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I do.  I even see it in this healthcare bill.  Sure, he isn't murdering the disabled, but he's making it a lot more likely that they'll die.  I can't get over how despicable it is, although I think Paul Ryan is even more responsible in this case. We all know he's just been waiting for his chance to bleed the poor, old and disabled. 

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It's pretty much just their party apparatus as a whole. Trump's not going to say or do anything they listen to, even if he probably agrees with them about contempt for the poor. He's just a pen signing a bill, if he can remember how to write. They can just do what they want based on their longstanding views. Some of them hate most of America. Many of them simply don't care. Some of them have zealous plans to crush those they deem lazy and unworthy and ungodly so that they will either take inspiring life lessons from having nothing but a space on the sidewalk, or they want to weed out those they see as weak. Others don't see people in the first place and just see tax cuts for their rich donors and friends. The one thing they agree on is that if a lot of people die, even millions, it just doesn't matter. Even these "moderate" senators are only worried about their own state because of their own careers, not anyone else anywhere else.


Thanks to this election we're getting the full truth - they just don't care. They only care when they can make it actively worse. The media doesn't care - they are still too busy talking about Russia and talking about Democrats in disarray and talking about how Sean Spicer isn't their friend and making up "winners" and "losers" lists. Even many on the left likely don't care, as I've seen more talk about purity contests than about the health care bill at some places this week - the same navel-gazing nothingness as always. 


Most people just don't care what happens to those affected by this bill. They don't care now. They won't care when it passes. They won't care when people die. It doesn't matter to them, ever. Maybe they're lucky enough to not be affected by it, or not to know anyone who will be affected by it. I envy them. I envy that level of sociopathy, because clearly that's what it takes to get by now. 

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Ryan and McConnell are 2 of the biggest "takers" out there based on their own definitions. Ryan got Social Security benefits for years because his father died and got his college education paid for by the government. In his mind, he's a lazy taker and should pay for that. McConnell had polio as a child and got help from the government to see him through it. I DEMAND they pay all that back plus the interest over all those years. Those 2 lazy takers need to be booted out. Ryan has never had a real job in his entire career. He needs to quit sucking money off the government.

Edited by JaneAusten
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We know that the Trump administration has 0 integrity, plagiarizes and steals ideas and takes credit for other people's work.

Here's another example:



So, congressional investigators want to know whether the Trump campaign obtained information from hacked databases but will they actually investigate and how thorough will they be?


Investigators probe whether Trump associates got info from hacked voter databases



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Between the Boeing jobs, Ford announcing that rather than moving those jobs to Mexico(remember how Trump crowed over that) they are going to China,  And now the Carrier jobs. Remember all those jobs he supposedly saved 1100 jobs and more.. Lie. Carrier who was supposed to take that money given to them from Indiana and invest in workers, used that money to increase improvements in their plants not in their people.




Oh and please the thousands of retail jobs leaving each month, as if somehow those jobs don't matter.

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I hate the bastard, but the government didn't pay, it was FDR and March of Dimes:



Mitch McConnell has been relentlessly working to roll back Medicaid and deprive millions of Americans of government-sponsored healthcare coverage for eight years now.

But if it weren’t for the government, McConnell wouldn’t be able to walk at all. 

Young Mitch came down with a terrible case of polio as a child in Alabama. “My mother was, of course, like many mothers of young polio victims, perplexed about what to do, anxious about whether I would be disabled for the rest of my life” he admitted in a 2005 interview.

But luckily for him, his mother took him 50 miles to the Warm Springs, where President Roosevelt won his own battle with polio and established a polio treatment center that was paid for by the public.

President Roosevelt asked the people of America to send in dimes to the White House as part of his “March of the Dimes” foundation. Over two and a half million dimes were mailed in, and they paid for Mitch’s physical therapy and treatment.

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IKR? I'm [!@#$%^&*] exhausted. Between Castile and GA6 and Trumpcare and FirePelosi and Bill Cosby, I'm just worn the hell out. That's apart from my work and family stuff.


Quitting's not an option but napping looks pretty good right about now.

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