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Female empowerment is NOT using sexual assault allegations to torpedo someone you disagree with politically. Is that the new standard? Destroy someone with a decades-old claim you’ve magically decided to stop “repressing” before a major committee vote? Shameful.

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My god y’all are brainwashed.


Everyone jumping to Ellison’s defense because there is no proof and shaming his accuser are “feminists.”


i am being demonized for pointing out there is no proof against Kavanaugh.


and the “theatrics” I was referring to isn’t the accusation, it was the democrats’ conduct during the hearings.


get a grip, y’all. 

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Take your own advice, I say. And at least Kavanaugh got a hearing, even with the so-called Dem "theatrics" (of exposing GOP BS of "confidential" documents that weren't, but I digress!). Does Merrick Garland ring a bell? How about the GOP "theatrics" there?


As for no proof about Kavanaugh being a wanna-be rapist, let's see what the hearing unfolds.

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Ellison can be voted out and replaced by the people of Minnesota, a Supreme Court justice CANNOT.  Supreme Court Justice is a lifetime appointment.  One single Supreme Court Justice can tip the balance and therefore change federal laws (for a generation, at least). 

Any fool knows this.

You are making false equivalencies.

You get a grip and stop being basic.

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Theatrics. Hmmm.  Where were you with the criticism of theatrics when Merrick Garland didn't even get a hearing and that the GOP is breaking their own rule with this confirmation? I'll wait to hear your response to that, which I don't expect. Man some of you out there just love infantilizing white men. How about you go over to youtube and watch the theatrics republicans including Orrin Hatch(who yesterday just called Dr. Ford "messed up and crazy") conducted in the Anita Hill hearings if you want to see real theatrics.


I also have to ask wasn't it the GOP who went "crazy" with Elena Kagan's records. 97% of her records were released I don't recall your comments about the showboating by the GOP. But when the democrats demand the same treatment for Kavanaugh(only 13% of his records have been released) they are accused of theatrics. Interesting.


You know I was all for Al Franken being asked to resign, John Conyers also, until I saw the opposing side come out against these men but not give a crap about anyone on their end. Blake Fahrenthold sat in congress for a year before he resigned and didn't pay back the taxpayer funded sexual harassment settlements while he was serving in congress which he promised to. Where was the GOP demanding that he live up to his word. T So spare me the outrage on Ellison. Ellison should get due process, his accuser should release the evidence she has. And Kavanaugh is getting a hearing. And for sexual assault . So spare me your so called "outrage".


Enjoy the entire GOP WHITE MALE DAIS questioning a woman. It worked out so well with Anita Hill.



I see Lindsay Graham is also prepping himself to go after Dr. Ford.  I'm sure she's being prepped for it but these white men who many continue to infantilize(especially those in congress who get free passes) never learn.  https://popular.info/p/the-smear-campaign-against-christine-blasey-ford


Edited by JaneAusten
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For sure, she'll get roasted, but even her ordeal won't be as jaw-dropping or cringeworthy as how they treated the very black Anita Hill.  I mean, they did everything to Anita short of comparing her directly to the whore of Babylon.

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Let's get clear here. Nobody's jumping to Ellison's defense. This isn't about there being no proof. This is about the accuser saying she has proof and refusing to produce it. Most women don't have that option.


There's no proof about Kavanaugh because is incident happened decades ago but even then we have her therapist's notes and remarks that she's made to loved ones over the years. These two situations are not remotely comparable. I'm just trying to figure out if your insistence that they are is ignorance or trolling.


I actually think it will be worse. Back then the GOP tried to pretend they were decent people. Now they've fully embraced cruelty and deviance.

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Again, look in the mirror.  Ellison's accuser said she had evidence. Then she didn't produce it.  That produces a credibility issue. Kavanaugh's accuser hasn't done that. See the difference there? Perhaps you are too brainwashed by Fox to get it? It's becoming more obvious with each post you make that you are a time wasting troll.


You're a little better at it them some of the others that have come to this board, but that last post really tipped your hand. Try harder.




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He's been parroting the std @GOP line since his ridiculous unproven "facts" posts about healthcare, even refusing to acknowledge a study the Koch Brothers funded showed Medicare for All would save more money ultimately than the so called "great" private market. 


It's fine to believe these hearings are theatrics but it's not fine pinning theatrics on one side when the other has been the master of it and portraying themselves as victims even as they hold all branches of gvmt, for years. Rebellion is what you get when you are the minority holding the majority of gvmt and corporate power.


I'll believe Kavanaugh was some victim at the same time Trump acknowledges the Central Park 5, 15 and 16 year old black teens, who were sent to prison for a rape they ultimately were proven innocent of,  are innocent. Funny how young black teens are "adults" in the justice system but not the "educated" 17 year old wealthy white boys. Oh and now if Kavanaugh actually did commit these actions against Dr. Ford, it was "rough horseplay" not sexual assault.


I guess "rough horseplay" is the new "locker room talk"

Well Lindsey Graham finally showing his true colors again


 I mean more of this sham hearing I guess. Why have the witness testify under oath, especially considering Judge is the one who wrote the book on the heavy drinking he did(along with Kavanaugh) during their years hanging out together.

Edited by JaneAusten
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That's one of the reasons I think Marceline was right to suspect he's a troll.  When you really want to debate an issue, you counter the other persons arguments. He just ignores them and keeps on with his script.  His last couple of posts make it pretty clear to me he's just trolling us.

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