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Once upon a time, Bill Clinton made a very good point: "it's the economy, stupid."  You want to reach working-class voters?  You talk about the things that matter most to them: jobs, and the economy.  He tried to get Hillary's team to see that and re-tailor their message to WWC voters with that in mind, but they refused.  And now, look where we are.

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IA, Chris.  NBC needed to start smaller with Megyn.  As it is, her sudden high profile on the network without any sort of "audition period" for NBC viewers (which, I agree, are a different kettle of fish than those who watch Fox News), not to mention the controversies her show has engendered since its premiere, might turn away people who DO watch NBC and NBC News.  IMO, that's a risk NO network could afford these days as audiences across the board continue to shrink.


As for Brian Williams...look, I'm not saying I can't stand the guy.  I actually think he's pretty funny, in a dry, deadpan sort of way.  I'm just saying that his credibility as a journalist is shot and will remain shot no matter how long he remains in "the business" or how high his friend, Andy Lack, raises his profile at MSNBC.


IMO, what Brian SHOULD have done after leaving "NBC Nightly News" was reinvent himself as an entertainer.  By most accounts, his appearances on "30 Rock," SNL and "Late Night with Conan O'Brien" were well-received.  Moreover, according to one rumor, before his big implosion at NBC News, Brian was growing uncomfortable with being in Tom Brokaw's shadow and seeking his own late-night show, a la Letterman.  If I had been Lack, I would have steered him in that direction, perhaps starting with a "Daily Show"-esque program on MSNBC, and then going from there. 


I am SO glad I have my new iPhone.

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He should save his money. I don't know what all they own but Time itself hasn't been of much worth in ages. I wrote it off when they had a very dangerous article about gay teenagers that was wrapped in "progress" while underneath it was clearly propaganda. The man who wrote it went on to become a big ex-gay activist.

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You know, I miss the days when the Enquirer's big story was Jackie O's wild sex romp with an extraterrestrial alien.


But seriously, good read.

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Meanwhile Scott Pruitt, the EPA's new head is undoing environmental protections and regulations with alarming efficiency including reversing a ban on a pesticide known to cause nerve damage in children.


Come to think of it, I'm not sure most American care about this either since there has been so little pushback by the public on these environmental rollbacks.

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How awful. I hadn't heard about that. 




No one cares if it doesn't affect them. They will pretend they care, to feel good about themselves, but that only lasts so long. Look at Flint, which only gets in the news now because Steve Harvey decided to make an ugly joke. 


People who have a voice don't care about anything anymore aside from bigots who want to make life hell for everyone who doesn't look and act like them and big business who want to make sure they keep rolling in dough. There are people out there who are fighting, but they have no power. And the average person at home just isn't bothered. 


That's why the Russia stuff has become a burden, because it's catnip for a media that has nothing but contempt and disdain for America as it is. They now have even less reason to report on what's happening to us, or to the world, because they can pretend they're big brave types back in the Cold War days. It's sexy for them. It's fun. They can talk about Russia, and they can whine because Trump sees them as the worthless, sycophantic failures they are, and their job is done. They were more upset over their beloved Mika because she is like them - a self-important, right wing sycophant and useless waste of airtime. So they can tut-tut over that, while the actual policies being made by this administration around the country and the world that hurt women far more than a millionairess being called out for a bad facelift  will continue to be ignored. And these hacks will continue to pat themselves on the back for being a "voice for honesty" or "truth" and for having higher ratings and circulation numbers.


The media doesn't need us. They need Trump. And deep down they probably still love him, because he makes them feel relevant, even though they aren't and never really will be again.

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Maybe people are paying attention to the wrong media because I will say this-- PBS did some very thorough investigative work on both candidates during the Presidential election campaign season but I get the distinct feeling that, unless it's Downton Abbey, people don't care about what much of public television has to offer.


Frontline is an excellent program that goes in-depth but I wonder whether people have the attention span to watch their episodes.


ETA: PBS is not as daring or avant-garde as they once were, in terms of arts programming-unfortunately, but they still manage to have a few stalwarts that consistently do programming well. Their news reporting is easily some the best you will see on television.

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The GOP didn't do much to help their own case toward being taken seriously during the Obama years when they also screeched about Michelle Obama's arms, the length of Sasha and Malia's skirts and that Obama having had the "audacity" to wear a tan suit on Easter Sunday.


You have to pick and choose your battles but Americans, including the media should be able to focus on more than one newsworthy topic at a time.

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People didn't care about Watergate until they did. The last couple of months of Nixon's presidency. The best thing about the Russian investigation has been Mueller who's so far been quietly doing his job while Anderson Cooper and his panels of crazies still scream endlessly.


The problem is the cynicism of America and the 24 hour news cycle. Frankly I don't understand the penchant for the news networks. It's not news anymore it's 24 hours a day of listening to a bunch of so called "journalists" telling viewers how they feel. And I think the print media would likely be a while lot better if not for the ratings based so called television journalism.


Yes PBS did good work as did Al Jazeera and even the BBC reporting on news here. What I find amazing is do people think the combined viewership of maybe 10 million TV viewers is who we depend on? Its not them it's their obvious influence over so called "serious" journalism and social media that's been the biggest sin. And that applies to conservatives and liberals. And it appeals to the stupidity and cynicism of many Americans today.


Americans have been paying attention to healthcare. I can't say the media is ignoring it, but people are still protesting, calling in record numbers, and it has been getting media coverage. The local media outlets are paying attention for those who think the screamers at the national level are not. Watching local news here in Chicago - a liberal area - there is never any coverage of Russia but plenty on local protests, rally's, of our GOP reps, our lousy Governor and their ignorance and inaction. Heck Crains Chicago which is still half reputable and a right leaning publication has been going after the GOP reps from our state and our Governor for months now.

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