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I'm sure it isn't to them - I'm talking more about Congress and social media, where this all just ends up going around in circles and people end up feeling demoralized and defeated over a complicated and stalled out narrative (as also happened with impeachment and Mueller).


Sure enough, the whole thing is already being spun as a "win" for Trump in the media. 

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I'm not down, per se (although I appreciate the kindness) as much as resigned to what we're probably getting 4 more years of, but I just feel like the more that the tail-chasing narratives are cleared out and we have a direct contrast to Trump's policies, the more it will refine the message and prevent media bias from dominating. 

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I guess the media is going to push a Trump comeback narrative (again) over his preferred candidates prevailing in primaries today (pity the Texans who will now have his drunken doctor for a Congressman) and because it will help distract from the flop sweat (his rambling speech today; Ivanka hawking Goya beans like Joan Crawford in the old supermarket promotional film, Don Jr using his teenage brother to try to score a cheap shot against Biden after the right wing and his prostitute mother went on and on about never bringing him up) - Politico ran a strange story gushing about how his commuting Roger Stone had been a win for him because the base was fired up and no one else in the party could criticize.


Whatever happens with the seat in November, I'm glad that Sessions was humiliated by Trump for years and then lost resoundingly. He is a proud racist and all around bigot who sold his soul and paid the price. 


And here is another dumbass. Gotta love that liberal voter fraud:



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Anywho, to news that really matters.

This is typical of the Trump administration's 'helter-skelter' frenetic style (if you can call it that) of governing. Full of bombast on an issue, causes panic and uproar before trying to quietly backtrack once the affected entities decide to fight back.  Trump and his cohort are bullies who, in reality, fear a challenge.  When is someone going to tell him how ridiculous he looks?


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Ivanka with those Goya beans has to be one of the most surreal things I have ever seen.  I'm hoping we are at maximum crazy and things will start to calm down.  I don't know how we can go on like this, but I've been saying that for nearly four years.

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