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trump of all people HATES the COVID bill. he said people should get 2,000 and couples 4,000 plus more for each child, and tld McConnell to strip out all of the pork he and republicans put in it. you know you are lower than whale dung when DONALD TRUMP makes you look bad with a TINY bit of sense. 

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Can't say that I trust Trump, who has a penchant for saying one thing on one day, then reversing himself days later.

Although I was surprised by some of the items that made it into the bill, I have to see exactly what specific items he is referring to when he mentions "pork".

That being said, the $600 individual payment is unconscionable.



Also, I wonder whether his pronouncement (after basically sitting on his as$ during this entire process) may be a diversion meant to draw attention away from these pardons.


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I'm not sure Trump would want to distract from the pardons...they seem like something he'd be happy to spotlight. 


This feels like a win-win for Trump - he can pretend he's a populist, make McConnell look bad, and then go along anyway, after he has already gotten plaudits for a lot of nothing. 


I'll be happy to be wrong, but I can't see McConnell going along with this tantrum. Either Trump will sign, or the veto will stand and zero relief will be passed, with the media and the GOP and various leftists blaming Pelosi. 

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He seems to be mixing up what is in the Covid bill with what is in the omnibus bill. Twitter is going nutty about the foreign aid they thought was in the Covid bill, but like Trump they made a mistake and can't be told otherwise. It's one thing for those of us in the peanut gallery not to know ( I certainly wouldn't have), but the President himself and some of these reporters? Unreal.

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Happy to spotlight that he pardoned people responsible for killing 17 people, including two children?? How disgusting! In any case, Pat Robertson, of all people seem more than ready to see the back of Trump and likely already has his 2024 pick and it is not Trump, which makes me wonder whether the evangelicals will follow suit. 


I definitely think there is a power struggle between the Russian asset and Moscow Mitch, but it looks more like Trump is more in a "burn it all down" mode and Mitch, who advocated recognizing Biden's election victory and moving on is in Don the Con's cross hairs. Pelosi looks like a bystander in all this. Also, Nancy's no fool, she won't stand idly by and be labeled by the foolishness of these men.


Which is why I said, in my post last night, not to trust Trump, who has been known to make grand pronouncements, only to have to retract them, usually out of ignorance for what is actually possible and what his limits are. I personally would benefit greatly from a 2K check but I am going to need the word of someone who actually reads even a fraction of what is in those bills, and it ain't Trump.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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GOP water-carrier Jake Sherman's thread (click through) on this is instructive - I can't stand him but he has a good feel for these things, generally:



Like him, I can't see the Dems getting the $2K checks right now despite them seizing on it when Trump mentions it - Schumer, Pelosi, AOC, etc. all said 'sure, let's do it!' But I doubt that can happen atm. What can happen is the GOP can lose Georgia over this because Trump is purely and simply out for revenge against McConnell and co.


Another thread:



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This is likely also why !@#$%^&*] Carlson is now using his show to help spread ugly lies about Raphael Warnock. 


I'd like to believe this will make a difference in Georgia, but Democrats haven't won a runoff there in decades. It's going to be tough. So if Trump doesn't sign the bill it basically just means we're going to get nothing, and then if Republicans keep the Senate, they won't bother with even the $600. And of course their flunkies who run so much of the leftist space now, like David Sirota, Matt Stoller, Krystal Ball and Jimmy Dore, will make sure most of the blame goes to Biden and Pelosi, as they are already doing. This is why so many desperately jumped on the "Biden told Pelosi to take $600...they could've had more!!!" train. They knew what was coming. They know much of the left just wants more red meat against the Democrats. And that's what this will end up being about, rather than McConnell not letting the money through.


McConnell is so poisonous because he always manages to find success through the moral decay and depravity of so many in this country on both the left and the right. 

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