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But it points to the Trump voter mindset. They aren't FOR anything. They like him because he pisses off the "libs" and he attacks and hurts the people they hate. All they wanted was to take the White House away from the black guy. That's why they don't care that he's an utter failure. He validates their ugliness, hate, and fear. They don't want anything concrete. It's not about economics or jobs. Obama presided over 75 months of job growth and they didn't care. They voted away their own health insurance and handed the government to Goldman Sachs because they don't want anything concrete. They just want to be told that the problems in their lives are someone else's fault.




The man is utterly clueless.



Edited by marceline
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There isn't much point in talking about it as it's going to happen no matter what, but some of the judges who are getting through are so foolish and have such extreme views - it just makes me depressed even reading about it. This is why elections matter. 

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