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When I was in school, and bullies were handing me my ass everyday, Mama Khan would say, "Kids pick on you, because they know they will get a response from you.  If you would ignore them, they'd go away eventually."


I wonder whether a similiar approach would work on Donald Trump.


I'm not saying we should allow him, as President, to commit acts that would step on our civil rights or put our national security at risk.  In those instances, yes, resist at all costs.


However, if we weren't to react to each new and ridiculous statement Trump makes, either on Twitter or elsewhere, then maybe he would get tired of shouting into the void; and then he, like most bullies, would go away.  Or at least stop tweeting every stupid thought that wanders into his brain.


It's worth a try, no?

Edited by Khan
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The fact is that as a person with a global view, I don't even have to focus or pay attention to Trump but when I look at the fact that Francois Fillion in France has become a serious contender in France, it becomes impossible to ignore or diminish the right-ward trend that is happening worldwide and the fact that what has happened in Great Britain and the U.S. has emboldened that shift.


I see what you're sayin @Khan but I also think that people need time to express themselves, gird themselves, prepare and move on with life.  I don't watch cable news and these days even on the way to just checking e-mail, I see headline after headline, most of which I avoid. I'm still processing this and when you're calculating how an unhinged man taking the highest office in the land will affect you, it's kind of difficult to put it out of your mind and push past it.

I'm guessing that in time, we'll all adjust to the new (bizarre) reality.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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My dad taught me at an early age to defend myself, saying "you may not win the fight...but you can put something on them to make sure they won't [!@#$%^&*] with you again." Trump is about to find this out. this has been the worst transition in this nation's history....NO ONE on that team has one clue what they are doing, and many in DC and people nationwide are about to put something on him that will make sure he will never [!@#$%^&*] with us again. impeachment is on it's way. 

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These events seem to trigger, if not a domino effect, a chain reaction, of sorts.


You have the post-election strengthening of Putin, that has increased influence over the Syrian government (which has stepped up its bombing campaign).

Now Turkey is talking openly about aligning itself to Russia, and has dropped its role in the pretense of ever joining the EU. (they were in talks for about a decade,although realistically, it was unlikely that they would have become a full member).  Turkey, that had agreed to step up its border control, now threatens to release refugees into Europe, unleashing anew the problems that overwhelmed parts of Europe over the summer and parts of last year- including Greece that was flooded with refugees on their way to the U.K., Germany and Scandanavia.

Russia is also trying to oblige Eastern European countries to undo their ties to NATO, especially those border countries that are currently hosting NATO satellite and missile shield operations. Countries like Poland, which have been bolstering their armies for years out of concern for Russian interference, will probably have a lot of company now that many of the Baltic countries are now complaining of renewed efforts to interfere in their politics.


It's very fascinating to see how these events shape up.



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I agree.


Also, The President of the United States cannot simply be ignored.  As individuals we can check out, lord knows I've been trying and failing to do that, but he is not just going to go away. If anything we have to be vigilant and do what little is within our power to resist. Trump isn't some little playground bully, he's about to be (arguably) the most powerful man in the world. Ignoring him isn't going to change that, if anything it will enable him and his cadre of psychopaths.

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It may seem like I read Trump news items daily but after two weeks, I really don't anymore. I am kind of exhausted of it unless something really compelling comes up and on the weekend, I read a long-form article.


I do get irritated when I see headlines from newspapers discussing conflicts of interests that his businesses will present and I wonder where the heck was this investigative journalism during the GOP primaries or the start of the general election?  Instead, it was exhaustive coverage of Hillary's e-mails.


The media is trying to deflect criticism of their lopsided coverage by focusing on fake news as if their laser like focus on Hillary's e-mails, the DNC leak and lack of due diligence on all the Trump red flags, including his business conflicts wasn't part of the problem. It was.

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Olivia Nuzzi from the Daily Beast, whose work I usually like, got in a very pissy, nasty fight on social media today with half the Internet (including Joy Reid and Oliver Willis), claiming the media did its job and that the only reason Trump won was because Hillary was "a fatally flawed candidate", that it's all Democrats to blame.


The one thing most of the mainstream media are sure of is that they did their job and are totally not at fault - and they viciously circle their wagons to attack any other journalists or media, of which there are many, who are calling them on the carpet. They want to blame everyone else, but the truth is they were fatally unprepared for dealing with a candidate who has no compunction about lying a thousand times a day. They are so hidebound and obsessed with 'balance' and 'both sides' gamesmanship that they had no idea how to factor in Trump. And as Willis and others have said, they had one extreme standard for Hillary while treating Trump with casual derision and much less seriousness, even to the end, because they thought nothing they did (or didn't do) would matter and that he wasn't worth giving the same weight.

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Big ass baby (Trump that is). 


The chicken has come home to roost as he's clearly in over his head. Funny that he now feels the need to rely on the man (Obama) he stayed slandering and calling inept for 8 years. 


If Trump doesn't wanna take the job, step down. Now is the time to do so before electoral college votes are cast. 

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