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I hope this turns into something.  In the part of rural Florida that I live in, we might as well be considered Georgia.  Don't get me wrong, I love my home and the south.  But the majority of people around here either believe the NRA is a legitimate government agency or (the more educated) know that it's a lobbyist group but still trust them more than the govment.  This could backfire on them if they ain't careful.

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Manafort's trying to hold out for a pardon, but this just turns the heat up. Even if he got it - which I highly doubt, Trump has no loyalty to anyone - NY would just file charges.


There is one other reason my dumb ass forgot: The Russians will kill him.

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Trump might not have been DIRECTLY involved in the Russian's meddling (which we all knew already); more and more, though, it's looking like what we had suspected all along -- namely, that Trump could NOT have won without SOME interference from an outside party.  And I'll bet that is just eating him alive, lol.


Oh, well.  Lie down with dogs, we all gotta go SOME time, etc.

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I hope so, too.  Like I said, I don't know whether Trump himself was personally involved, but the further up the chain Mueller goes, the more isolated (and essentially toothless) he will become.  Either way, I think we can say now, officially, that his is an illegitimate presidency.

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The hack running the FCC got an award for being a hack. You have to laugh at him saying that he will do keep doing what he's doing because he doesn't care about headlines. Headlines were ALL he cared about (beyond helping telecoms destroy the Internet and line their pockets) until he realized how hated he was. 



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