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I still remember when people attacked Chelsea for her looks, calling her "Dogface" among other niceties.  I'm telling you, the Clintons have never had a moment's peace.

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John McCain made an awful joke about Chelsea when she was a CHILD at a fundraising event during Clinton's presidency. It was also wrapped in ugly homophobia.


"Do you know why Chelsea Clinton is so ugly? Because Janet Reno is her father"


Some can say whatever they want without blowback from the press. And then you have the leftist idiots on twitter who know nothing about the 1990's other than listening to the extreme left tell them how everything is the Clinton's fault.


The worst part of all of this is that it take attention away from where it should be which is on the massacre and especially the innocent victims.


This is a great thread.


Edited by JaneAusten
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That's what irritates me the most about all of this. Someone said "...what we're not going to do, is make this all about a white woman's fragility!" If these women hadn't come at Chelsea Clinton, guess what...this entire discussion of defending her would be nil and non-existent!  Why take time away from a vigil to try to hash out your beef with another attendee?  Why not save it for another time?  Why not invite someone like Chelsea Clinton to another townhall to discuss Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia and their corrosive effects? 

This entire incident was unnecessary, through and through.  Have some regard for the value of the lives lost and the lives that still hang in the balance because of this act of terrorism.  

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I now understand that the woman who confronted Chelsea was wearing a Bernie Sanders T-shirt.  Well, that explains everything.


Sadly, I now realize that America has become so desensitized to carnage, especially carnage wrought by gun violence that there is no longer any genuine recognition of the dead and the victims of mass gun violence.  It's just straight to which campaign can best capitalize from verbal spats.  No respect for the dead and dying or even those who cling to life to try to recover as best as they can from tragedy.  Not much thought going into the cause and effects of these heinous acts.  Just more feuding.

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Stunting and attention-whoring is all that some people care about. The woman who berated Chelsea Clinton takes the cake - I saw her tweets today pouting because the boy in Australia who egged a white supremacist politician is  a hero and she's a villain. Never mind that many of the same people who hate her likely hate him, she just needs to make herself a martyr. That's what all of this is about. That's why her friend was hitting people up for money right after they posted the video. 


It's such breathtakingly callous and cynical manipulation of real grievances. So many people who are far more concerned with this woman than with the actual victims. "A grieving young brown girl," not a grown woman who was grieving so hard she hit people up for cash. 


I think my favorite was someone who was going on about "white blue checks" desperately trying to defend a white woman...even though they were also a "blue check" (verified) and were showing a gif from Avengers Age of Ultron, a movie with a white cast, made by white people, earning billions for a studio and company run by white people. 


Bernie Sanders and those close to him seem to be attention-seeking grifters with a very, very narrow view of the world, a huge martyrdom complex, and they seem to be very proud of that. I can see why he attracts this type of supporter. And these types of supporters are more than happy to ruthlessly exploit terrorist attacks, racism, and xenophobia in order to get clicks, retweets, and money in their pockets. 


These types of people are just as giddy over the massacre in Christchurch as Trump supporters are.  I'm at the point where I'm not going to lie to myself that Bernie supporters and Trump supporters are any different. I want nothing to do with any of them, ever, and I never will.


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The right loves that we do this, which is why they get in on the ground floor defending Chelsea. Folks see Don Jr. on side A or B and react blindly. That's how you end up with grifters like Shaun King trying to see which way the wind is blowing before picking these lazy sides, saying he is still 'processing' the Chelsea situation. It's all games. And meanwhile, no one remembers that this all started because Ilhan Omar can't stop talking like an antisemite.

Edited by Vee
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Most New Zealanders likely no nothing about Ilhan Omar, nor do they care, I suspect.  Why does U.S politics affect everything, even who gets to grieve about events on the other side of the world?


This reminds me of my time as a New Yorker during 9/11 when most of the country, outside of NYC was already war-mongering while people inside Manhattan were still mourning and struggling to find a way to cope.  Less than 20 years later, first responders are being cut off from healthcare with nary a word from anyone, except John Stewart.  It's all leaving such a bitter taste in my mouth.  People talked and used tragedy to make political and real world war but very few actually cared to the people who suffered that day and the days afterward.  

It's just striking that people have become even more coarse and desensitized to mass killing since then.  


Silvio Berlusconi has been untouchable in Italy for well over a decade.  I'm dubious that something significant will come of this but one can always hope.


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I know what you mean. I think it's easier to feud than to stop and really look this in the face.  49 people dead in their house of worship. All they were doing was trying to pray peacefully.  A three year old boy among the dead.  And God alone knows who is watching the video right now and being radicalized to commit a copy cat act.

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I wonder how survivors and family members manage to go on in these situations?  One of the most enraging aspects is that there can be no true justice.  One person took 50 lives that he had no right to even touch. Nothing can balances those scales.  I guess next up are the Alex Jones types to tell us it was all a hoax. It's maddening.

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Unfortunately, Rush Limbaugh got there already.  Yesterday, against my better judgement, I decided to see why Limbaugh was trending.  Apparently, he is trying to float the conspiracy theory that the mosques shootings are part of some leftist plot to get people to blame right-wingers.  How this man could keep any kind of following is beyond me, he is truly disgusting.

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