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Yep. There has been cruelty perpetrated on many communities over the past 50 years plus, that a tarnished veneer has been brushed over.  Of all the things that stand out to me was the reaction to AIDS in this country and how the Birther lie was perpetrated by the press and mainstream media.  People should not be shocked at what we are seeing now. It's been there all along.

Edited by JaneAusten
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It's not really about "shock" as much as realization.

Silly on my part, clearly, but I wanted to believe there was a thin reason to hope there would eventually be some kind of positive change after all the people who died for that to happen...even up to this year, people risking their lives in a pandemic to stand in line all day and vote. And the party they did that for is led by people who are sitting on a yacht and telling them to go to hell. So yes, I was not really expecting that particular gift, which is not a mistake I will make again. 

Edited by DRW50
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I tend to agree, but at this point I think saying people are likely fed up of Manchin and Sinema is like saying the sky is blue. I just want to know if those Democratic senators who are supposedly upset with him will stop partying on his yacht.

In other not so shocking news...


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I'm not sure who to believe here. I don't really trust either of them. Considering Merrick Garland's lackadaisal DOJ run thus far, I'm tempted to believe Wilson, but we'll see. Either way it already seems to be more  of the same posturing.

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