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ICAM.  Some want him to address these protests publicly, and I'm like, "FFS, WHY??."


They think things are bad now?  I guarantee it'll get 1000x worse the minute he opens his fat, orange mouth!

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I remember when everybody (well, almost everybody) worked overtime downplaying and debunking that story: "It wasn't a real KKK rally!  It wasn't the same Fred Trump!  The police mistook him for a KKK member!"  No one wanted to believe Donald Trump's father, whom he both feared and idolized more than life itself, was a card-carrying racist, because that would have meant admitting that there was a chance that Donald Trump was a racist as well.  EVEN THOUGH there was proof that father AND son, as slumlords, had employed housing practices that were discriminatory against POC.




Forgive me, I'm just venting.  It's been a long day.



Also from Mr. Rather's Twitter: "So, is antifa part of Obamagate?  Just trying to keep up."


Who knew Dan Rather could slay, right? 

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Tear gas was used on the crowd so this f-u-c-k-i-n-g piece of s-h-i-t could preen for his base. The reporters also saw that abuse. So I doubt it.


If anything? Don just poured more gas on the fire that is the rage and anger of this nation and beyond. I am seriously scared that this country will not MAKE IT to November to vote this puke out.

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