's another story.

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Wow - Karen finally got to do something...as she left the show. Just sad, so sad that they've invested so much in Tyra, when the game was always at Mama Karen's table! It'd be great to see her on another show.

Why does Billy love Mac so much? She's not sexy, interesting or anything really. She's certainly no match for Chloe. Chloe and Mac have ZERO enemy-chemistry. Speaking of Chloe, does Chloe, the suffering mother, do it for you all? Cause she seems dilluted and whiny now.

Cane's big change of heart wasn't very believable. Not sure if it was the writing or the acting, but seemed far-fetched.

Gosh - Jill is vamping it up and i love every second of it. Long live Jess Walton! It looks like they're passing Gloria's torch of Cheif-Schemer back to where it belongs...

Here's my Adam theory. Didn't he ask the forger to get him some dermatology supplies or something like that? I think he purposefully used those creams to make himself go temporarily blind to get out of jail. Now, he's going to try his damndest to break up Ashley and Victor. Hopefully he'll get back at Jack too, but MJ's gonna fry him anyway.

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From Nelson Branco's Ra(n)tings, dated today:

Today is soap fan ambassador Tom Casiello’s highly anticipated Y&R debut, and it’s stellar (we’re a day ahead in Canada). You soapers don’t want to miss it. Why? The Emmy-winning scribe miraculously makes the Winters entertaining — no joke — and pens Nia Peeples (Karen) the shining moment she’s been craving since she started acting. It’s simply a standout show, and proves sometimes not being able to write what you want — hello, Days of our Lives — inspires a writer on a new soap to pull out his pen and spill his hot, delicious ink all over the page. And, like Hogan Sheffer, that’s just what Casiello did — and then some.

If you're reading this, Tom, my advice to you would be to, well, change your phone number and address. Yesterday.


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Today was the first time I watched Nia in a long time. She was outstanding. What a perfect send-off. It's too bad that she wasn't given this type of material and depth before. (That's probably because she was supposed to be off 13 weeks ago -- except for contract snafu.) I'm glad Karen is gone, but I'm really happy with the execution. This is why I watch soaps!

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Highly anticipated? Miraculously? A standout show? I'm like one of Casiello's biggest fans but even I have to say COME ON!! LOL I guess Nelson's called "The Straw" for a reason.

Anyway, I thought the episode was pretty good! Especially the scenes with Neil/Karen. First, Neil standing up in court and talking about Ana; after the hearing ends, Neil walks back into the courtroom and sees Karen’s wedding ring on the table; the huge Karen/Neil fight (how she accused him of using her to get over his dead wife) which ended with Karen slapping Neil! Both KSJ and Nia were wonderful in this ep.

Ashly/Jill bantering was pretty funny. The Jack/Adam scene was good too. Jack calling Adam out on his blindness, accusing him of using a disability.

And then the montage at the end with the last shot of Neil holding the ring in his hand and looking down at it. Good stuff.

I'm so glad this Ana story is over. It was pretty boring.

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