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Nah, it was to Penny's biological mother, who had made Willona look like she and her new bf (whom Ms. Gordon had hired to romance Willona) were hosting the mother of all drag parties, in order to regain custody of her daughter.


(Damn, writer Michael G. Moye should've worked on the soaps, lol.)

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I'm sure Trump wishes he had gotten ahold of the tape before Lev Parnas and his attorney had leaked it to the press. 

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Meanwhile, do we know whether NPR's Mary Louise Kelly was alone in that room with Mike Pompeo?  Because, if she was, then I think she took a HUGE risk.  I would not put it past him (or anyone else from the Trump administration) to have attacked and/or molested a woman if given the opportunity.





Yet, if you were to ask me what day of the week it is, or whether *I* could find Ukraine on a map, I would come up less than short.

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Gurl.  I quote that All. The. Time.


Seriously, Michael G. Moye would have been wonderful a script writer for the soaps.  He wrote so many good, dramatic, theatrical episodes for GT and "The Jeffersons."

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LINK to John Bolton NY Times story: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/26/us/politics/trump-bolton-book-ukraine.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage

Link: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/26/us/politics/john-bolton-trump-book-takeaways.html


Okay so NY Times had an advance of John Bolton's book and the information was stunning as expected. Now that we know WH had the transcript and have been sitting on it, it explains why they want to rush through the trial before this info came out. In the end I don't think anything will stop Trump, but I do think Pelosi was smart to delay everything the way she has. It's enabled these things to come out at the right time and had she sent the impeachment articles over in December we probably wouldn't have known any of this until after the Senate trial. 


The media is of course going crazy saying that this is the smoking gun we need and that now Bolton HAS to testify. The thing is, the smoking guns are already there. I do agree this is explosive and 100% proves their case, but even if he testifies the republicans will NOT turn on Trump. The only positive is that the information is out there for voters that are smart, but you can't convince me republicans will suddenly have a change of heart and do the rigth thing.

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The lefties who sat home or spite voted have no idea how they screwed themselves by letting McConnell stack the judiciary. I had some Berner tell me today on Twitter that I was just a fossil who will be dead in 20 years and I thought, "Your stupid ass will be living with this for the next 50 then your kids will too." 

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The "DNC is rigged against Bernie!11!" propaganda also started up yesterday. It's strange as many would say that Bernie's chances of winning the primary have improved in the last month, but his team are behaving more and more like they don't think he has a shot.

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It's just what you (or someone else) said: the Berners are so enamored with their outsider/underdog status that, in a way, they don't want their guy to be the nominee.  That way, if/when Bernie's shut out again, they can do again what they did in 2016: sit home on election day, vote third party or vote for Trump out of spite.


Berners are truly, truly happy to watch as the Republicans burn this country to the very ground.

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