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Favorite Lines of Dialogue Ever!

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Oooh, everybody's posted such good ones, I had to dig deep to find some of my favorites as well, from assorted daytime and nighttime shows.

Erica Kane: This is Adam, my ex-husband.

Adam Chandler: One of many. I'm third from the end...at least I think so...I haven't seen Erica for a couple of days.

Alexis Carrington (talking about Sammy Jo, who she barely knows at this point): That...little niece of Krystle's...I'd say she was a tramp, wouldn't you?"

Abby Cunningham (to Val about Gary): I'm not saying that we're having an affair. And I'm not saying we're not. I am saying I can have him any time I want him.

(Val promptly squeals out an "Oh!")

Syd Andrews (about Michael): I'd rather drink bleach than touch that man's briefs!

Tyra Collette (to Lyla, who she sees on the side of the road with her broken car): Hey, you cheating, cheerleading bitch! Want a ride!?

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I have really enjoyed a lot of lines of dialogue on various soaps over the years, here are some of my favorite.

From Adam Chandler after he had his panic attack:

Angie- "Adam, I think that the episode that you had today, and the one that you had in Tad's car, were panic attacks." .....

Adam- "I'm Adam Chandler. Have we met? I don't have panic attacks. I do not have -- I give other people panic attacks. And right now, I'm having a ticked-off-at-the-moment attack, because I've been all afternoon in this damned hospital, and I've been poked and prodded, and people telling me that I'm behaving like a woman with the vapors."

I also liked it when Adam called Tad a "homo rejectus".

David Vickers on OLTL has had quite a few good lines as well:

His response to Marty when she went to visit him while he was in prison and asked him about Spencer Truman's murder, and told him she believed he was innocent.

David Vickers-"Okay you got me. I'm innocent. I just like hanging around here to play hopscotch with other men. That's not prison slang for something. We actually play hopscotch out in the prison yard."

Victor to Victoria on Y&R after she slapped him. "You feel better now? Because that is the last time you will ever slap your father again. You got that?!"

Here is a couple of more quotes that I liked. I don't remember them word, for word, but I will paraphrase them as best as I can:

Nikki to Victor referring to Zapato:

Nikki- "You care about that dog more than you care about me".

Victor-""The dog has the good sense not to bite the hand that feeds it."

Monica after Luke had stolen one of the Quatermaines expensive cars and taken off.

"Well, he always did have champagne tastes on a beer budget.

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Janet to Carly: So stay away bitch! And for good this time!!


Pam to J.R. "You KNOW who, dammit! The pilot that you hired to lead me on that wild goose chase."

JR to Lucy: commenting on her choice of men:

"Lost another one, did you sugar? I gotta hand it to you, you sure know how to pick 'em - A pansy, a crook and an up-and-coming pauper!"

Sue Ellen: "Tell me JR, which slut will you be staying with tonight?"

JR: "What difference does it make? Whoever it is, she has to be more interesting than the slut I'm looking at now."

Cally Ewing: Golly, you're nothing like what J.R said. He said you were a hopeless drunk who cheated on him and neglected his child.

Sue Ellen : [to J.R] And what Junior High School did you get this one from?

Sue Ellen to Mandy Winger: I'm cutting you off you viper. Came back to help me? You came back to help yourself to my husband!!

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Vanessa: "Oh God you poor, pathetic thing, really. I am loved. Even worshipped. And you have no idea who I am or what emotions I'm capable of producing in a man."

Opal: "You mean like fear & loathing & revulsion?"

Vanessa: "Oh this big talk from a woman who's absolutely terrified she's ending her age of desirability."

Opal: "Are you talking about me?"

Vanessa: "Come on Opal! We both know what it's like being you. You're a bad joke. Overly made up, too many bangles & bobbles & beads, and all this clanging attracts, well, amazement. You'd kill to walk in my shoes."

Opal: "Oh guess again Vanessa. I wouldn't walk across the room in your sensible pumps."

Vanessa: "Oh well. These are classics as am I. And, you know Opal if you should choose to open your big hog calling mouth & tell anyone I will bring you down & destroy your entire family as well. "

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Speaking of Nikki,

Victor! Victor! Victor! Victoorrr! Don't Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Don't Goooooo! *sobs*



rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Oh God, what am I supposed to do now?! What am I gonna do noooowwwww?! Ooooooooooooooooooh Victor! *drunkly sobs in the rain*

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Knots Landing

Abby to Jill- "Let the 2nd Mrs Ewing give the soon to be 3rd Mrs Ewing a friendly warning. The 1st Mrs Ewing doesn't go away. Ever."

"Poor Val"

General Hospital-

Stone "I see you- Oh Robin, I see you"

Felicia- "Not Barbara Jean. Not Barbara Jean's heart?"

Guiding Light

Alexandra, about Roger- "No charges were filed. How many times has that phrase been linked to your name?"

Alexandra- "I'm Ravenous"

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